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God I forgot this anime, itโ€™s been a while. The music was really nice

Damian Gold

Actual goat anime


Figured I would answer some of the questions you had about this anime. The girl who died at the beginning is pivotal to the story but you do not find out about why until later. This series is what is roughly referred as a "Reverse Isekai", So you were kinda right. This series was an Anime Original with the Manga coming out at the same time for fellow readers. And the best way to describe this series is Fate Like in so far as When you consider all the media out there (Anime, Manga and Light Novels ETC) think about all the different types of genres. Now bring all of them out of their Games, Novels and like and set them loose on the world that Created them. That's the loose description of this anime. All in all the action is great and the music is written by Hiroyuki Sawano who is a god of anime music IMO. The only Negative to this series is there is alot of over explaining that makes the series dry in some parts (Mainly cause they have Meteora gab endlessly at times), But the bottom line, this series is; again, in my humble opinion; worth a watch at least once. Thank you for reacting to this! It was awesome getting to see someone I respect as a content creator reacting so honestly and enjoying yourself with it.


Thank you for the breakdown and the praise I seriously appreciate it ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ