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 Hey everyone!  

Thanks for supporting me and helping me to realize what I love doing most -content creation whether through Cosplay, Streaming or video!  I'll be back to my daily Twitch Streams on Sunday.  I'll be at Anime Fest Dallas over the weekend (streaming on Facebook, Instagram, and making more youtube videos).  

The reason for the brief "break" on twitch is due to my account being suspended for just under 72 hours.   The offending action you might ask?  Apparently when someone in chat asked if my Breasts were real, I gestured at my chest and touched them.  And that was sexual signalling.

I will be much more careful going forward so that we don't have lapses in my regular twitch program.  It makes me sad that I'll be away from you guys for a few days, but I'm resolving to make the program better on my return.  Hanging out with you guys makes me happy and drives the loneliness away.  You guys truly are my Fam  



People Ask Rude Questions n u get punished how's that fair


I know that loneliness also im glad you have found streaming to take your mind off of it


That sucks, OMG you got bobs, someone call the twitch police! Maybe you can be lazy up to the con ;) Have fun this weekend!

Richard Phillips

They put a temp ban on you for touching a part of your clothed body. Wow. Twitch police working overtime.

Bradley Russo

I didn't realise the Twitch broadcast rules were this stringent ... but apparently there's just very little room for imagination or interpretation ... which is strange when you consider the content they regularly stream. But, anyways, enough of that. Have a blast at the Fest, Kaitlyn. I'll be sure to try and catch your updates - eagerly anticipating them, actually, since I'm not all that familiar with Anime Fest. So I'm excited to see what fun will be had! 😎


Hope to see you soon! missing you!!! :(((


I'll be streaming a bit on my facebook page tomrrow evening! www.facebook.com/amouranth I'll tell you the start time via twitter per usual!


Enjoy your time at the convention! Lots of pictures or a nice video please ;)


So what was the answer?


It's insane how draconian Twitch's rules are. I can understand them not wanting it to turn into MFC but they need to loosen up a bit. I still think they all need a spankin'.


Have fun in the convention and hope i can see you again very soon 😉😘


Enjoy your time at the convention, we will remain with you no matter what. We hope to see many pictures and videos from the convention 😎😎


I don't watch your streams but that sounds like an absurd reason to temp ban you 😅


You can sexual signalling to me anytime 😏😉


Have a good time and the convention! I will definitely stop by the FB stream. That sucks that someone reported that and twitch was that uptight. But we are definitely fam. We are famouranth. Always glad to help with the loneliness because you do the same for me too. So thank you for being amazing.


Sounds like an impromptu vacation Kaitlyn. Have fun and take lots of pictures.


Take care

Ty Greenwood

WOW, lighten up Twitch!! Have fun at the convention, take lots of pics and vids 😁😘


Have a great time at the con, see you later! I'll miss your streams, but things happen.

Lance Petersen

I wonder what twitch will do if we report all the jerks that say all the rude, disgusting things to you?


Jesus, and just because they got blue balls. I'm so sorry Kaitlyn, sorry that you have to put with that shit. I hope you have an awesome time at the con though! I can't wait for all the content you have planned for us! It's gonna be great, I just know it


Enjoy ur time , I'm already missing you tho

Leon Foxtales

Sorry about that Twitch BS. But I hope you have a awesome time at Anime Fest!


That's so super lame oh my god call the Twitch police you commented a crime here for touching a part of your clothed body. What will they think of next. Enjoy your time at the convention this weekend! be sure to share photos and vids. 😎 We are Famouranth!! <3


Sorry to hear that as you seem to have a lot of fun on twitch.

Alec Martines

I hit the heart button, but I meant to hit the frowny face,


That's crazy


Twitch is starting to become YouTube so I'm not surprised that happened to you, but it still sucks that it did.


Thats very lame someone ruined it for you and everyone else but love you!