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The Incubus System Chapter 771. Drama

In that moment of darkness and uncertainty, adrenaline coursed through my veins, urging me to act on instinct. I reminded myself that the fake ghosts were designed to scare us, not physically harm us. Whatever was trying to touch me or pull me away must be something out of the ordinary.

With newfound resolve, I reached out into the darkness, my hand groping the ghostly hand. It felt cold and insubstantial, almost as if it belonged to another realm.

Without hesitation, I pulled and slammed the hand down with a swift motion. To my surprise, a woman's groan of pain filled the air, mingled with the sound of something falling to the ground. The lights suddenly flickered back on, and as the room was once again bathed in light, the true nature of the fake ghost was revealed.

Before us lay a woman dressed in a ghostly costume. She cradled her wrist. Her eyes met mine, and there was a mix of shock and humiliation in her expression. It was clear that she had not expected her ruse to be exposed so abruptly.

My eyes widened in shock as I recognized the fake ghost. The all-black robe and hideous mask had been meant to conceal her identity, but her voice and status above her head had been unmistakable. "I think I know you," I said as I moved forward to unveil the truth behind the deceitful facade.

I reached for the mask to remove it, revealing none other than Ruby.

"Ruby, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice reflecting the shock and confusion that swept through our group. None of us had expected to encounter a familiar face in this nightmarish setting.

Ruby stumbled to explain, her voice faltering with each word as she attempted to justify her presence in the haunted house.

"I—I'm working here," she reasoned, her voice stammering as she tried to maintain an air of nonchalance. But it was obvious that she was lying. It was clear that she was hiding something, and her nervous demeanor only added to the suspicion brewing within our group. And her attempt at deception was far from convincing.

"How about the maid café?" Celia interjected, her voice laced with skepticism. Celia had always been astute at picking up on inconsistencies and half-truths, and she wasn't about to let Ruby off the hook so easily.

Ruby's eyes darted between us, searching for a way to defend herself. "This is just my side job," she protested, but her shaky voice betrayed her deceit. It was clear that she was struggling to keep up the facade, and her lack of composure only served to heighten our suspicion.

"I don't buy it," I chimed in, my own skepticism taking over. "It's too much of a coincidence that you just happen to be working here when we decided to visit the haunted house."

Ruby's attempt to manipulate the situation with her theatrical display did not go unnoticed. Feigning innocence, she posed as if she were a victim of bullying, tucking her legs to the sides and pretending to sob. Her dramatic performance reminded me of Larry, who was notorious for such antics. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and amusement at Ruby's desperate attempt.

Despite her emotional display, I knew better than to be swayed by her acting. I had seen through her façade and remained resolute in seeking the truth. "You don't believe me?" Ruby pleaded, her voice quivering with false vulnerability. But I couldn't let her antics deter me.

My head shook in denial, my eyes locked on hers, refusing to back down.

“After you slammed me, you also doubted me. Why did you do that to me, Ethan?” Her voice quivered with feigned hurt. Ruby's desperate attempt to manipulate the situation only intensified. Her acting performance seemed to reach new heights of melodrama, as she sobbed and pleaded with a sense of theatricality that was hard to ignore.

I exchanged glances with Celia and Tiffany, and we couldn't help but cringe at the display. Her antics were like a scene from a poorly scripted drama, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"Cause' we know you lied?" I retorted, unable to keep the incredulity out of my voice.

Her response was nothing short of comical, as she grunted and dramatically put her hands on the floor. "So cruel..." she sobbed again, drawing out the words with a dramatic flair that made it hard to take her seriously.

Deciding to put aside Ruby's dramatic display for the moment, we collectively chose to ignore her and shift our focus to more immediate matters.

I turned to Celia and Tiffany. "I'm a little hungry. Should we grab some food?" I asked, knowing that the answer was likely to be a resounding yes.

Celia's eyes lit up with excitement. "Burger sounds nice," she chirped, her enthusiasm evident.

Tiffany's agreement was just as swift and wholehearted. "And I need my fried fries," she added, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Right, let's go," I said, leading the way out of the haunted house.

We were about to make our way toward the exit of the haunted house, ready to leave the spine-chilling experience behind us, but Ruby's voice called out to me once again. "Ethan!" she called, her voice tinged with urgency.

I turned to face her, my usual flat stare giving away nothing of the turmoil that was brewing inside me. I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and concern as I looked at Ruby, who now stood before me with both hands raised in a gesture of supplication. Her eyes were filled with a clear plea, and I could tell that she was struggling with something, or pretended to be struggling with something.

"What?" I asked in annoyance.

Ruby took a deep breath, her shoulders rising and falling with the weight of her emotions, pretending to let out a silent sob. "Can you pick me up?" she asked, her voice vulnerable and childlike.