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I had a really bad gnat problem last year and accidentally left a bottle of apple cider vinegar out, they all went inside the bottle and died as gross as that sounds. Haven't seen any in my house since. Looked it up and that seems to be one thing that attracts and kills them. Maybe put some in a bowl and see if that helps


Get a cup you dont mind being filled with dead gnats, go half and half with vinegar and water, then put 2-3 teaspoons of sugar in it and mix it, leave it in the area you want gnats gone and they'll go feral for it and just end themselves trying to get it out of the water by drowning.


Apple cider vinegar is like poison to most house bugs best place to put it is usually the kitchen counter


No cap when I saw that fight for the first time I had to have replayed it like 50 times. Also, idk if you remember me saying how that Elizabeth vs Vivy fight wasn't even the best fight in the series imo, but this is the fight that tops it for me. Also hope u fix that gnat problem asap for your peace of mind. I've never had a gnat problem so idk much to be helpful but I do hope for the best.