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The Incubus System Chapter 790. Miranda's First Training 

As I savored the flavors, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Celia. Despite our teasing and banter, this was a moment I cherished, one that held a sense of unity and love that was irreplaceable.

Between bites, I couldn't resist a playful jab at Celia. "See, Celia? Extra sauce didn't ruin the balance after all."

Celia shot me a mock glare, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Don't get cocky. This time, you lucked out."

Tiffany chuckled at our banter, clearly amused by our unending sauce debate. "Just be grateful I made enough sauce for Ethan's creative culinary endeavors," she teased.

With an annoying grin, I nodded in agreement. "Thanks, Tiff. Please call me culinary genius next time."

As our dinner progressed, our conversation flowed naturally, a mix of catching up and lighthearted chatter. The food wasn't just nourishing our bodies; it was feeding our bond as siblings.

Finally, as our plates were cleared and satisfied sighs filled the room, I leaned back in my chair, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "That hit the spot," I declared, offering a grateful smile to Tiffany.

Celia nodded in agreement, her expression softening with the kind of warmth only family could bring. "Definitely. Thanks for helping me, Tiff."

Tiffany's smile was radiant, a reflection of the joy she felt in our shared moment. "You're welcome. And hey, the sauce battle was totally worth it."

With full bellies and even fuller hearts, we rose from the table, the clinking of dishes a background melody to our laughter and conversation.

Celia's eyes sparkled with amusement, and even Tiffany couldn't help but chuckle as we exchanged jokes and playful jabs.

With the dishes cleared and the kitchen tidied up, I walked Tiffany to the nearby bus stop. The city lights illuminated our path, casting a warm glow on the sidewalk. We chatted about the day, shared a few stories, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride seeing her smile genuinely.

As I returned home, the night was alive with its own energy. Tonight, I had chosen a location abroad for my hunt, a decision aimed at ensuring our movements remained under the radar, yet still within the same time zone.

Keeping my promise to Miranda, I soon found myself heading out to pick her up with my portal skill. But rather than normal clothes, she still wore her fake demon hunter uniform. I let her since she didn’t have any suitable clothes for her training.

Our hunt led us to an empty building, its shape slightly odd and unique. It had once been a grand hotel, now abandoned and rumored to be haunted by those who clung to superstitions. However, as a demon who had walked the shadows, I was far from swayed by such tales. To me, the building was simply a backdrop for tonight's training session.

Upon reaching the rooftop, I could see the building's silhouette against the moonlit sky. Its architectural quirks made it stand out, a stark reminder of the city's history and evolution. My pets were scattered across the city, each on their own hunt, while Red, Miranda, and I occupied this vantage point.

"Miranda, meet your mentor for tonight," I gestured toward Red who quickly activated his battle form. His crimson fur glinted in the moonlight as he eyed Miranda with a mix of curiosity and determination.

Miranda's gaze shifted to the demonic creature before her, and I could sense a mixture of awe, fear, and apprehension in her expression. Her determination, however, shone through, and I knew she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"You ready?" I asked, a note of encouragement in my tone.

She nodded, her resolve firm. "Absolutely."

With that, the night unfolded around us. The training commenced, a dance of shadows and skills as Miranda faced challenges she had never encountered before. Red's guidance was evident, his movements calculated yet patient. I could say he was a better mentor than me.

My focus remained fixed on the rooftop scene before me, where Miranda and Red engaged in a rigorous training session. The moonlight illuminated their movements, showcasing the balance between power and finesse. Every now and then, I'd catch their exchanges of glances and nods, evidence of the mentorship dynamic that was forming.

While my attention was predominantly on their progress, I couldn't help but spare moments to appreciate the surrounding cityscape. This wasn't Aeros Republic, so my expectations were moderate. The likelihood of encountering Zatan or Beel in this foreign city was minuscule.

However, leaving Miranda solely under Red's tutelage wasn't the most viable option at this stage. This marked the first instance of my pets accompanying me on an overseas hunt. While it was a different terrain, the thrill of the hunt was as exhilarating as ever. The air carried an enigmatic energy, a fusion of the familiar and the unknown. Yet, despite the novelty, monotony began to settle in.

With a stifled yawn, I leaned against a ledge, my interest waning as boredom seeped in. The wind that rustled through my hair carried a gentle lull, almost as if it were encouraging sleep. I glanced back at Miranda and Red, their dedication unwavering, and couldn't help but feel that this mundane night was more boring than usual.

"I'm bored…" I muttered to myself, my voice a quiet echo in the night air. The stillness was palpable, accentuated by the distant sounds of the city below.

As the minutes ticked by, and my companions remained absorbed in their training, a decision formed in my mind. I stretched my arms, my wings unfurling to their full span. The breeze embraced me, carrying with it a renewed sense of energy. "I'll take a stroll for a while," I announced to the others, though I didn't linger for their response. With a swift, practiced movement, I flicked my wings and launched myself into the sky.

The world shifted beneath me as I soared above the city. Neon lights painted the streets in vibrant hues, and the distant hum of foreign nightlife whispered a promise of excitement. The wind that rushed past invigorated my senses, awakening a dormant restlessness within me.

With each beat of my wings, I ventured further into the night. My eyes looked around, searching for anything that could steal my attention. And then, I saw it.


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