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Idris Naama

7 more episodes left until you're done Babylonia 😭 Will you watch the movie that takes place after it?


It gets explained in the next episode but if I remember correctly Medusa and her sisters beauty offended one of the gods (can’t remember which one) and they got banished to the shapeless isles where they thought they could live peacefully but instead they were attacked as monsters and yes Ana was always Medusa, it’s was just a younger version of her and gorgon is the future Medusa one where she goes through too much the reason Ana looked like that to Gorgon is because of how she doesn’t want to accept that younger version of her


Action is aboutta pick up from here on out. They boutta cook


It is somewhat glossed over in the show but, when Quetz was throwing the Axe of Marduk, Merlin was suppose to "Grab it and alter the course" so that Quetz would not be attacking the base of the Goddess. This resulted in her losing divinity and being punished since merlin just moved the axes trajectory to collide with the Blood Fort. That's why it looks like she got hit with thunder at the very end of her battle with Kingu


I'm not 100% sure tbh, maybe if I'm itching for more by the end of this but most likely we'll be done right before Strange Fake drops so I'd be doing that instead. It's possible though if the ending of this feels like a super cliffhanger but it'll be super hard to near impossible for me to make the time for both movies. (Lowkey been lacking time wise tryna drop the babylonia episodes in general but we should be good 😂). So yeah we'll see but tbh it's not that likely but depends on the ending of Babylonia.