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Random trivia - anything explosive or resembling bullets is made up of originium and not gunpowder because it doesn't exist in the arknights world. This originium needs to be detonated using difficult arts which is why you see very few people handling guns/explosives.


It would be so hard to do another season to finish this storyline given how much happens in ch4-8, that’d be like hour long episodes or like 30 episodes for another season. Also ngl pretty satisfying W moments


I hope we do get more season cause this show been gas. Also Alex aka skullshatter is Misha brother. So yeah it all types of fuck to watch her bro get kill by the only other person she trust. Feel bad man. And it only get worst from here.


Loved this episode. Feel like it was way better presented than in the game, and I was definitely more invested even though I knew what was going to happen. I hope for season 2 so badly. A note on Skullshatterer, I think they specifically made a point not to show their face. Under the mask, is Alex, Misha's brother. But as they said, Alex "died" when he joined reunion. So the mask is who he is now. And honestly(this is speculation), I think W did try and set up that whole situation, or something along those lines. She looked WAY too happy in that last scene. And everything she said all episode felt extremely manipulative. I think her role was the most interesting part of the episode for me.


Y'know what, I stand corrected. Wasn't prepared for them to announce Perish in Frost, for 4-6.


Seeing this episode with context that comes later on W's character makes it much more interesting. She's by far my favorite character, and probably the most complex, so I'm happy to see that she's remained consistent even back to the early days of the story. Personally, I'm really impressed at how challenging the show probably was to animate. Even going back to the final shot of the first episode, where all of the Rhodes Island operators were turning and entering a tunnel, the animation has been really technically complex. While the big battle doesn't show a lot of actual fighting, I think it does a pretty good job at conveying what's happening in the fight and showing the scale - which is pretty difficult. I can't think of many other shows that would try and animate a battle that big without focusing nearly exclusively on a single duel. Also... the reason the Doctor didn't run away is that they're still in really bad shape physically. I forget when exactly it's said, it might even be in a side story in the game, but the suit they wear is actually like a big hazmat suit because their immune system is totally shot. There are several parts in the game where the story even mentions that the Doctor needs to be literally carried around in battles because they can't keep up.