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Hey guys!

I get a lot of messages/general social media feed back about stuff like "twitch program (www.twitch.tv/amouranth) being mostly dance, mario kart & ASMR is too monotonous." Or asking for more Longer/Varied videos for future patreon content.

Let me briefly explain my thinking; A lot of content creators scale back or take time off around relocation/personal life stuff but I'm trying to keep my output up for you guys.  I'm trying not to let it impact my streaming schedule, or the amount of patreon content I put out, or the amount of youtube videos/ASMR that you've grown accustomed to!

So I ask you to bear with me a little on the monotony part (snapchat, stream, etc).  There is some retooling/refitting/remodeling work needed and we're about a month out.  Additionally I'm also talking to equipment manufacturers -and there's a lot of other stuff in the air that's hanging in the balance too.  Things will get even better soon though, so your patience is appreciated.

Thank you all so much.



thanks for the update Kait! we appreciate all the hard work you put in, and I fully understand how stressful/time consuming house hunting and moving is, frankly the fact that you've managed to do so much still in terms of stream/content creation is incredible and a little monotony is minor in my book. looking forward to the shakeup when you get settled in but even without it you still always manage to put a smile on my face :)


Equipment manufacturers like computer or gym stuff? Also, do what you gatta do Kait, hope all the changes you seek come to fruition smoothly.


Don't worry about us. With everything you do and have to deal with, we can suffer a little monotony. Plus, with Twitchcon/Blizzcon coming up, we'll have plenty to keep us entertained. You focus on what you have to, we'll enjoy what we can til you're ready to do more


I know you try to keep the stream going but in a move you'll probably have to take some time off and I think you need to prepare people for that.


I'm actually surprised you're still streaming, providing patreon/YouTube content as consistent while house searching/moving out, pretty impressive, that being said, while I tune in from time to time on twitch, I would prefer more irl/armor building streams, but again, I understand that you're in the middle of moving, so I don't mind what you stream/quality of content (I'm actually enjoying YouTube and patreon content ) take your time and make sure everything is set for the big move 👍🏽


I've been one of those saying that I'm a bit bored of the actual content on twitch, but I understand that you have a lot going on so it's perfectly fine, i'm glad to hear that new stuff will happen on stream soon. You know I'm patient so no worries Kait :) I wish you the best for your move!


I don't really plan to! Which is why things are a bit "too structured" in terms of programming. I am basically doing things behind the scenes without taking time off!


I want to do more cosplay streams but it will probably happen mid sept and into blizzcon. I will try...


Maybe you shouldn’t sleep so much!!! 😴 Kidding - appreciate the heads up & keep up the good work... 😉


I m always surprised how you are able keep everything rolling despite all the stuff you are working. If it get to stressful don t be afraid to call a day off we do understand I m looking forward to the new program and in between focus on what is important Kaitlyn


thanks for the update <3

Ben Mogz

I like Asmr, Dance and MK. just that I would like a little less dance, for me 6 hours of dance is a little boring, but I appreciate everything you do in your different platforms, and stuff Irl


Thanks for the update. The asmr and dancing do last for hours, but I enjoy it. And appreciate all the hard work you put into everything. You got my support for whatever you have in store for us.


Bravo kait. I've been waiting for this kind of post for awhile. Every so often we need a reminder that you are only one person. One person can only do so much.


Don't worry about your content Kait, you do what you enjoy doing. Your Famouranth will stand by you no matter what you put out.


Thanks for updating us we appreciate it. Don’t worry we are patient and can wait you are in process of moving and finding a new place. We appreciate all the hard work and hours you put in to provide content and entertain us everyday. <3


well I see u working hard and everybody appreciated that


am sure everyone here support u cause u doing a fine job have a great day


Hell Yeah !!!


Doing great, and to be honest watching your reactions to Mario Kart is funny as hell.


Play scary games lol, they do have them for Switch. Or any games that are different from Mario style games for a change of pace.


Twitch is fine hanging rulls no worrys.


Just joined. What's your snap?


What is. Your snap?