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The Incubus System Chapter 766. I'm Also His Sister!

I couldn't help but cringe at Ruby's comment. 'At least you don't have to say it out loud,' I thought, cringing internally at the awkwardness of the situation. Ruby was always known for her straightforwardness, but this was taking it to a whole new level. Who just casually said, "I want to peek at you," in front of other people?

Part of me wanted to retort with something equally cheeky, like, "Why settle for peeking when I could show you everything and more?" But I quickly realized that such a response would only escalate the situation further. Besides, Celia and the others were already waiting for me, and I didn't want to keep them waiting any longer.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to brush off Ruby's comment with a light-hearted chuckle. "You and your wild imagination," I teased, hoping to divert the conversation away from such intimate territory.

Ruby grinned mischievously, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Hey, you can't blame a girl for her curiosity,” she reasoned.

“Right…” I exhaled a long breath and shook my head from side to side. "You still haven't answered my question," I reminded her, my tone laced with curiosity. "What brought you here in the first place?"

Ruby hesitated for a moment before confessing, "I was in the next door when I heard Tiffany screaming. So, I rushed here to see what was going on."

"And Celia let you in just like that?" I asked, my disbelief evident.

Ruby nodded, her expression innocent. "Yeah, she did," she replied, shrugging casually.

"That's unlike her," I remarked, still trying to process the fact that Ruby managed to waltz right into the house.

"No, she didn't just come in through the front door. She climbed in through the window," Tiffany clarified, shaking her head at Ruby's antics as we reached the bottom of the stairs. Tiffany was sitting on the couch, her expression a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"Red was barking at her like crazy, and the others seemed quite restless too," Celia said, recounting the scene.

Taking a seat on the couch beside Tiffany, Celia handed me a plate of jam bread, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for her thoughtfulness.

Glancing at my pets—Red, Foxy, and the others—I could see that they were behaving like normal pets around Celia. They knew that Ruby was a demon hunter, and they wouldn't dare harm her unless I gave them the signal. Ruby, in particular, was still in a gray status for me, meaning I wasn't entirely sure where our relationship stood. So they played it safe and acted like typical cuddly pets, though I knew they were always on alert when she was around.

As I settled on the couch and began munching on my breakfast, I glanced at Ruby, who was now sitting on a nearby chair. She seemed unfazed by the pets' behavior.

Ruby flashed an innocent grin as she explained, "I was just worried about you, you know."

Tiffany arched an eyebrow, clearly not buying into Ruby's act. "You don't look worried. In fact, it's more suitable for you to be trying to kill me," she quipped, not one to mince words.

Ruby huffed, crossing her arms in frustration. "Well, you've seen him naked, so that's a normal reaction, right?" she retorted, sounding a bit defensive.

Tiffany's eyes narrowed in playful disbelief. "What about Celia then? She's his sister, and they're practically inseparable. I'm sure she's seen Ethan naked too," she fired back, her tone teasing.

Ruby rolled her eyes, responding with a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, of course, they've seen each other naked. They were born from the same vagina, after all," she retorted with a click of her tongue. "Tch! Even though I don't like it, it can't be helped," she added, making it clear she wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea.

As the two of them continued their banter, I couldn't help but feel like a bewildered bystander. 'What the hell are they talking about? And why are they discussing my naked body in the morning like this?' I wondered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Amidst the conversation, I tried my best to maintain a straight face and continue eating my breakfast. The whole situation was getting more absurd by the minute, and I couldn't believe I was the subject of such a bizarre conversation. Ruby and Tiffany seemed to be having a field day, while Celia decided to opt for the role of the neutral observer, casually scrolling through her phone as if she were deaf to the whole conversation.

I took another bite and couldn't help but notice my pets, Red, Foxy, and the others, huddled together in the corner of the room. Their expressions were a mix of amusement and bewilderment, and it was evident that they found our interactions rather perplexing.

"I'm also his sister," Tiffany retorted, her voice tinged with irritation.

Ruby's eyes narrowed, and she fired back with a dismissive tone, "Half sister. You can't even be considered his full sister. And step-sisters can never be trusted.”

As the pointless argument between Tiffany and Ruby continued, Celia finally broke her silence and spoke up. Without looking up from her phone, she directed her question to me.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Celia asked, her fingers deftly tapping on the screen. Her pink lipstick was back on her lips, and she seemed unfazed by the drama unfolding around her.

I let out a sigh, torn between wanting to intervene and simply wanting to enjoy my breakfast in peace. "I want to, but I'm feeling too lazy to get involved," I admitted with a huff. It wasn't that I didn't care about their argument, but sometimes it was easier to let them work it out amongst themselves.

Turning to Celia, I handed her my now-empty plate with a sly grin. "By the way, do you happen to have any more food? I'm still hungry," I said innocently, hoping to change the subject.


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