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Wow! I was actually refreshing my patreon nonstop for this. So excited!!!

Unsalted Pecan

Thats awesome that you plan to go to Korea when things go back to normal, as a hispanic my first trip to Mexico meant alot to see the roots of my culture and I know it will be the same for you. I'd love to one day see Korea myself. Maybe you can get Mina to show you around - hahaha how awesome would that be.

Crimson Maou

Oricon charts I believe is a list of top selling albums in Japan(I assume it's monthly?), it was basically saying that 2PM topped the chart (correct me if I'm wrong please).


I'm here before this thing even rendered. 08:00 It's "Our House" from 2PM, Oricon Chart is a Japanese music chart, 33:30 Wooyoung said if Rio's falling is a prepared gag she can continue 46:45 Whisper in Japanese is literally written as "ear hitting" hence Nina not knowing the word is acting that way


The 2PM's song at the beginning was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2pFB1dCSo4. Another 2PM's song is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFnV7Y6iwrA I think you will really like this.

Wayne W

This was the episode where I learned that no chair is safe if Mako is around and Rio is charming as all heck. I still don't know how Mayuka guessed meerkat during charades either, but this was a fun episode. There are 4 more episodes left before the final X are selected. Dying for you to finish this so you can see the MV and check out the other videos like: "My Best Friend", "Whisper Challenge", dance cover, and autograph voting.


They cut this part from the show and put it in a separate video in the official Youtube. Here is the JYP's basic dance moves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIP2GHvjsyY


The song is MY HOUSE by 2pm. You need to add them to your watch list since they have been giving you 🔥 songs. Also HANDS UP was written by Wooyoung himself! Btw, Ayaka is the tallest, followed by Nina then Maya and Momoka. There was a special clip for this episode and it's JYP BASIC DANCE. You should watch it. All JYPE artists and trainees must memorize this dance routine before they debut.


Momo and Chaeyoung doing the JYPE Basic Dance https://www.reddit.com/r/twice/comments/75qqqa/171011_momo_chaeyoung_doing_the_jype_basic_dance/

Carl Dungca

Let it be known that Mako will always support and applaud her teammates and rivals...as long as you’re not coming for her plastic stool. If so, all bets are off and the fangs come out!


We love ya bro. I'm glad to see you being successful!


Twice Global and Once Global closed due to massive DM attack by immature international once. Twice Fan Union lost 1 of 5 communities. Twice fandom just got weaker due to immature fan. Now immature fans of once, Ahgase, and My Days are moving around Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube and attacking all JYP, JYPE, and JYP artists related posts. It is just online-terror with unrealistic demands If any of you can see those 'copy & paste' attact, please ask them to stop or report them to each site. I hope they learn the differences of Love, Obsession, and Worship. Sorry to write unpleasant things at here


Oricon is a company that publishes music data, like best selling or top songs or groups. Basically they said 2PM charted #1.

Unsalted Pecan

That makes so much sense now about whisper and why Nina was doing that, thanks for sharing.

Carl Dungca

While I think the best route moving forward is a hybrid approach of watching the official JYP episodes and switch over to a standalone full performance video just for those segments, I'd like to at least propose that after all the performances are done and it's just the announcement of the final line-up, to switch over to the better official JYP channel for the better subs when everyone's giving their final remarks. Also, yes. 9 members in the final line-up.


I know you sided with Mint team and I love Mihi too but Pink team has Mako, Riku, Rima and Ayaka too which are some of my faves.


Riku reminds me a lot of Sana idk why...also I get Mina vibes but for Mako. If they all win maybe this'll be the first group where we have different biases?


so i believe what happened with Nina during the gesture game with the word "Whisper" is she wasn't familiar with how "whisper" is read in japanese, 'so i believe she read the word as a rough translation which came out as "something to do with the ears". whisper is a pretty easy word to imitate so i believe she just couldn't read the word in japanese. just my theory though. keep up the good work bro! can't wait for next week! even more fire performances awaiting. ^_^


You shouldn't worry that much about them... I'm into Kpop for 11+ years now and trust me they're just a bunch of noisy fools... Every gen we're seeing the same things and nothing is changing, companies won't care bout them, no one will listen to their complains and they'll eventually stop once they'll get bored ;) Also, don't forget that TG had sooo many management issues since they started that them closing isn't only fans fault tbh... I'm one of the og Onces and I know a loooot of backstage stories. TG's one is one of the shittiest sadly so yeah fans were totally wrong treating them like this but TG past didn't really help on this :/


Answering your question : I finally joined the patreon family after all this time cause I couldn't before :P I was hella busy so I had like no time to watch your content :/ Now that i've free time, I already caught up with almost all your TWICE content + Nizi Project :P Also, since I'm one of the biggest Nayeon stan, ofc my bias in Nizi has to be Miihi since they've extremely similar facial expressions ^^ So I totally understand when you're fanboying over her lmao


OG... I even cannot say OG because this is my country and I have been listening Kpop over 40 years. I barely care about TG because i'm a member of Twinkle. Actually there were few cases pre-idol era and after idol era. During pre-idol era, few companies closed by their fans. The problem is not those immature fan. Problem is there are certain group of people they just live their life to hate and attack any group. You said you're OG, so you may know DC inside, Ilbe, Warmad, and nate Pan. People who are related to last years two lost. Currently, they targeted Twice as from May. (actually they targeted Twice, RV, and Itzy). What these immature fan doing now is just giving weapons to those haters. Members of Twice Fan Union tried to report and delete their comments as many as possible, but now there are too much. Today, they even wrote comments on Nayeon's v-live. Fortunately, there were huge connection issue, she did not see that. I know usually it will be disappeared. It was like that at from 1980 to 2019. The difference is this pandemic situation. There are lot of people, who are multi-fan or non-fan of any, stay home for a long time including kids. They just read it, wrote comments and spread it a lot. And few online news media report it without checking the fact. Youtubers too. They are not saying like 'immature fan'. They just say Twice fandom. After current K-pop era, there were similar things happened to Club HOT, Cassiopea, Sone, Exo-L. Yes, some of those cases were made b entire fandom, but some of them were not. And some of groups stood in front of media to apologize about what their fandom did. Now nobody talk about those thing anymore, but those things actually happened before. That is what I worry. I supported this girls from 6Mix era and even saw their trainee showcase. I think 2019 was enough for Twice. Hope nothing happened during this year.


Yeah I totally get your point and I see why it's alarming since the pandemic isn't helping at all. As for DC, nate, etc... we always knew that haters (and I'm talking about actual REAL haters) were working on these to spread hate and malicious comments. Pandemic situation (lower amount of promotions, appearences,... + ppl being bored) is adding oil on this fire but at the same time, REAL fans are also being more supportive. For example, for the first time we actually won a mass voting as ONCE when usually, we're such a bunch of lazy b***** xD So ofc we should fight against those malicious comments everytime we see them but I also want our fandom to really focus on the positive while we're this strong and prepare ourselves for the next comeback (which will be most likely a full album) and being more supportive than never before :D I always try to stay on the positive side since a lot of ppl rely on me on SNS (even tho, I wasn't active that much this year) and I know that our fandom is growing even more lately so if we focus on the positive things + support our girls no matter what, I believe that all the bad comments/things will fade soon... We survived to some real bullshit these last 5 years and we'll survive to this cause we won't let bad apples poisoning our fandom. ONCE is one of the most healthy,supportive and openminded fandom and we'll prove it once again <3


I agree. However, I don't want the size of Once is getting bigger within short period of time. We don't need to be a biggest size fandom. Sudden increasing always has problem. Like what you said, we already saw well-organized fandom made better result than biggest one. This is a reason I also worry about blink. Even though there were many issues and re-organized, Once has control center a,k,a Fan Union, but Blink doesn't. Even though these groups are now global groups, but still their origin is S.K. They should have strong control center in this country but BP fan base of S.K is not stable. However number of fandom increased very rapidly. Easy come, easy go. If they just leave, it would be fine, but fandom usually turned as haters. I hope T-Re-BL will be good partners and good competitors each other like what S.E.S & Fin.,K.L did and what Wonder Girls, SNSD, & Kara did. Problem is those immature fans. During 1st and 2nd gen, Fandom of SM groups were aggressive, loyal, and trouble makers. JYP had weakest fandom. YG fandom did not have any color. Now, ReVeluv is quiet one (among 3), Once is loyal, and Blink is aggressive. Something is not good. Anyway, hope nothing will happened this year.


" Fandom of SM groups were aggressive, loyal, and trouble makers. JYP had weakest fandom. YG fandom did not have any color. Now, ReVeluv is quiet one (among 3), Once is loyal, and Blink is aggressive. " I agree sooo much on this O_o And yeah, I see your worries about Blinks cause i've the same ngl... I barely saw any organisation in their fandom since htey debuted. The day YG drop BP, they'll be in serious troubles :'( That's why I want to "fidelize" our newcomers Onces by spreading positivity among the fandom ^^ Showing them what kind of fandom we're and how devoted we're to our girls no matter what happens. Like you said 2019 was enough to endure for our babies and we don't need 2020 to follow the same pattern ;) And since we're on NiziU vid, I want to tell to all my fellows WithU here that I'll also spread this mindset among this newborn fandom so the next gen will already have a nice example <3


Mako reminds me so much of Mina but younger version lol


耳打ち mimiuchi literally means "ear hitting" but the translation would be "whispering"... So Nina did the right thing, but hitting the ear/head has so many possible interpretations. ハゲワシ hagewashi is not a bald eagle, it's a vulture... The reason why she went for "bald" and "bird" is because the kanji (which aren't used anymore) for vulture is 禿鷲 which literally means "bald eagle". But how do you act out a specific kind of bird in the first place? XD This episode was really fun to watch! But now it's getting serious! :D Can't wait to see the next one


You're the first one to say this and I absolutely have to agree! ^^ Riku is a less clumsy but equally adorable version of Sana!

Kyle Twitch

Oh wow thank you for explaining this! Yeah I thought they should have passed the Bald Eagle one for sure haha Ughhh yes it's getting very serious now!

Kyle Twitch

Welcome to the family! And yeah you're right! I actually didn't even think about her facial expressions being like Nayeon but now that you said it I can totally see it haha


it was miihi's 16th birthday a couple of days ago! :) & if you want anything fun to get you through the wait theres a video called nizi project whos your mama feat. jessi - its just the girls in their dorm dancing around but it has really funny miihi moments (there are no spoilers it was all during the beginning of nizi project filming). theres also a nizi project whisper challenge, a shorter but fun video


Bro you think that those limbo numbers were crazy you should see what the world record level people can do. As low as 22cm has been done, it's mind blowing.


If you wanna start making predictions on who makes the group next episode that sounds fun. The way they choose the final lineup of 9 members is the same as sixteen, what I mean is that there are more than 9 people there waiting and hoping to have their name called. So you can give predictions next episode but there will be a final selection ceremony for you to revise and finalise them. Also I recommend that in the final episode when the performances are finished you could switch over to the jyp channel? That way you will have seen the performances and then have good subs for the final selection. No need to do it for every episode cause that's a hassle, but I think it will be a good idea for the final one.


Also [Nizi Project] Mission1 My Best Friend. It's a short video but you get to know more about their relationships with others and how they are growing up together.


what l’ve learnt from this Patreon is that Mina could do this limbo with heels on... special penguin.