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Just to keep the Family in the loop. I'm currently having issues with my uploading service on Vimeo. We've been in talks and they plan on Skyrocketing the price for my uploads because of how much traffic is coming to the videos. Instead of making the 2 dollar tier more expensive I plan on moving old Patreon content and putting all new Patreon content on DROP BOX. This means todays blocked reaction of EXO, TWICE Wednesday, and maybe even Fridays reactions will probably be delayed as I will have to re-upload all my old content to drop box first before uploading the new content. I will work hard to get this problem resolved the quickest I can. 



No Problem! Thank you for your hard work!


Thank you for trying to find the best possible solution 😊😊


Thank you so much. You're the best really 🙏🏻


Do what you have to do. Thanks for working so hard for us.


No problem


I heard this was happening to reactors. Take your time - whatever you need to do. Don't stress on it, we'll be here


Is it permanent??


take your time man, you do what you gotta do and the squad will be with you like always 🤞


Hope everything goes well🤞🔥


What ever works for you! Take your time .. we will be here 🤟🏼 good luck!


Love you! Thank you for always trying your best for us!💛


Not sure if this is viable but what about Google Drive? I only say this because DropBox player is inconsistent while GDrive uses the same video player as YouTube


Thanks for thinking of your Patreon family and finding a way even though it creates more work for you initially. We appreciate you, your reactions and all you do behind the scenes! 💜💚


Thank u for your hard work💗💗💗💗


Thanks for letting us know hope you get it sorted 👍😘


Thank you for all, dont worry😘

Kyle Twitch

I'll look into this! A lot of content creators have told me drop box is great but I love Gdrive as well!


Hey man. Shit happens. Do what you gotta do braddah. I will support no matter what you do. 💪🏾


Its all good man


Thanks for the hard work . Don't worry the squad will be with you like always


Hey Toogrown, I’m looking into Dropbox subscriptions and I don’t think 3TB is gonna be enough storage. Like what nabongs said, I think Google Drive is a good alternative. However, Google Drive pricing is also expensive with 10TB for $100 monthly. Up to you to decided what is best for the squad.


Thanks for your hard work man. Take your time with it, we'll for sure be here when you get back. 👍


thank you! so will the prices be higher on here?

Kyle Twitch

Yeah I've been in talks with other reactors about this as I'm not the only one dealing with vimeo issues. But I will take a look at both and see what's best for the squad :)


Same thing happened to Form of Therapy. Now he needs to pay a big amount of money to Vimeo. I wanted to warn you about that a couple weeks ago but I didnt think your video traffic was already so high...

Kyle Twitch

Yup he's one of the people I've heard this from as well as JoshReacts so I'm planning on getting all this handled by this weekend.


I haven’t seen Dropbox integrated with Patreon before, so I’m curious on how that’s going to work.


With the world in questionable economy everywhere we are seeing cash grab by companies to stay afloat. TG do what you need to do, maybe there are overseas company that can offer storage as well, just to throw in my 2 cents, and thank you.


Warning: If you use Dropbox Plus, Family, or Professional, then people can only stream the first 60 minutes. So let's say they wanted to see a Twice Wednesday reaction which is typically up to 90 minutes long, they would first have to download the video or save it to their own Dropbox account in order to view the full 90 minutes. The reactor Aaron Freeman uses Dropbox on Patreon. He splits longer videos into 2 parts to avoid this issue. https://help.dropbox.com/installs-integrations/photos/video-length


Thanks for figuring it all out and doing what's best for the squad bro. We appreciate you.


TG the realest!


Your the Best Kyle :D Where do you move the old patreon content to though. Really love to watch some of your older vids sometimes :) Just rewatched all of 15+1 with you for the third time :P


Im cool tho if you ever have to raise the price. $2 is a steal for the amount of content in my opinion

Mr Jackpots

Yeah, reactors tend to end up on dropbox when they get a lot of traffic and the other services get greedy.


just to let yous know that Form of Therapy goes by they/them pronouns for future reference <3

Ma Chu

You're the best TG!


that's cool I just wanted to mention to anyone who didn't know just in case :)


i don’t really know how all that stuff works but i’ve seen other reactors who use vimeo eventually transition to ok.ru to upload their patreon content and it seems to work out pretty well. just a suggestion. i hope you figure it out and thank you for all you do