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The Incubus System Chapter 773. Annoying Dilemma 

After that event, we found ourselves seated at a table in a bustling fast food restaurant. The aroma of freshly cooked burgers and crispy fried fries filled the air, tempting our taste buds. Plates piled high with delicious food were placed before us, but there was a noticeable difference in the atmosphere around the table.

Our eyes were drawn to Ruby, who was sitting across from me, eating her meal with childlike innocence and sweetness that contrasted sharply with the events that had unfolded earlier. Despite everything that had happened, she seemed unbothered and completely immersed in savoring each bite of her burger. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she took a sip of her drink, and she chatted animatedly between mouthfuls as if the haunted house incident was nothing more than a distant memory.

Meanwhile, Celia, Tiffany, and I ate without the same enthusiasm.

"You know, I thought you guys went to the cemetery, so I thought to follow you guys and pay respect to your late dad," Ruby said, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness as she took another bite of her burger. Her eyes swept across each of us, as if searching for any sign of belief in her story.

But we knew better. The glances we exchanged spoke volumes, a silent communication that conveyed the truth we all knew. ‘No… You simply followed us since you knew we weren't going there.’ The unspoken words were clear on my face, and I could see it mirrored on the faces of Celia and Tiffany as well.

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on us. We had concocted a little white lie about visiting the cemetery, hoping to deter Ruby from following us on our private family theme park trip.

I chomped on my chicken nuggets, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy amidst the lingering tension before I spoke up. "Just don't bother us. We just want to have fun, and this is a rare opportunity," I said firmly, my words coming out a bit muffled due to the food in my mouth. I hoped that my bluntness would make Ruby understand that we needed some space.

"It's okay, I can understand that," Ruby replied, her voice surprisingly calm as she waved her hand dismissively. However, there was a flicker in her gaze that betrayed a hint of something more. Her eyes landed on me, and I could almost see the gears turning in her head as if she were considering something.

"Besides... Let’s consider this as..." Ruby began, reaching out as if to hold my hand. However, I swiftly caught her hand before she could make any physical contact. I gave her a death stare, a look that was completely different from my usual gaze. It was a glare of warning, a signal that I was not to be trifled with.

The shock on Ruby's face was evident, and for a moment, she seemed at a loss for words. It was rare for me to display such open aggression, but I knew it was necessary to make her understand that her actions had consequences.

My frustration bubbled to the surface, and I couldn't help but let out a hiss of displeasure. "Like I said before, this is a rare opportunity. I want to spend my time with my sisters and have fun. Don't test my patience..." My words were laced with irritation, and I hoped that my stern tone would make Ruby realize the gravity of her actions.

This trip was meant to be an escape from our problems, a chance for us to forget about the weight of the world, especially the pain we felt from our mom’s betrayal. It was supposed to be a time of bonding and creating cherished memories together, but Ruby's antics threatened to overshadow that.

I had reached my limit with her behavior, and I was ready to put my foot down. It wasn't just about the haunted house incident; it was about the lack of respect and consideration she had shown for our feelings and the sanctity of our time together.

Ruby's smile faded, replaced by a look of genuine remorse. "Sorry," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I just don't want to be left out..." She withdrew her hand, realizing that her attempt at closeness had been met with resistance.

Her head lowered slightly, and she continued, “I know you might think I'm really annoying, but I have my reasons for that…”

Ruby's response piqued my curiosity, and I couldn't help but press for more information. "For example?" I asked, my voice neutral.

She hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting to the side as she stared out at the glass wall beside us. I followed her line of sight, noticing two men sitting on a bench, casually munching on popcorn. Their gazes were fixed on us, making it evident that they were keeping a close watch on our every move. It was then that I realized they were the senator's spies.

"---I want to always be with you and make sure you're okay," Ruby finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

'Right, it's them again,' I thought. Ruby's seemingly clingy behavior and desire to be a part of every moment were driven by fear and paranoia. She believed that by staying close to us, she could offer protection and keep us safe from the threats that lurked in the shadows.

The complexity of my relationship with Ruby was something I had grappled with for a while. On one hand, her attitude and behavior could be annoying and overbearing at times, making it challenging to connect with her on a deeper level. But on the other hand, she genuinely cared for me and seemed determined to protect me from any potential danger. That left me in a constant state of dilemma, torn between my irritation with her antics and my appreciation for her concern.

"I'm fine," I replied curtly, feeling the weight of my conflicting emotions pressing upon me.

"You are," Ruby acknowledged, her smile unwavering. "But we don't know when disaster will come. So, I want to spend as much time as I could with you," she continued, her sincerity shining through her words.

"If you want his attention, you should just act normal. What’s with those questionable acts?" Celia's words were direct and pointed, her eyes locking onto Ruby's with an unwavering intensity.

Ruby's expression shifted to a frown, clearly taken aback by the unexpected accusation. "What do you mean? I did not commit any questionable act," she retorted, her voice laced with a hint of defensiveness.

I exchanged glances with Celia and Tiffany, both of whom looked equally puzzled by Ruby's response.

"Stalking at your crush is a questionable act, you know?" I chimed in, feeling the need to drive home the point.

Ruby's eyes widened in surprise, as if she hadn't expected her actions to be labeled as such. It was evident that she saw her actions through a different lens, one that perhaps justified them in her own mind.

"And just leaving without any news for three months is also a questionable act," Ruby shot back, her tone defensive once more.



And now the dreaded cliffhanger, I really enjoy your writing Nana-chan.