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Aye I get to do my school work


Let's go!!


Lets go


Lets go




I love this episode of Running Man so much lol, hope you ate! (I'm just starting to watch now).


running man + twice = fire


i think the next episode is my fav


@Toogrown my dude working hard all hours of the day

Mr Jackpots

Why do you need a warning about Twice? You know what it's going to be....every....single....time.

Mr Jackpots

Team Momo with Jeongyeon on board is always going to win an eating contest.


Haha Nayeon is obsessed with children


@toogrown, you even warned me on the twitch that Nayeon is out to get me this episode, so i prepared myself, but when i first watched this, i think i stayed on that nayeon and baby scene for like an hour, but i still got attacked so thank you


More of the good stuff is finally here :D Gonna enjoy this one immensely :)


Oh yeah ! My patreon kinda dust without new contents from several content creator and thank GOD @TooGrown upload something 😁 Have a good day


yea if you are watching this and you are not on the twitch with toogrown, i highly recommend you come and hang out, it's always a fun time, you get to see toogrown all over the place, where one time he be blushing to screaming to calling us psychopaths. come join, i swear it would make your day anytime anywhere

N’ non

pls react to running man blackpink ep 525 it was soo funny I highly recommend it. also the running man in general is a funny show specially the early episodes. thank you


Bro, its Twice. Of course the show will be cute. Dont blame me :D


TbH 48min in I’m still confused but still I’m just vibeing with TG and Twice/RM. 🔥


56:32 omg 😂😂🔥


I really hope youw atch GOT7's appearances on Running Man as well!!


Comment first, before watching LoL. just came here after watching RV reactions in YT


twice has appeared in running man 5 episodes already so you have 3 more episodes next up running man ep 398 is on twice what is love era running man ep 428 is on yes or yes era and the last one is running man ep 506 is on more n more era


Just finished watching. Broo! I'm team Mina too! That end was so nerve racking to watch!! But ayye! Got that Dub!! 💪🏾 Throughout this episode really made me miss Korea so much. Busan is beautiful. Had the chance to go out there a few times. Bro! I want to go back! 😭😭 Also patreon family. Come by the twitch streams if you haven't already. We be vibin with TG and the squad. It's soo much fun!! You gotta check it out!!

Mr Jackpots

if you've seen a lot of these Korean game shows then you know that any of the teams can win on the final round. Everything before that is just for entertainment.


toogrown you should split apples when you twitch


I know Chae wasn't able to do the splits during their first appearance on Knowing Bro, happy to see her put in training and killed it here, hard working baby beast


Next Running Man with Twice is in What is Love era.


So lots to unpack. First off the crossword puzzle. The first game was to decide who takes the lead. The game they play was Their version of red light green light. The winner get one word the crossword board while the others have to go and find it. Twice is know for cheating or bending the rules in game show. That why they can give hints but not actually say what they want. All 3 teams share the same board and who ever put up the most dish wins. The red spots are bombs to take away the other teams dish. Any dish can be put up as long as it fits the crossword. Any dish that can not be made will be skip. A local must suggest the dish. That’s what they was trying to hint at by saying that the dish is only made at night. Due to dieting and such Twice don’t get to eat a lot of meat so that’s why you see them eat a lot on running man episodes. They can’t turn down food if it is part of the show. This is Twice bending the rules. Also the market crossword is a must to keep your point and all teams must do it. VJ stand for video jockeys or the Cameraman. PD stand for Producer. This lead up to the candy at the the end. Which I’m pretty sure is self explanatory. The candy game is the big plot twist where anyone can take it. Each running man members have their own personal VJ. The one that was pointing out and ran the first game is famous for many other things but he is Yoo Jae-suk camera man. That all I can remember so hope you enjoyed this behind the show look. Lol


That last game was way to easy. They are Idols, they have perfect coordination. Default win for the team with the most Candy. Whatever Team Sana won my heart, thats all that matters <3


important subs to understand the game are keep passing by the screen when you are talking lol 😂🤣🤣🤣


Clams are good, I don't eat raw oysters though. Screw that.


Grown, for the twice lost time is the full show if possible just watch and react 2 part of the show


At 42:40 Nayeon tries flirting with him to give them the answer and Jihyo's reaction to jump between them and drag him away was so dang cute.


I had some beef bulgogi the other day it was soooo good.


When do you stream and where's the link bro :D

Wayne W

I was getting ready to put TooGrown on a Running Man poster with that early celebration 😄. You're going to have to stream a reaction to an MV or show one of these days. I can only imagine how much more chaotic chat will be when you ask questions. It'll be like Minecraft all over again.

Wayne W

You can find the channel here https://www.twitch.tv/toogrown and he's usually on 7PM Eastern Time during the week and he started adding a Saturday morning stream around 10AM Eastern. He usually posts on Twitter. You can follow on Twitch and get notifications too. Come on by and add to the chaos.


Don’t mention the minecraft stuff😅😅🔥


Did you mention to TG that EP398 only have Twice on the 2nd half and there are going to be extra bits beginning of EP399?


When there is food I'm always team Momo.


how are you always so confused 😂😂😂


I think everytime you talk and dont concentrate on the show you miss the most important information 😂😂


Twice always come to Running Man when they have comebacks! Their guesting during What is Love era was too funny! lol


I believe there's still What is Love, Yes or Yes, and More&More era guesting for Running Man. But yessss, Lost Time was super cute. Hope you pay attention to the mechanics of the games for Lost TIme hahaha


Don’t worry bro! We still got three more Twice episodes!! Hopefully by the time you finish they’ll be back on running man again.


Busan is on the side of the country opposite to Seoul. It's the second largest city in the country, right on the ocean. Super pretty and well developed. It'd be tough to cram Seoul and Busan into one trip, but not impossible. Also, that park looks like Busan Citizen's Park. Not certain about that though.


Had raw oysters in Seattle. If you eat em fresh....with a lil bit of lemon juice...its gg bro. They're bomb


TMI 1. The opening area was Bexco (Busan Exhibition and Convention Center) 2. Busan Vacance by Skull&amp;HaHa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOoPv-EOAIU 3. 'San-Hwa Money' - Commercial song of San-Hwa Money, the loan company https://youtu.be/YdQAQ2lpR8w 4. Kwon Ryeol is Yoo Jaesuk's camara man and should take Yoo Jaesuk only. However, when there is/are beautiful female guest(s), he usually took them, not Yoo Jaesuk 5. Hae-un-dae Light Festival Begin at mid of Nov. and end at Jan. 31 next year <img src="https://cdn.visitkorea.or.kr/img/call?cmd=VIEW&amp;id=d15652a2-87ee-4641-9a70-b0f1d9309348"> Welcome to pusan, the 2nd largest city of South Korea and also my hometown During Korean War, Pusan was the last city Korea &amp; US army (also army from many different countries) stayed and depended (<img src="https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/sojRM3nGesuV6dh_HWtbyWjDu1E=/640x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/PusanPerimeterIncheonInvasion1950-56a042073df78cafdaa0b5e8.jpg"> This is unchanged laws Twice = Cute = Your fingers will stop at Mina scene Twice = Food = Hungry


Seeing you react to watching Momo and Jeongyeon eat makes me wish you would react to their mukbang v-live :)


I kid you not, I am sooooo happy that I’m a vegetarian so none of this is tempting lol rip g


the more korean content in general you watch, the better you'll get in understanding everything that's going on. you'll later be able to read faster, so youll catch everything everyone says. and youll understand certain references and phrases and jokes people make cause you've seen a large variety of content. TBH not to brag but i was able to understand what they were doing this episode back when they first explained the rules. so i was moving at the same pace as them. so it just takes time.


We got Lost time next week?! WARNING FOR THE CUTENESS OVERLOAD

Kyle Twitch

It'll be part 1 then Part 2 as I still have a full time job and other videos to make


Sunday should be Running Man day, just saying :)

Liam Green

Twice running man ep398/399 and ep428 and ep506


You need to watch flower crew the episode where Momo and Nayeon are. You can do much cute moments between Momo and Heechul !!


3 episodes left. What is Love? Era, Yes or Yes, then More and More


Please react to the running man 506 ep💔💔💔


Its no exist? :(


Can you fix this episode i really want to watch it


Please :( Why all this variety shows reactions are deleted? :( i actually became a patreon to watch the reactions to weekly idol, running man, idol room, Knowing Bros, etc. Please fix those videos PLEASE :´(


It says it doesn't exist?


please!! re-upload


Thank you for reupload, are you going to reupload the weekly idol episodes too? Love your reactions, thank you so much.