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The Incubus System Chapter 793. Lonely Girl III

Celia quickly took charge of the situation. She bustled around the kitchen, putting together a plate of spaghetti and pouring a glass of water for Jill. Despite her weakened state, Jill attacked the food with the hunger of someone who hadn't eaten all day. It was concerning to see her devouring the meal so ravenously, even though she clearly lacked the strength.

Celia and Mrs. Clea exchanged worried glances, their concern for Jill evident in their eyes. Mrs. Clea had been gently feeling Jill's forehead at regular intervals, clearly keeping an eye on her fever.

As they shared their concerned looks, I was contacted telepathically by Mrs. Clea. 'Alright, Ethan. Time to fill me in. Who is this child, and why did you bring her here?' she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and admonishment. She directed her gaze toward me, sitting in a chair beside Jill. Alan was on Jill's other side, eagerly watching her with a hopeful expression. He seemed eager to initiate some sort of play.

I responded mentally, 'I don't have much information. I found her in one of the luxury apartments in Ravine City, Eldoria.'

Celia chimed in, clearly surprised, 'Eldoria? That's not even in Aeros.'

I affirmed, 'Yep. I took my pets for a hunting trip there. They're still there, by the way. I can't stay here for too long.'

Celia's concern shifted to the girl's well-being. 'She's sick. Should we take her to the doctor?'

"That's the plan," I said aloud, addressing both Celia and Mrs. Clea. "But I want her to eat something substantial first."

Mrs. Clea intervened gently. 'Let me take her to the hospital. They'll need her medical information, and you might face difficulties treating her properly without any identity.'

‘Thanks a lot. Your help means a great deal,’ I expressed my gratitude as I got up from my seat, preparing to take my leave.

However, Celia had one last inquiry. ‘Hold on. Can you answer one more question? Where are her parents, and why is she sick?’ she inquired, her curiosity evident in her tone.

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the situation. ‘I'm not sure where her parents are. I found her alone, sleeping on the balcony of an empty apartment. It seems her mother left her there, neglecting her, while she pursued an affair,’ I provided a concise explanation of what I had discovered.

’That's absolutely awful,’ Celia reacted with a mix of sympathy and disgust.

Mrs. Clea added her insight. ‘No wonder she's developed a fever in such conditions.’

Celia wasn't done yet. ‘So, what's your plan now? You can't just leave her parents to continue treating her like this, can you?’ she questioned, her concern for the child evident.

I considered the situation for a moment. ‘I don’t think giving her back to her family is a good choice. I'll try to gather more information once Jill is in a calmer state. We can't rush into anything right now,’ I replied thoughtfully.

‘Alright,’ Celia acknowledged, understanding the need for a measured approach.

Just as I was about to activate my portal and return to the task at hand, Mrs. Clea interjected with a topic that immediately caught my attention. ‘Ethan, there's something else. I came to give you a warning about the Angel Creation project.’

I turned toward her, fully attentive. ‘Go on.’

She continued, ‘The senators are planning to greenlight the project immediately. They've assigned me to bring you in. When should we proceed with our plan?’

I took a moment to ponder. ‘Let's give it another day, and then execute it the day after tomorrow. I need to tie up a few loose ends,’ I concluded.

After wrapping up our discussion, my attention shifted back to Jill. I faced her with a gentle smile. “I need to step out for a bit. Once you're done at the doctor's, you'll be staying at my place tonight, alright?” I assured her.

Mrs. Clea chimed in with an additional suggestion. "It might be a good idea for her to spend the night in the hospital. She might need some observation to ensure she's alright."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by the seriousness of the situation. "That bad?" I inquired, concern evident in my tone.

Mrs. Clea nodded solemnly, her expression confirming the severity. "I discovered some scars on her body. It's best to keep an eye on her for a bit, just to be safe," she explained, her words hinting at a past that might have been more troubled than we initially thought.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, I nodded in agreement. "Alright then. Just let me know where you're taking her, and I'll come visit her later," I assured Mrs. Clea.

"Will do," she responded with a nod.

With everything settled, I made my way to create a portal. Back at the rooftop, where Miranda and Red were engrossed in their training, and in my demonic form, I surveyed the scene before me. The air was charged with a mix of determination and exhaustion, and beads of sweat glistened on Miranda's forehead as she pushed herself to her limits. She was engaged in an intense training session, her body showing signs of fatigue.

Miranda's breath came in short, rapid gasps, and her once neatly tied hair was now disheveled, sticking to her damp skin. Her face was a mixture of determination and weariness, a testament to the effort she was putting into the training. Despite the exhaustion evident in her posture, she pressed on, unwilling to give in.

Red, on the other hand, continued to guide her with a patient and encouraging demeanor. His own form showcased his canine grace, his movements fluid and calculated. His eyes never left Miranda, watching her every step, every strike, ready to provide guidance and correction.

"Come on, Miranda! You've got this!" Red's voice carried over the rooftop, a blend of encouragement and determination.

Miranda mustered a tired smile, her resolve evident in her eyes even though her body seemed to protest each movement. She pressed on, delivering a final series of strikes before finally lowering her demonic claws, her chest heaving with exertion.

"That's it for now," Red said, his voice laced with approval.

Miranda leaned on her knees, panting heavily, her sweat-soaked clothes clinging to her body. Despite her fatigue, a sense of accomplishment radiated from her. She looked over at me, her eyes meeting mine, and she managed a weary but satisfied grin.


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