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Hey Prisfans!

It's been a couple weeks since the last post because I've been very busy, mostly with my hands full with JESSI!

Her set for the Prisoner's Poll post is in the editing stage, and whew boy, is it a big one.  Teasing, flirting, pics, video, the lot!  I think you'll dig it.  Thank you for your patience.  I'd love to post some previews, but honestly, I think going in blind will bring the most enjoyment.

So in the meantime I wanted to snap some shots of Jessi, poolside, with the PWW wrestling ring.  She's looking amazing in white; sassy, sexy, and ready for action!

And her very-own HOT TAG cover!

Hope you enjoy these pictures, and I will have Jessi's poolside fun set up as soon as it's ready!




Jugg Head

Love it can't wait to see more