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The Incubus System Chapter 768. Miracle!

Ruby looked shocked by Celia's bold revelation.

I couldn't help but shoot Celia a deathly glare. Celia, on the other hand, seemed entirely unfazed by my reaction and simply continued playing with her phone, as if she hadn't just spilled a rather intimate detail about me.

"You like sleeping naked?" Ruby asked incredulously, leaning in closer to me as if she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Well, not exactly," I admitted, trying to downplay the situation. "It's just that last night, I felt a little hot, so I decided to sleep without any clothes," I explained, hoping to put an end to the awkward conversation.

Ruby's intense gaze never wavered as she leaned closer, her face mere inches from mine. Her eyes shimmered with curiosity and a hint of mischievousness.

"But you do like sleeping naked, right?" she prodded once again, clearly not willing to let the subject drop.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I shifted uncomfortably under Ruby's intense scrutiny. "Uh… well, I mean, once in a while, when it's just too hot," I stammered, trying to find the right words to explain myself.

Ruby's lips curled into a sly smile as she seemed to relish my discomfort. "Ah, I see," she said, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. She raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my response. "A little hot, huh?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a mix of amusement and annoyance at the teasing. "Yes, a little hot," I emphasized, trying to maintain my composure.

Celia, who had been enjoying the show from the sidelines, suddenly found herself the target of my frustration. I telepathed her, my thoughts laced with annoyance, 'Celia, you better take responsibility for this!'

"I think we should go now," Celia suggested, her tone tinged with urgency. "I don't want to visit the cemetery too late," she added, trying to steer the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic.

"Cemetery?" Tiffany repeated, her confusion evident in her voice and expression.

Celia and I turned to Tiffany, our eyes conveying a silent message, she seemed to pick up on our unspoken request for discretion. Understanding dawning in her gaze, she quickly changed the subject.

"Oh yes, of course," Tiffany responded with a hint of nervousness. "The cemetery can be a bit eerie at night, so it's better to go during the day," she added, trying to play along.

Ruby, however, wasn't one to be easily fooled. Her keen observation skills kicked in, and she eyed our clothes with suspicion. "You're dressed like this for the cemetery?" she asked incredulously, clearly not buying Tiffany's explanation.

Celia and I exchanged a knowing look, realizing that Ruby wasn't going to let this go so easily. We had to tread carefully to avoid revealing our true plans for the day.

"Well, you know, sometimes it's nice to dress up a little for special occasions," Celia replied smoothly, trying to deflect Ruby's scrutiny. "Yes, exactly. It's a way to honor our father and show that we're doing well even in his absence," she said with conviction, hoping to persuade Ruby with our fabricated reasoning.

But Ruby wasn't so easily swayed. She gave Celia a skeptical look, clearly unconvinced by our attempts to explain our choice of attire. She seemed to be searching for the truth behind our seemingly innocent trip to the cemetery.

I saw the doubt in Ruby's eyes, and I knew I had to step in to maintain our facade. "Yeah, just like Celia said," I chimed in, trying my best to sound sincere.

Ruby's gaze shifted to me, and I could see her face blushing slightly, perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed for prying into our personal affairs. "Can I…" she started to say, as if about to ask for an invitation to join us.

Before she could finish her sentence, I interrupted her firmly. "No," I said, my voice unwavering.

Ruby's pout and pleading gaze tugged at my heartstrings, but I knew I couldn't waver. This visit to the cemetery was meant to be a private family affair, and I couldn't let anyone else intrude on our personal moments of remembrance.

"This is a family trip, Ruby. You can't come," I refused firmly, hoping she would understand.

Ruby sighed, her disappointment evident in her expression. "Okay, I won't force you," she said, her tone calm and accepting.

‘Wait… Did she give up just like that? Miracle!' I thought. I was taken aback by her response. I had half expected her to put up a fight, but she seemed to have surprisingly accepted my decision without any resistance. It was quite the miracle, considering how persistent and stubborn Ruby could be at times.

"I will excuse myself then," said Ruby again. Her face remained surprisingly serene. She calmly left the house, leaving the three of us standing there, feeling a mix of relief and confusion.

-   Blam!

The door slammed shut behind her, reverberating through the hallway. The sudden sound made all three of us jump in surprise, momentarily stunned by the unexpected exit.

"Did she just... leave by herself?" Tiffany said, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Celia and I exchanged a perplexed look before nodding in unison. Ruby's departure was unexpected, to say the least. She had initially seemed so determined to join us, but then she had given up without putting up a fight. It was unlike Ruby to back down so easily, and I couldn't help but wonder what had changed her mind.

"Is doomsday coming?" I quipped, turning to look out the window as if searching for any signs of impending disaster.

Tiffany glanced at me, her eyes widening in surprise. "It's still bright outside," she replied, unable to contain a small smile at my attempt to lighten the mood.

Celia couldn't resist chiming in with a touch of sarcasm. "Well, that is shocking indeed," she said, her lips twitching into a half-amused smirk.

Tiffany offered her own theory about Ruby's sudden departure. "Maybe she has given up on you?" she guessed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Can't you remember the way her eyes glimmered when Celia mentioned that I sometimes sleep naked?" I reminded Tiffany, my voice tinged with a mix of amusement and concern.

Tiffany nodded in agreement, her face scrunched up in thought. "Yeah, you're right. It's like she was scheming something in her mind," she said, recalling the intensity of Ruby's gaze during that moment.

Celia, always quick to analyze situations, chimed in with her own theory. "Then she probably has an even worse plan in mind," she guessed, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully.

Tiffany's eyes widened, and she leaned in closer, eager to hear Celia's theory. "Worse than what?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Celia hesitated for a moment before sharing her idea. "Well, considering Ruby's mischievous nature, she might be planning to sneak into your room and install a spy CCTV to record you sleeping naked," she suggested with a half-amused, half-worried expression.

Tiffany's eyes widened in shock, and she let out a gasp. "What? That's insane!" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the possibility.

Celia shrugged, not one to be easily surprised by Ruby's antics. "With Ruby, you never know," she said with a wry smile.

As we contemplated the absurdity of that idea, Celia couldn't resist adding another wild guess. "Or maybe she's planning to kidnap you and lock you up in the basement, making you her sex slave," she added, her voice filled with mock seriousness.

"That's not gonna happen," I reassured them, my tone laced with amusement. I had my demonic eyes and always checked my room. I would know if anyone tried to pull off something like that.

Tiffany and Celia exchanged a glance, clearly entertained by my confidence. "You do have a point," Celia admitted, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

With the topic of Ruby's supposed mischievous plans put to rest, I decided to steer the conversation back to our original purpose for the day. "Shall we go now?" I asked, looking at both of them expectantly.

"Yeah, let's go," they both replied in unison, their earlier concerns now forgotten.

Before we left, I couldn't help but telepathically reach out to Foxy. ‘Foxy, do you want to come with us?’ I telepathed.

Foxy's response was swift and decisive. 'I don't think so. I seem to prefer staying here with the others. Someone has to guard this house from her,' she replied, referring to Ruby.

‘Alright, you stay here and keep an eye on things,’ I telepathed back.


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