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The messaging system is being wonky and I noticed that messages between Jan 31 and sometime early-mid feburary is missing!

1. IF YOU HAVE REPLIED WITH YOUR SNAPCHAT AND ARE NOT YET ADDED, Bump that conversation thread in DMs (patreon messages).

2. If you have sent me a message and it's been more than 2 weeks, also bump!

There was a time when patreon messenger worked better, and I hope it goes back to that. Please do not be discouraged.  Tomorrow (technically today) I am setting aside everything else and answer as many patreon messages as I can.  I will also be filming some new content (videos for diamond tier, pictures for platinum tier) and adding snapchat.

It's gonna be lit!  I care about you guys tremendously, and every Day I pretty much work until I can't anymore to try and get everything done be it stream (www.twitch.tv/amouranth) or youtube (www.youtube.com/amouranth or www.youtube.com/amouranthasmr) or Original patreon videos and pics or just answering your messages.

Thank you all so much for your patience.  



Also, obviously more videos and pics are coming. You'll find the teasers on my instagram: www.instagram.com/amouranth Engagement on there really really helps me! So please always comment on posts, and look for my comments below the pictures for some interesting questions and to get to know me. I may start doing giveaways in the comments!


I don't take days off. And when I do it's only in preparation for something that I can't do on stream :X


❤ I appreciate the time you spend on us. Thank you for the content and reading my messages.


I appreciate you commenting and liking all my posts and being supportive always <3


Thnx for the heads up! And really looking forward to more stuff from you. Thank YOU Kait!


You are doing so much and spend so much time to give us content almost on every media out there, still you read/answer our messages here or read/answer our comments on insta/twitter. We know patreon messages (payement system too) are fucked up since mid last year, don't worry we understand


Patreon message system being scuffed isn't new, and unfortunately nothing you can really do about it. It is not much of an issue for me, unfortunately this adds more work for you like you already didn't have enough to deal with. Anyway thanks for the letting us know, I really appreciate it.


Unfortunately there's nothing to be done about pat messenger being very unreliable, utilizing another messaging platform is unrealistic with your following the size it is. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication I really appreciate all you do for us, dealing with some technical issues along the way isn't that bad from my end but I really do hope patreon fixes their shit because I know it just increases the stress/workload on you when it does this

Ben Mogz

I don't have to complain about messages .and work .... well we know that you work 90% of your time (10% sleep)


It really saddening to hear that Patreon is making things harder for you again. You already do so much for us that any tiny problem gets magnified into a far larger one. I do hope that it gets fixed quickly so you can stop worrying so much about it and you can get back to having fun and making the awesome content that you make even better. Thank you for Kait for trying as hard as you do


sorry you are going through this. This is a problem that has been going on for too long Patreon is never going to fix it. Have you thought about starting a private messaging app I dont think it's unrealistic at least for higher tiers to start, I know a lot of people join Patreon so they can send you messages, it's something to try? It doesn't bother me, one problem I see is people see this and are just going to bump there message witch justs clogs the system more, is there a way to get specific dates.


Patreon really needs to get their shit together. Besides that point, you do an amazing job with all of the content you are creating on a daily basis. I admire all that you do, hopefully things get easier on this end so you don't havery to worry about it. Much love ❤


I freshly pledged today. Sorry to hear of technical trouble, but I will know to be patient ❤️


Don't work yourself too hard, remember to take time to enjoy the good things about the career you picked as well, be it the community or fun to do projects. We know you aren't responsible for patreon's issues.


It sucks Patreon is still having issues with their messaging system there’s nothing you can really do about it to fix it. Thanks for all of your hard work and all that you do for all of us. We appreciate you. <3


I am new to pledging you and a newb to Snapchat. I look forward to seeing you on there. How do I bump a message in Patreon?


I know you’re busy and you have a gigantic following. Much respect to your efforts and much love to you my friend.


FYI for everyone I got a response from a message sent on February 8th


Awesome, and I feel very connected to the content and the community! Cheers!