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Hey Prisfans hope you are having an amazing week! ❤️❤️❤️

Catch up on GTS Volume 1 HERE!

We're back in Song's story today for a peek at the budding relationship between Teacher and Student. Song and Akame might be surprised to realize how much they really have in common in regards to their attitude and temperament. You can feel the confidence grow within both of these girls as they spend time together.

We've already seen Song lusting for Akame's body, and now Akame is finally returning the favor. The simple sight of Song's massive biceps can make Akame lose control!

What's next for this cute couple? I don't think they can hold back their feelings much longer!

Stay tuned and thank you so much for your support! I'll be working on this a lot in the coming weeks!


EDIT* I completely redid Song's bicep on the final page here. Redid to look more natural. It's in the attachments along with the set of these pictures.




Love this story and pictures. Wish I could enjoy this animated.


Great series! The elephant in the room is Song's beautiful and giantess cock. Song needs to get Akame to focus on it!


thanks Chip! and yess, although it can't be ignored forever. It's practically covering Akame like a seat belt! lol