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I am back! I have a few things to announce. First, I made some glossaries which I will be sharing in another post soon. You know, in case everyone forgot who is who and what is what in my long-ass hiatus. I am sorry.

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me without heed or notice. I really appreciate it.


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“Dream exploration…. Or some kind of memory scrying? Perhaps an out-of-body experience through the Astral Plane? Like the Naeman witches?” Thundham voiced his conjectures.

It was only the two of them in the room. Cyra and Bromwyn had gone to put the kids to bed. Dofnald accompanied his wife to one of the manna-riogh’s nearby.

Although the Siaglas couple were concerned, the leaders assured them that nothing would go wrong. They should focus on their own training. Eluned was halfway through to Earthen already. While this was far slower than a prodigy like Agwyn’s speed, it was impressive enough for a former servant, regardless of the employed special elixirs.

The faster the woman could ascend the realms, the better it would be for Elrhain’s status, too. The same would be for the main house since such progression will validate Thundham and Bromwyn’s choice of heir consort.

Thundham sipped the boiled pulp water from a coconut shell container. He refuted his own claim after reflecting for a minute. “The latter isn’t likely. Their sleeping chamber is enclosed in formations that detect intrusions or excursions of beings from the Astral Plane. Grand Shamanka, what did the Naeman witch say?”

Lilian looked out of the window as she crossed her arms and placed her index finger on her lips, tapping, “Alorakana has a theory. It pertains to memory reading, like you guessed. In her accounts, something similar had happened to a witch and wizard of her clan many cycles ago.”


“As in, revelations of unknown knowledge in the form of dreams. Her guess is persuasive, in my opinion. What if an old Beyonder monster in death’s door actually wanted to occupy one of the two kids’ bodies? According to Alorakana, the Beyonder would most likely perish in the process no matter how powerful it was before.”
Thundham asked with a raised brow, “Because of their Tethered Totemic Souls?”

Lilian nodded, the moonlight shining on her face revealing mirth. “The Beyonder was probably gravely injured or only had its soul remaining if it even considered stealing another’s body. If this assumption is accurate, then too bad that it had to choose Gwyn or Rhain. Imagine the Beyonder’s shock when it saw its soul being ripped apart in two directions the moment it carried out its last folly.

Besides, such a Beyonder would have travelled to many discs in life, as most Beyonders do searching for new paths to power. Like elder brother Lightlaonn, your eldest uncle.

With this hostile Beyonder’s soul now fatally rendered apart, it wouldn’t be strange to leave behind a vault of lifeless memories for the kids to explore.”

It was as if the air had frozen over. Thundham noticed it immediately and covered his weary face with a palm, apologizing.

“Don’t take it too hard. It is just one speculation without any evidence. Even if it’s true, I didn’t notice it either, so the blame isn’t yours alone. And the Beyonder had received its just retribution, even leaving behind a treasure trove for both the kids and our clan. For now, we have to keep casting auguries on them regularly regardless of cost, so no remnant souls or foreign influence can remain hidden.”

“I will leave that to you.”

Lilian smiled, thudding the stone floor with her staff. “You, on the other hand, need to deal with the whole fishing pole situation fast. I’d reckon it won’t be two days before the whole Siorrakty flips upside down. Most nobles aren’t as dumb as they look, either. They should know whose feet they really have to kiss come tomorrow. Ahaha.”

This time, it was Thundham who looked out of the window with an exasperated face.


“Grand Elder!” The door of the Grand Hall flung wide with a peppy young maiden bouncing in, her heart-shaped face filled with a million other emotions Elrhain had no mind to even pretend to care about.

He had bigger problems. Like Agwyn, who, for some reason, had the sudden inspiration to do his hair today during their weekly quality time with grandpa.

Elrhain realized, bone combs could also be a torture tool!

“What is it, Reanakt Saphur? And…. Caelusius, Ursan, Logison, Olbert, and the rest of you.”

The peppy young maiden was no longer smiling today. There seemed to be a shadow of uncertainty on her Grecian nose. “I apologize for the abrupt intrusion. There is something we would like to request the main house.”

“…. Is it about the fishing pole?” Thundham sighed.

Saphur, and everyone else standing behind her, nodded vehemently, “Please grant us permission to make use of this secret technique, my lord!”

“S-secret technique?” Elrhain asked with one eyebrow twitching. He then stated with indignation, “A fishing pole is no such thing! Also, couldn’t you just ask the Haragol people to teach you? There is nothing secret about it.”

Saphur shook her head. “How could we? Us Earthloch nobles are many things, but we aren’t thieves. It would dishonour our ancestors if we used such a miraculous device without the creator's express permission. The punishment for stealing techniques is harsh in our clan.”

She then bowed to the toddler, “Please grant us permission, prince Elrhain.”

Elrhain was taken aback. Thinking about it, Saphur’s words certainly made sense. Secret techniques in the clan included how to forge or refine magical artefacts and elixirs, ways to shoot mega fireballs and how to turn their own body into a self-sustaining combustion engine.

Elrhain could see how crafting a fishing pole could be incorporated into those ranks. He glanced up at Thundham, only to see the old man shrug.

“A-Alright then.” Said Elrhain.

The nobles cheered.

“But there is a price!”

Their faces turned serious.

“This is a technique that can assuage the hunger, and hence, miseries of every servant in our respective houses. We will pay any price you deem fit for such privilege.” One noble, a middle-aged man with a throat that expanded and croaked like a frog, affirmed for everyone. He was Reanakt Caelusius, and he had crooked eyes that were quite unnerving.

Elrhain just waved his hand. Behind him, Agwyn let out a frustrated groan as she failed again to keep Elrhain’s unruly hair straight.

“I made the fishing pole in the Haragol village hastily without thorough preparations. I, no, wemerely used what was available on hand. But I am confident that the design can be improved upon greatly. In return for allowing you permission, I want every noble here to work on improving that design in their own way.” Said Elrhain.

His audience cocked their heads. The bearlike Ursan, one of Sonora’s fish-loving goons, had the gal to yawn, only to be kicked in his paw-like legs by an irate Saphur.

Elrhain shook the image of a dainty fake-mermaid kicking a bear who accidentally fished her out of the ocean away from his meandering mind and continued, “We used Zakky vines for the fishing line. But in one try out of every four or five, a gheist would eat the vine itself along with the bait, and we had to repair it. Aren’t there any materials that can work out that weakness?”

Saphur answered with a thoughtful expression. “There’s the thread-like fur from the Orgabeasts. It is a common gheist spawned by one of the manna-riogh’s near my village. The threads are stronger than bones of common gheists and definitely more robust than Zakky vines.”

Caelusius added with a croak, “Also the fibre from Houal Flower stems. While rarer than Zakky vines, they will last longer with their magical aspect, which grants them resilience to being cut. The hunters of my village craft them into their armours.”

Elrhain smiled hearing these answers. “Then you should make the fishing lines using them and not blindly use Zakky vines. The shaft, hook, float, and even bait can be changed to things more competent at their tasks. Also, can alchemical refinements and magic formations play any roles like they do with your fishing boats?

The possibilities are endless. Imagine each of your villages a cycle or two from now, with your own unique shape and make of fishing poles. Heck, why even limit the fishing pole to a r-rope-stickshape?

Could you tie many fishing lines to one pole and make it work? How about simply tying the line to a tree near the lakeshore? You could also change the shape of the hook or think of which type of bait attracts which gheists and continue from there.

This is the price. Improve upon my invention, and share the results with the main house every few seasons. I say this not only for you but for all noble houses of my Siorrakty. Share what I told you with everyone as soon as you can after you go back, okay?”

There was a collective gasp. Saphur seemed to be faster in processing Elrhain’s words as she excitedly chirped, “L-Like a tournament? Is this a great bout that will span generations?”

“Could be.” Elrhain rubbed his chin. “This fishing pole is simple yet complex. There might be a secret hidden there. Why can it do the things that it can? Finding that will not only aid you folks but the whole Earthloch population in the long run. Am I clear?”

The nobles gulped, nodding in unison. They said their gratitude like nervous baby birds, then scampered out of the Grand Hall.

Elrhain could hear arguments, challenges, and counter challenges ringing from outside in their wake. Each side declared they would be the ones to create the ultimate form and master the ultimate way of the fishing polls. Followed by the bubbly yet competitive Reanakt Saphur shouting fairy tale-esque expletives that could make evil dragons blush.

The petite prince rolled his eyes, then caught Thundham looking at him incredulously.


“I have heard the phrase, killing two birds with one stone. How many birds, no, fish was that?”

Elrhain grinned, “Who knows? Maybe three, maybe a hundred. Grandpa should learn another phrase, Hook, line, and sinker!

Thundham went quiet, trying to decipher the meaning of that utterance.

“Hook your stupid-arse hair is what it is. Ellie, we need hair gel!” Agwyn snorted from behind as she threw away the bone comb across the hall in annoyance.


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