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her brother was about to blow himself anyway just with or without the doctor so mishas reasoning is not 100% anyway... maybe I am the only one but if I remember it right I prefered the ingame version much more there misha sounded less accusing and much more defeated (plus I think it wasn't implied/toled if misha did see her brother die and who unalived her when/where exactly) like she felt guilty (plus guilt tripped by W) and wanted to do something plus she did know that her infection was about to kill her most likely too soon with our without treatment so she decided to be the bait and morale boost to get the reunion people to pull out still idiots anyway - for attacking one big city of a whole other nation while it was relativly obvious that something was fishy with how easy ursus goverment gave up on the city... ...be it... ...that they didnt want to send troops into a catastrophe ...wanted to exploit that scenario for some more bad PR against infected ...or something else but it was just still handed to them without any challenge and now they are high on that -.-"


even knowing later chapters cant help but still feel only disgusted by W because of her part in it plus chen in the end would have deserved a punch to the face right then and there regardless of how right she was...


Alright now that we’ve gotten the happy stuff outta the way, can’t wait for the real depression in s2.


This has been a wild journey. Really have enjoyed your reactions a lot. A few comments regarding what you talked about. I think the relationship between the Doctor and Amiya is presented better in the game in these first chapters. There is a lot more dialogue, so its easier to expand how Amiya actually feels. I think you can get a good impression from the game without explicitly being told, but it is lost here. Technically it is expanded on more in side stories and later chapters, so I don't really want to say even though I feel like you can pick up on it by this point in the game. Ill leave it at "Its not romantic". I totally understand your viewpoint though, the presentation here is a bit wack. Second for the fights and the weird scene with Chen and Misha, I have heard rumors that there are concerns about chinese censorship since this is chinese studio. But like, death and injuries have not been shown directly. Maybe something having to do with it being a serialized animation presented as a show, as opposed to the smaller animations. Obviously, budget also probably plays into the fights, so hopefully it will be better next season. We'll see though. And more on a personal note, I really didn't like W when playing the game. But honestly the anime sold me on the character. She is presented WAY more interesting here. I think the voice acting goes miles to define her and how manipulative and enigmatic she is.


So the main reason why we dont see blood is because of how far mishas infection is. Her blood has started crystalizing and the reason you dont see much of a grave marker besides the grenade launchers is because the body had likely either spontaniously combusted or they burned the bodies to prevent the spread of oripathy (since dust from dead infected can infect more). You can also tell mishas infection is worse then Alex's through these reasons and how badly she was having trouble with standing, walking, breathing, ect. While Alex can literally run around without care. Thats why in Alex's death there is blood and Misha didnt.


Agreed, I love Ch’en and that’s the wife but she was so out of line for everything she was doing in this episode 😬


Thank you for this, that actually (aside from how awkward Ch’en stabbing her was) made that scene a ton better in terms of now I feel they were paying a lot of attention to detail by doing that rather than rushing it 🙏🏽🔥 really appreciate the clarification


Extra note: Amiya and the Doctor. They may only seem to talk but I think its conveyed at the end why the Doctor gets along well with Amiya and explains it well. She gave them a light in where there was only darkness, she gave them a path, a goal, protected them and trusted them when they had nothing, no memories from the get go after the cryogenic stasis. This made the Doctor trust her in turn. As for why Amiya does, well she already knows them and so already had trust in them and was fast to continue to trust them while in the early episode saying that the doctor was a close friend. While implying there was something more to it then that but she didnt want to say due to amnesia. Thats my take on it after all.


Yeah W is actually the craziest character in the show at the moment and for sure steals it in every moment she’s in 🔥 I love her Voice Actor


First off loved watching your reaction to the series. I've been hooked since you uploaded your first Arknights video. I'll comment on the game because you said you might hold off on playing it. We would all love to see you play it, I know you already have a lot on your plate so adding another game would be hard. But it took them a year from announcement to the first episode of this season. And most people agree they'd need 12-14 episodes to really tell the next story so it might be a little longer on the wait this time, something to think about. I agree that watching it as a anime is a lot better than playing/reading it as a game, but it's like a good manga, you read it, and down the road when it gets animated you love it that much more. If you do end up playing... after you've finished streaming the first few levels if you play the game at your computer just hit the record button when playing the story chapters, if not for us for yourself because there's some big surprises and moments that we wouldn't see for a very long time in the anime (and some we might not even get because they're side stories). It might be a lot of useless footage, or you might end up with a "So I was playing chapter 5 and..." video. lol As for this episode, I agree that the pacing was off this episode, I was hoping they were going to drop the opening/ending to make room for a little more dialogue because it was more flushed out in the game, Ch'en had more of a heart before and after Misha's death. While still the firm leader type Ch'en still gave good advice to Amiya in a softer tone. If they would have just fixed the tone, and added a few more lines from the game I think it would have went a long ways. While I don't agree with the tone of Ch'en, as for her actions have to look at it from her POV. In an earlier episode while talking to Misha in the car Ch'en said that Lungmen doesn't recognized the infected as citizens, but she (Ch'en) is still willing to help them (she helped the kids, and I'm sure she helped others). In this episode she said her department (L.G.D.) isn't like Rhodes Island, she doesn't have the power to save the infected like Amiya does. Amiya is trying to do something no one else can do, build a place/world where infected and non-infected can live as equals without the hate. But what happens to these ideals if Amiya dies? What happens to Rhodes Island? Does the cycle become that much worse between the factions? Her death could lead to the death and suffering of countless people (because she's not alive to fight for her ideals). I believe Ch'en saw this "light" that Amiya gave off, and wanted to protect it, even if she had to be the bad guy at the end of the day.