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Thanks for being so patient with me, I know I'm behind on messages and emails.  I will catch up before this weekend*

It seems the mishap of losing/getting my phone stolen is only the most trivial thing to happen to me.  And I don't say that lightly -I had my calendar and schedule set to my phone so I'm having everyone who already had a hangout scheduled to reschedule it with me (same date, just remind me cause all my stuff is wiped).

BUT IN ADDITION (and I will vlog in detail once I know the details, I don't yet and I still need to consult legal council), Apparently someone tried to SWAT me in one of my recent IRL streams.  God-blessedly, I was already gone by the time the Raid got there, but the authorities are MAD AS HELL.

Luckily, my two best friends parents are BOTH attorney's and they recommended me the best Criminal Defense Attorney in Houston (this makes it sound more serious than it is, take a deep breath).  He was very colorful in his language (title of the vlog is a direct quote attributed to him) and is 100% confident that he can take care of it with minimal down time (I'll still be streaming this evening/afternoon, and at some point this week I'll make a very detailed vlog about it).

On top of that, I'm still wrangling to get a certain medical issue resolved.    So sorry I've been seeming disengaged to patrons, I super appreciate all you do for me and you guys always being so patient with my mishaps.

I'll keep you guys in the loop <3

Please don't worry about me or be overly protective.  My entire life my parents have been proritizing sheltering me over letting me experience life.  I spent my entire existence within a 25 mile radius up until I was age 20.  I am living the life that I want to finally, despite the occasional bump in the road.  

Many people have parents who empower them and encourage them, I had parents that kept me under lock and key and only wanted to protect me.   What I love most about you all, my FAM, is that you guys understand that I don't want to live in a bubble.  A lot of people wonder how I'm able to stream/make content/cringe 12 hours+ a day it's because for 20 years of my life I've been a loaded spring.  I haven't had the opportunities that some people have had.  My parent's discouraged me from doing everything (starting my own business they initially frowned upon as too risky re A Charmed Affair).  What you guys understand that most people don't is that I'm just warming up.   To the people asking me to rest, I will say that you don't get tired from limbering up, you get tired from running around a track all day trying to shave a few seconds off your laptime.  Burnout comes from trying to perfect an activity, and doing it excessively.  I'm not going to burnout because I'm not forcing myself to do anything.  I WANT to do it, to experience it all, to go out and irl stream/act cringe/be awkward because it was denied to me for so long.

Live Free or Die.

*unless exigent legal/health circumstances prevent (not to leave you hanging, just the way it is).



You are a fighter, Kait! A spirit like no other. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. You really are an inspiration, and you got a wonderful family here at Patreon! You really know da wey!! 🌹


Git’er done, Kait...


While I fully admit to occasionally having concerns you’re over doing it (generally just when you are sick) I know you can handle yourself and I’m fully behind anything you decide you want to do! It’s your life, live it to the fullest and I’ll be here rooting you on and helping anyway I can (just like the rest of the FAM. It’s shitty that there are people being assholes and trying to bring you down, I’m just glad you weren’t there anymore when it happened and that you’ve clearly got the situation handled from a legal standpoint. Here’s hoping for a quick resolution to the legal/health/tech issues and a great 2018, don’t worry about the delays

Bradley Russo

“Always make your life your own.” I can’t remember where I read that... but just reading what you’ve posted here now reminds me so much of that quote. I’ve long tried to live by it ... but in the time I’ve come to know you through your work, I see that you’re already living it. You’re an inspiration to so many of us, Kaitlyn. And it is only through adverse times like these, that we feel that our resolve and commitment to better ourselves on our own, is tested to the utmost. Go fast, live free, and love always what you do.


I know what it's like being kept on a leash.( In more ways than one. Ha. )) Message received


Glad to hear you're already looking into it with a defense attorney, hopefully this never happens again, keep us posted and you know we're here for you 👍🏽


Love the motivation despite all of these mishaps! Keep it up! You're a strong person so I know you're gonna thrive and kick ass!


I know how it is to be overprotected by his parents, i feel you. I have to admit that i feel concerned about you but you know what you're doing, if i'm worried about you it's because like all the FAM i love you! I'm really glad you're were gone from that place before the Raid arrived. Don't worry about the delays. Just stay safe Kait &lt;3


Luv yooo, Kaitlyn!


Just gonna get more intense from here. Good luck


&lt;over protection="" redacted=""&gt; I'm glad the SWAT attempt failed! Your unshakable resolve is, as usual, very motivational! ♥&lt;/over&gt;


Thank you for shedding light into what’s been going on. The struggle’s been real, but you have our love and support. Keep fighting the good fight! ❤️


Thank you so much for sharing Kaitlyn! It makes me really angry that people do things like that, but i'm glad that you wasn't there when they arrived. You should always go your own way, and experience new things. But if people worry about you, we do it because we love you. I can't talk for all of the FAM but im pretty sure that the FAM agree when i say that you are very special to all of us. I'm happy i found you, and get to be a part of your life. Also don't worry about the delays, take your time. What matters is that you are safe and feel good &lt;3


Kait, I'm pretty sure we've never complained about you being slow to Patreon messages. Your hard work that you've put into streaming, Patreon, ACA, and everything is truly inspiring. You do so much for us and I don't know about anyone else, but I often wonder if there's anything we can do for you. You sacrifice so much just you give us content we love you so much Kait and we're glad you're safe


You are a true fighter Kait and by the sound of the confindence of your lawer those fuckers need to be really afraid confronting him. I understand that you want to enjoy your life and i m blessed that i can be a small part of your fam who loves you for the truely special person you are. Hope you can solve every problem a big big hug to you


Thanks so much for telling us Kaitlyn. The tough times come and go you’re a strong person you’ll get through this like you always do. I sometimes feel concerned about you but only because I deeply care so much. We want the best for you and we trust your judgment. You are very special to all of us FAM just stay safe out there and know we’re here for you always. &lt;3


You got the full support of everyone here I'm sure, I know I can only speak for myself but the support and care I've already experienced from several people here is astonishing, so I'm confident they feel the same way, or probably even strong about you :-) There's probably no doubt as your popularity grows, so will the envy as well, and people will try to get you down in whatever way they can. I have no doubt you can face it head on though, because rarely have a met a person that seems to be as able to just carry on almost as nothing has happened as you. The show must go on must be based at least partly on you and the experiences you've had. Stay strong Kait ❤️


I generally get worried at times when you are IRLing. A lot of times I feel you don't have to do it as much out of concern for your health and safety, but I want you to live the best life possible and enjoy the great moments you stream for everyone to enjoy. It's really not necessary to apologize for the delays because we all understand how busy your life can be. We love you kait, keep on grinding :)


Kait this is why you continue to impress me- your undeniable strength and self confidence and vision. Much love Kaitlyn and we are always there to support you!


Todo el apoyo para ti Kait, eres una persona muy valiente con un trabajo arriesgado. La perseverancia siempre es recompensada, y mientras tengas a tus fans, lograrás superar cualquier obstáculo.


Fam is here to raise up- never hold back. I will continue to honor this ideal and support you. Stay amazing because you inspire so many- myself especially.


Its when we stop moving that we die. Never stop moving. Always move forward, and seize what you want. We are all capable of more than what we realize; mind and body. If you get knocked down, get up and start moving. If you feel like youre tired, that's OK just keep moving. If you feel like its too heavy, lean on your friends, just keep moving. Keep moving with a fierce will to win, to fight, to survive and you will live. Just some soldiers wisdom... climb to glory brave girl!


I too know the feeling of a overprotective family. I don't think any of us are being overprotective in a classic description. It's more as we care about you and your safety. Take all the time you need replying to messages. I'm glad you where not at home when the swatin happened. It's a very serious and dangerous thing. The idiots that do this sick act think it's a joke. It's far from a joke when people can die from it. I hope you and your lawyers take it seriously and show no mercy on the a$$ clowns that did the swat attempt. Send them to jail and treat them the same as any other attempted murder suspects. All in all. We are all here for you.

AoT Mortal

It's ok beautiful take your time

Leon Foxtales

Stay awesome and strong as you are, Ammo! And I wish you nothing but the best with all the things! #Fam4Lyfe


What kind of low life scum still thinks it's funny to SWAT someone after what happened last month? I hope they get what's coming to them. And as for the worry and over protection? It's because we care about you, not because we want to hold you back.


In all the time I’ve been watching you, you’ve always been inspiring to me. I enjoy seeing you have fun and succeed. Keep on going strong, Kaitlyn!

Iron Cutter

well at least your still alive and breathing that what matters; but shit I didn't expect them to go that far. but yea its all good.


You always continue to rise up over all the bullshit. Every obstacle you overcome with ease. You may be new to this “outside the box” living, but I’ve seen you have the fortitude, willpower and determination to live this life the way YOU want to. Leaving it all on the table and having no regrets. Thank you for allowing all of us into your wonderful journey. Experienceing your life with you. MUCH Love and Mad Respect. - Sir_Zay

Lance Petersen

Kaitlyn you keep bouncing back from all this crap you're being dealt. SWATTING is not a laughing matter the people that pull this shit will rot in hell. This can happen to anyone for no reason. The police have no reason to be mad at you I for one is here for you whatever you need, please don't ever hesitate to ask. ❤️🌹✝️


Thanks for sharing Kaitlyn. You know we believe in you and that we are always here for you. I've made no secret of how much potential I think you have, and I am sure that all the Patrons and the #FAM are right there with me.


I have always liked that about you, your determination to do whatever you want even when people discourage you from doing it, my parents were kinda 50/50 on that. Things will always get better everyone just keep your head up and drive forward to your desires live the life you want not what someone else does. "Failure is Always an Option" but you will never know if you don't "Just Do It " we learn from failure not from success, sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.


Sorry this first month has been rough on you. But you will and always power through things. There's no such thing as overdoing overachievement when you love what you do. This is defintiely your year and hope its the most fun ever for you.


Fixed my comment now that i had a fee minutes free time. Again we are all here to suport you.


In the short time I've been a patreon, you've always done right by me. I don't worry when the messages arrive. I admire your determination to live life your way. Everyone has the right to live their own life.


It's never easy breaking away from the past and carving out your own path. Despite recent obstacles and setbacks, you have remained steadfast and are proving to the world that nothing will ever stand in your way. I just recently joined the fam but I'm here to support everything you do and I'm more then happy to help you achieve your goals. ❤️


Be yourself and stay awesome Kaitlyn!


Hope everything works out. You do you and grind as hard as you want! Everything you do is fun and awesome and we love it! We support you in your endeavors, if not we wouldn't be here.


Tienes mi apoyo, sigue asi!