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This month:

-Platinum tier will get some "feet stuff" since so many people asked
- 5 or 6 Lewd Pics for platinum
-Diamond tier will get a bonus FIRST EVER LEWD ASMR VIDEO
-5 or 6 Lewd videos coming to diamond tier

-Spring Break stream and MORE PATREON ONLY STREAMS!


Some Twitch related/life related notes:

1. I want to focus more on fitness!  I think there's a reasonable chance that I will be able to (through Craigslist) acquire a Home Gym setup sometime this summer.  I will also be looking to rent a house with a more open floorplan to facilitate these fitness streams/youtube videos.

2. Expect a Cammy cosplay at some point

3. Once I get fit enough I really want to make a more focused push into starting a small clothing brand -something where I in-house all the design elements but outsource manufacturing (I want higher quality material that just cotton/printed t-shirts).   If this happens this year I will be doing some fitness expos/streaming them.

4. Frozen_b's Parents have a friend who owns some fancy cars (the usual Italian exotics/scissor door stuff) who wants to start a Luxury Car Rental/Lease Swapping Venture.  I think this is mostly a Lifestyle business but if I were involved in helping to market this (via social media, youtube videos, streaming) it would present the opportunity to have some differentiated content.   I know next to nothing about cars, but supposedly cars and babes naturally compliment each other so fastfood drive through in a lambo streams I guess...




Wow good luck with your projects


That's really exciting, i like the idea of the clothing brand, and as a car enthusiast the car stuff is definitely something i'd like to see, i wish you the best with your projects. You're a true inspiration to me! <3 I hope one day i can reach my goals too. Also, i'm hyped for the march content! <3


I think all this sounds great, and i think the "exotic car" stuff sounds really cool, and might be a nice variety and great for content. I really like your spirit Kaitlyn! So hyped to see the ASMR video :D


This is all super extremely amazing I am so happy for you that you are following your life goals and dreams something I never did. Everyday brings a new adventure and you seem to make anything possible ❤️❤️❤️


Sounds like you got a lot lined up! Sounds dope. I’m excited for you and I’m happy to help support everything you do across all platforms. You keep doin’ you girl! On a side note, I’ve never been this excited for the month of March in my life 😂 Much Love ❤️ + Respect ✊


I'm excited to hear all about your future plans and projects, I hope they all come to fruition. More super/exotic car content would be awesome to see in the IRL streams. I'm super stoked for all the March content and especially that lewd ASMR video, it's gonna be a damn good month. I also can't help but laugh when you say "feet stuff" because I didn't know so many people have asked you for that but hey to each his own hahaha.


I think it's pretty smart how you're using Twitch as your kickstarter for a clothing line and home gym. I love that you're sharing this with us, but this is really something the trolls should be hearing because I'm sure a lot of them would be floored how successful you really are. I would imagine your first shirt would have to be the colour orange in honor of sweet potatoes and your hands.


Also your pedicure after gym makes a whole lotta sense now.


Get it Get it! So fucking Epic! Can't wait to see the Climb!


I love every part of this announcement, congratulations on all you’ve accomplished/earned so far Amo, and I can’t wait to see everything you’ve got planned! I know I say it to the point of tedium but you truly are an inspiration to all of us and an amazing person (remind me to buy a thesaurus of superlatives, lol) <3 I’ve never met anyone who works nearly as hard as you


Just when I thought that you couldn't surprise or impress me any more than you already do, there you go, doing it again!


This is exciting news I love all these ideas. I’m very happy for you and can’t wait to see all these changes upcoming soon. The super car streams in Vegas were some of my favorites can’t wait to see more of those in the future. Keep up the hard work we appreciate you. <3

Ben Mogz

You never stop, I like it! good luck for all :)


Feet people are finally gonna get their fan service (I'm not one of them but good for them xD) My comment got rather long; this is the abridged version. Full version I sent in a DM. 1 / 3 ) Do you have any specific fitness goals for yourself or before you pull the trigger on anything? 2) Street Fighter wasn't even on my radar, so, this should be fun. 3) This'll be lots of fun to watch develop! 4) Awesome, more super car fun time! Thanks for working so hard for us Kait!

Bradley Russo

“FIRST EVER LEWD ASMR VIDEO” ... best sentence fragment of the day. Thank you for this development, Kaitlyn. Thank you deeply.


Can't say I'm into feet, but I'm sure when it's you I'll still find it great. As for everything else....just wow...if just everyone had your ability to set a goal and then go straight for it the world would probably be a much better place. It's been an incredible journey knowing you this long, can't wait for more.

Lance Petersen

Very interesting, ambitious and exciting times ahead Kaitlyn I'm sure you know enough to pace yourself so you won't burnout. I feel as if i will be a part of your future journey, thank you for it.


we love u :)


You had me at Cammy cosplay.