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Appreciate it but no worries I have the whole Concert, I just also have the cut up songs since it helps me split it up better 🙏🏽


I see, I see, no problems then. Looking forward to the videos have a good one my guy


No disrespect, but man, the song was literally the second song on the first screen man. Untitled world


Dreamland was from the recent concert with (in order of reveal) amiya, Leonheart, pramanix, eyjafalla, Saileach. Im pretty sure disney helped them in some way with this song singer or composser idr. Seeing the last song (theme song to chapter 9 of the story of which amiya and the doctor are not in for 90% of.) you just watched the first 3 songs of the 2022 concert XD, might want to change the title.


Well that's wrong because it's 2023, but he definitely typed 2022 part 1


The official YouTube page that has the only copyright ownership to it titled it 2022 so I'm gonna just title it that since I didn't know it was the most recent one


nice seeing you react to the concert thou that was a bit weird?! 1) the concert Arknights: Ambience Synesthesia - youtube channel has a behind the scenes video 5 minutes were the talk about their problems that they had to leave the audience out thanks to covid (even though the used the mercedes benz arena (which is as far as i know really big^^)) and the 3rd special piece works with lasers/lightshow but these effects are lost in stream sadly and would only have been special for the audience 2) for us viewers it is supposed to be a concert but from the arknightsworld pov it is a movie show made up of 4 (short)movies from operator nian and the 4 concert exclusive songs represent these 4 movies - dreamland was the first one (I would have loved actual movies especially with 2,4 (and 3 and 1^^) these special pieces have at the start7end of them some extra animations of the operators that appear in it talking about the "movie" 3) to promote it in china the had some fun on twitter about how eureka the pink haired doggo reporter girl npc got found out that nian paid her for fake reviews or other rhodes island operators leaving reviews about the 4 movies after havong watched them etc... sadly these things never made it over to global maybe better look for a whole concert cut? recorded it for myself too when it aired originally - or take the one from the official youtube channel (now) as far as we know they only removed renoas song at the start and everything else is left uneditied...


In case you want it, I have a drive link with the full concert recorded and in good quality so you dont have to look song by song, let me know where I can send it to you or if I can just link it here. Anyways keep up the content my guy, greetings from Chile, love the channel