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TWICE Tokyo Dome - Dreamday Concert VCR + BDZ Reaction.mp4

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Jacky Chow



wow wanted to see this for a long time


hi hoping you'll add in IZ*ONE, WJSN (Cosmic Girls) and EVERGLOW too 😇 you'll love them, WJSN is one of the most underrated ggs out there, their bsides are full of surprises, they are a group of main vocalist to me. Their latest mv is called Unnatural and a subunit mv (The Black) called Easy


VCR is video cassette recording, yea. With that they mean the videos they play inbetween stages, when the members changes outfits or something.


I was there. Exactly that day. Together with more than 55,000 people. The end of the video felt like it was in real time. Before BDZ, I thought Touchdown was the best intro for any concert. Now, TWICE can start with any of those two and I’ll be totally hyped up! Of course, as usual, they were all gorgeous that day. But, Jeongyeon really stood out. For me, that was her best look. Sitting on the right, not too far off the stage, watching them up close many times, is undoubtedly one of the best days of my life 💕


😆 By the way, they are called “Lovelys” (or “Lovely”, if singular) 💕

Wayne W

Did you know TG see the Twicelights Heartshaker stage and VCR? I feel like he did, but he's still alive so maybe he didn't. Ha ha.

Wayne W

I had a vision of my future self telling my great grand children about living in a time where we had these events called "concerts". It feels like forever. The squad's going to have to bring image pickets and water so TG doesn't over heat at his first TWICE concert.

DireBox 9990

One day TG, ONE DAY !

The Lazy Ass Gamer

That Dubu "wink" hit home. Like a Bulldozer, like a tank, like a soldier 👍👍👍🔥


Cant wait for the day TG (maybe together with some of the squad) goes to a TWICE concert. gonna be so hype. better make some pre-/post- reactions to the day. ^_^7


rewind on a Dubu part again and I swear imma un-sub!!! 🤬


I wish i could see the blocked videos 😭


Hey Schaumkas, get him to watch how this show started including “One More Time”! Or better yet TG, you’ve got the Dreamday dvd; just watch the entire show with us!


Hey TG, You should watch Running Man EP506. It's fun.


I am sorry. Looks like TG decided to watch something else first :/