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i don't even have a sexy comment for this one i'm just gonna ramble for a bit

ougghghghghghghgh. it's certainly A Past Few Days hasn't it.

for the several days i was uploading stuff to furaffinity i wasn't drawing since it literally took too much concentration with it's slow uploads and 2 minute flood protection between uploads. but during some breaks from that i was doing bits and pieces of 3d modelling for set pieces for the POTM - since the start of this year i've been upping my background game for the POTMs and i'm proud of it, but a tend to work on more than actually gets seen with them 😭. it's easy to get lost in painting mountains! (even ones that are almost entirely obscured like the ones behind the windows in the tonraq piece lmao)

To be honest it's been a bit difficult to actually make myself work on actually drawing for it with all the confusion going on, the last thing i've wanted to do is try to figure out a good composition w/ a proper background for the POTM... but work is work! and i can't sit on my ass and play pokemon as much as i wish i could! i did this to warm up to drawing again, and as for the POTM i think i've got something now w/ all the 3d pieces in place and poses thought out - albeit not as far along as i'd like with the actual sketching phase at this time in the month 😭 wish me luck in it going smoothly! thank you all for being patient with me on this quieter month in terms of art, i still fully plan to deliver y'all the goods~




I am loving Leph, I am loving Leph, I am loving Leph And take care! You are doing what you can and you should also be able to have fun and not just be all work!


ahh i love the facial expression!! he's just adorable 🥹 absolutely love how you draw faces lately! take your time!! your works are always worth the wait :)