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So first off Twice Private Life episode 2 will be uploaded sometime tomorrow so look out for that! But I'm mainly making this post because I'm getting a lot of comments and DMs of ideas of adding more tiers to Patreon....Since we are family here let me tell you my thought process on why I haven’t made more tiers...1. I already feel guilty making you guys pay 2 bucks as you all are my friends and we vibe out to shows together..I wish I could make these videos free for everyone but it costs me money to put them up. 2. I don't want it to ever come off that I'm not appreciative of people paying 2 bucks and excluding people out of things just because they can't afford a higher tier which leads to point 3. More content would cost me more money to put here on Patreon as I would have to buy more storage on the sight I use....So for the people suggesting more tiers what would be your ideas for a 5-10 dollar tier. Again we are family here so please speak your mind on what you think about all this! Love you all! 

Edit* Just to clarify all the normal video stuff for the 2 dollar tier will always be here(as in you will never have to pay more than 2 bucks to watch the videos we said we'd watch)  the extra tier would be for EXTRA content! 



If you make a 5-10 dollars tier I don’t think I’ll be able to participate but try to support as much as I can


It’s literally 1am lol


Do you my guy! But if I did pay for $5+ it would be for more Twice content. Can’t tell you how much I look forward to Friday and Saturday releases.


I am not allowed to spend more money than just $2 and I really enjoy watching your videos so I personally don’t think you should add more tiers to your Patreon.


I hope you don't make more tiers, it took a lot of convincing to be able to become a patreon for a month and I really can't afford to give more than that which is saddening because I really enjoy your content.


Whilst we are a family, I do understand the importance of making money for taking up time of your day & working part of your day to hang out with us! But I also know that most people can't afford more, especially in current times. Ultimately, it is up to you. But I wouldn't do different tiers, especially since all Patreon reaction content is kinda the same - reality shows, performances & album reactions. I'd find it weird (personally) to put those on different access levels. But again, please, do whatever you need to do! Good luck.


But that’s only me so if you want to, you can do a $5+ tier


I am a student so I may not be able to pay more


If you do more tiers, you can do dramas which are very interesting and I think you'd enjoy. You can also do more live stages and listening parties since those get blocked on YT.


Yes I understood don’t worry I meant if you want to do more tiers you do you but I’ll stick with the first one 🙂


I think $ 5 is a good price! You are the only one who puts $ 2😂, you can put short videos in $ 2, and long videos like (more than an hour) in $5 ! , I really want to see your reaction to some of the BTS programs , It will be fun💞💞

Robert Arthur

I would do a $5+ tier, just to support and encourage you. But your series reactions are worth the money. Not only are you a great person to watch these with, your Patreon becomes a central place to find English sub versions, which are sometimes hard to find. If you want to concentrate on series, we've got tons of them for you, I'm sure. Besides the Kpop company content like LevelUp, there's Korean tv shows that feature Kpop idols like Battle Trip, Begin Again, Queendom, and my favorite I Can See Your Voice. And then, my ultimate request: there was a Korean tv show last year on JTBC called Superband. It has never had English subs. It's a reality competition show with judges and audience voting. It starts with like 50 musicians, and they start with individual performances, and then start forming groups. The judges eliminate the ones that aren't gelling into bands. Eventually, they form six bands and have a final competition. I got so tired of waiting, I watched the whole thing in Korean and I think I understood some of it. However, it seemed like you had a hookup for English subs for some episodes of Sixteen. You would do the world a service if you reacted to Superband, with English subs. I'd pay extra for that. I also think you would like it a lot, if you are interested in musicians and how they interact with each other.


$5+ tier should include voting for next video,next group type of thing. Or you know nothing different just the option to support more.

Mr Jackpots

I'm ok with $5. I wish I could higher, but Covid is making everything cost more and the exchange rate on the US dollar and my currency is brutal. I think you'll be doing groups I like (Twice, Nizi and, I hope, Dreamcatcher) for a long time so it's worth it.

Kyle Twitch

I'm not ok with making another tier just for "support" I'd like to do something special if there's ever going to be another tier here haha


Other channels that have multiple tiers often give access to their "community" discord or put the member's name at the end or begginng of every YouTube video. I've seen that they also offer personal reactions to a specific videos and are allowed to vote in polls to see what they should react to for YouTube. It really is up to you to do what you feel comfortable with.

Kyle Twitch

You woudn't have to go higher at all! 2 bucks will never change here I was just thinking of making an extra tier for extra things people are suggesting!


I would love to see a discord option if you add tiers so that if you ever have questions, you can get an answer quicker from the squad.


i dont think it would be good to lock out your content with higher tiers. so all videos should still be viewable at 2 dollars. BUT, 5 dollar tier patreons should be able to vote or recommend what show to watch next I think.


I'd understand if you want to do more on here but I like what you're doing rn. A suggestion for if you want to do more without changing your patreon would be setting up a discord or twitch stream day. You always have questions (which is great) so those can be answered right away and it makes everything more interactive.

Kyle Twitch

For sure thinking about twitching again to hang out with you all live but that would be for free!

Ashley Hoekstra

You treat your viewers with so much respect.. You are really something else


I think $2 is reasonable cost, I appreciate your efforts to make this channel, I had so much fun from here, I just personally don’t think people should pay more coz it’s just for daily entertaining. I’m not leaving anyway, just to speak up for young subscribers.

Ashley Hoekstra

Just an idea but it would be reallyy fun if you made a discord server so you can talk more with your viewers and maybe ask questions if you need to. You can even voice call with us but only if you’re comfortable with that of course❤️


For $5 tier they can vote for what they want you to react next, maybe a poll you put up or something. $10 maybe they can request you to react to a certain video (of course if you are comfortable with the video) and shoutout after each video

Kyle Twitch

I'll have to check this discord thing out! I'm an old head or "TooGrown" so I know nothing about discord haha


I understand the cost of putting up more content for your viewers so I would be okay for an option for a higher tier. Like let's say a $5 or $10 tier gets to vote on your next video or they get to sponsor and request your next video. Just a suggestion. I know other YTers are crediting Patrons on higher tiers as producers. Things like that. You can still make all videos available to the the $2 tier, and just make more exclusive benefits for the upper tiers so everyone still get to enjoy the videos and not feel left out. Still up to you, man 😊 these are just my thoughts.


Personally, stick with $2 for now. Times are tough for a lot of people right now, & just to be able to support & enjoy this extra stuff with you as it is right now with $2 is probably a comfort to many, given that a lot of YT’ers start with $5 on their tiers. This relates back to your point #2 - people missing out. Your YT squad has 45k subs but only 608 are able/choose to be Patrons. Stick with what you’re doing as it is, the extra contents on a $5 tier can wait 👍🏼

Kyle Twitch

These are interesting ideas! Yeah I don't want to exclude anyone who's already apart of the Patreon family and I'm obviously new to the platform and know others have tiers but as you know me I'm not after the money I'm just trying to get everyones thoughts on this and see if an extra tier is even needed!


For the extra tier you should put more other groups filmography like BLACKPINK house or Run BTS. Also to have a preview for the YouTube video assuming you record few day before upload. In general you should add a TooGrown discord server to give more ideas or just to chat.

Kyle Twitch

Other vids like this would be for the 2 dollar tier! Like show's everyone wants to see would always be at the 2 dollar tier I'm curious more on these extra benefits for the ones who want to I guess "support" me more.


I don't know English well, and I don't know Patreon's system structure well. But I want to share more with you. So I think 5-10 dollars is okay for me.


Well if you put any "real" content (like special reaction to special videos) in a higher tier, people will want to watch them because they love the work you are doing on them. So they MAY feel obligated to "upgrade" to be able to watch everything you do. And i think this go against your principles. All the suggestions made above about being able to choose the next content you'll react, choose what you gonna watch on throwback thursday if they subscribe to a 5$ or 10$ tiers are very good ideas. Everyone in your community that can afford will gladly do it for the chance of more interactivity, and everyone else can just stay in the 2$ tiers to enjoy every dope video you pull off. I love your actual content and i'm even baffled at how you so quickly added Stray kids, Exo and throwback thursday in the mix when you still have a lot to propose with you main roster of groups. I don't even see the 2$ a month as an expense because i'm active, i got a job and that's not a notable amount for me. But if i had to pay 5 or 10 $ to get see extra videos ... i'm not sure if i would do it so easily. I'll prefer getting a higher tiers on one or two month just to help you getting the fund you need for better hardware or storage space on patreon, and have fun with some polls and suggestions... well, this wall of text is still just a suggestion ... do as you like and listen to the majority, i'm pretty sure you'll make the right and thoughtfull decision anyway.


I completely understand about wanting to keep things accessible to everyone. You could always just do another tier that's like 5-10$ purely as support for extra content, I'm sure there's at least a few people that are willing to put a bit extra in for the good of everyone. That way you could do more videos and stuff and keep everyone in the loop. Maybe even just set a goal, x amount of dollars for the extra content then whoever has the inclination can decide if they want to.

Kyle Twitch

Your English is great! And 2 bucks is way more than enough I'm just seeing if ya'll have ideas for these tiers people keep talking about haha

Kyle Twitch

This is fantastic feedback! Yes I totally agree that videos should not be excluded to higher tiers but more of benefits...Again I'm perfectly fine with the tier we have I've just been getting comments and ideas of other tier options and wanted to run this idea by you all!

Kyle Twitch

I'll never make a tier just for more support! I would make the tier for special benefits for people wanting to support more but have no idea what special benefits people would get so that's why I'm having this conversation with you all.


I'm supportive if you want to introduce higher tiers and more content but like others have said here, I probably won't go any higher. I think you have a good thing going here and i feel you give us a good amount of quality content for $2. But even if you give even more great content at $5 I don't think I could justify adding more to my monthly entertainment budget ATM. Anyways, love your stuff and can't wait for this week's uploads!


Imo, you can try another tier for $5 and make a discord, then, when you record Patreon stuff, you can announce it to have a call with people in that tier, so you will make a kind of livestream as you have been saying in your reactions, to get an answer to all your questions, just squad members in the tier will help you with your questions, maybe it will be useful and finally upload the videos as you always do. I other words, I am suggesting make live while recording Patreon stuff. It won't make you work to much more and you can give another tier for your squad. Edit: As other members said, maybe another tier also can choose one of your TBT or Twice friday videos. What do you think? Sorry if I have mistakes, english is not my first language.


I tried to be clear but to translate all my thoughts was a bit difficult haha I am really sorry if I couldn't clarify me


I mean, it really depends what the extra benefits would be. Firstly, I dont mind paying more, even if its just to support you, because youre already offering more than enough for $2 - two or three shows at the time. Thats alot, even if I dont particularly care about all of them. But I love Twice and every week theres atleast something here I wanna see. And your reactions are priceless! Easily worth paying $2 and even more. What I would gladly pay for as a higher tier (besides just to support you) - either/or - : 1. Thank you credits at the end of videos (seems to be popular thing among patreon-youtubers and its cool) 2. Shows from other groups. $2 would stay as Twice/JYP tier as its the main tier and main content anyway. Higher tier would be for people who want to see you react to other groups shows. For example what I would like: Blackpink House, Red Velvet Level Up Project :D Ive seen voting being recommended aswell. While I would gladly vote for new groups or MVs to react to... (Dreamcatcher, Everglow, KARD)... what if I lose the voting all the time, then my voting privilege would be "worthless". Also, think it kinda sucks to give that kind of decision to handful of people who happen to afford higher tiers. So yeah, Im against the voting idea. Just keeping as it is would be fine aswell. No need to overdo it unless you really feel like doing more. Most of us are here because we are happy with the content we already get.

Unsalted Pecan

Im sure I can speak for the GrownSquad here, whatever you decide please keep your health in mind, I love all your content but please make sure you are not gonna burn yourself out or get sick.

Kyle Twitch

Great point on the voting thing...Yeah from the looks of it I think I'm going to keep this Patreon thing as is..love getting these opinions and thoughts though!


To be honest, due to the pandemic, it would be better to have one tier FOR NOW. I agree with the reasons you give out. It would be okay if after Nizi Project you may add another group. It will cost him and us more plus he also have work on a daily basis. TooGrown will always be there providing us content even though he has other stuff to do. More tiers means more content but less time for his personal things (work and leisure)


Can you upload two Twice videos on here per week? Just a suggestion. You don’t have to do it.


Also, he can make a poll on his twitter account for contents that people want on his YT. and he can also do Live reactions on YT without costing him anything.


For higher tier Patreon content you could add sponsors at the beginning and/or end of your videos. This can make up 1 or 2 tiers of your Patreon. Having your name appear at the beginning of a video should be a higher tier than having it appear at the end. You could also add polls for some more minor things (I'd strongly recommend against allowing any minority to decide on major content). For said poles, people could vote on the next throwback Thursday videos, vote on which bsides you react to, etc. These are what I would recommend for some tier options. I would not suggest adding special reactions or extra reactions as tiers because I feel as though this would go against the foundation of what you've built here. From what I gather you plan to keep videos at $2 which I think is great for everyone. The reactions should be affordable for all, allow those with more money who'd like to support you do so in other ways. By promoting people you give them an opportunity to show their support for you at the beginning and/or end of your videos. By allowing people to vote on some content such as bsides you allow people to have more of a say in what you're reacting to, while still maintaining that freedom you deserve to have as a content creator.


Inclusion for Voting/polling for new shows/mv to react to for higher tiers sounds good. A bit of a tangent, but I'd love to see you react to twice or blackpink or red velvet's appearances on running man, weekly idol or knowing brothers. The running man episode twice did a few weeks ago for more and more promotion was hilarious

Wayne W

Keeping the $2 tier as is for all the stuff that can't go on YouTube is dope and a great value for all your hard work! As of other's have mentioned, maybe a discord, voting, special requests, Live Stream reactions (that can be shared later to the $2 tier), could go into other tiers. I know some of us always answer your questions soon as you ask them during the reactions. Ha ha. Maybe you'd have to limit some of the tiers so we don't burn you out with reaction requests. The Patreon GrownSquad has definitely grown since I joined and we appreciate you reaching out to us for ideas and feedback.

Carl Dungca

I'm already amazed with your weekly output, eating up so much of your time with no YouTube monetization, so I really don't want to suggest anything that adds even more of a workload to your plate. Otherwise what started as a fun hobby turns into a potentially crushing obligation of a job. Instead of more videos or more obligated community engagement with chatrooms, I think any higher-dollar influence should go towards steering choices of one or a few of your current weekly video slots with voting polls.


I think one way to do this might be to have higher tiers be able to request reaction MVs/shows, but still make it available for everyone to watch. I know you are not here for the money, but if you ever feel that you want to upgrade equipment, you can do GoFundMe for example. Everyone sees how much you need and I am sure many people will help out. We are a family. If you need more storage space, I think you might even get it in the mail lol.


u are the best!


I think for now just keep it at a minimum which is pretty much what you're doing now. But eventually with more growth of your YouTube channel and Patreon, the more requests you're inevitably going to get. That being said, if people would like to see other content that YOU deem is an extension on what you're already doing now, then it may be worth creating another tier. And I mean extension as in, it takes up more of your time and effort as far as editing and catching up on stuff and duration of things etc. Because obviously this is just something you enjoy doing on the side, I think you should grow your content as your channel grows and I feel the pace that you're going at now is fine. You don't have to give into too many expectations just to please the viewers. Watch what you genuinely want to enjoy and learn about and then think about broadening your horizons.

Dominik Gauk

I dont know, who suggested another tier, if they dont know what to do with their money or just want to say, that they are exclusive patreons because they are paying more. I think It will be nice, if you just leave all the content unlocked for the 1st tier. If they realy want to pay more, you can add 2nd tier with the benefit of woting polls on patreon (reaction voting), or that their names will be shown at the end of the youtube videos.

Béla Márföldi

The best solution is, that you dont exclude any tier from your content. I suggest to $2 tier can watch all of your video and nothing else extra. For example: $5 tier people can vote on next contents, (I dont prefer this, but a lot of people love, if the creator show their names in the his/her videos) $10 (or more) tier people can ask 1 specific mv reaction from you / month. Everything depends on how many time do you have to making more content. But its a fact: a lot of us want to pay more to receive more content from you. And we dont wanna exclude anyone, im happy to pay more and i dont care if others pay less.


Since most people are only interested in the videos, maybe you could do other bonuses for the higher tiers. Like shoutouts in your videos or something.

Scott Louis

Hey brother, I’ll do more for more TWICE content. B SIDES, album reactions, live stages, dance practices. I’m still catching up on the current shows. I’m one of the first 1k, so I’m down to support.


Regarding the cost for storage; I could be wrong, but you might be able to utilize your YT channel to upload videos specifically for Patreon (assuming they won't be blocked). Just make sure they're uploaded as UNLISTED so they're not available to the general public on YT, but available to watch only when you link it here on Patreon. Hopefully this isn't totally incorrect and is a way around you not having to pay extra for storage on Vimeo(?) lol. Also! Just spit-balling: Not sure what tier it'd fall under, it at all, but maybe you could try some type of live streaming for certain reactions or DVD reaction/watch party? All up to you of course. Your personal life comes first!


It's a difficult question to answer because obviously this does cost you money to do, so like you say to increase your output costs you money. But I am pretty hesitant to recommend creating new content exclusive to higher tiers cause some people just aren't fortunate enough to be able to go up more than the 2 dollars. If there was some stuff I really wanted to see at 5 or 10 dollars I'd probably pay it now and again but it would be kinda rough on people who have wanted certain reaction content to be added but on a higher tier than they can afford. I tend to like higher tiers being more personalised things so that the people paying it get something good but lower tiers aren't left out of a good series (like imagine if Nizi season 2 or something like it was added to your schedule but only for a higher tier, a lot of people might miss out). I respect whatever decision you come to though.


If you upload stuff f.e. from MNET it gets blocked either way, doesnt matter if its unlisted or not.


I am down to support you however I can. As a too grown person I got into discord for gaming purposes. It can be difficult to set up but I know there would be people to help guide you. Twitch streaming would be super cool I don't know if it is different than YT live. but you would be able to get answers to your questions faster. As for higher tiers, I think some things that might be cool would be like more personal to you like sharing your top 10 songs on your gym playlist. Or reactions to things that are not necessarily from a complete group like League of legends KDA, or true damage. You could even react to other you tubers remixes of kpop songs. Also, I don't know if this is possible but could you create content in a higher tier and after a certain amount of time then drop it down to the 2 dollar tier because it would older content? We will support you no matter what. Please keep yourself safe and hydrated!


How's about having the 5-10 dollar tier help decide one of your content for the week?