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The Incubus System Chapter 763. Sleep and Cradle

"Why?" I whined, my voice tinged with both frustration and desperation. After all, wasn't a demon lord at least entitled to a peaceful night of rest?

Puriel, however, seemed unmoved by my pleas. With a pout on her lips, she offered her explanation, her words carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I'm lonely here," she admitted, her voice laced with a tinge of melancholy. It was a confession that caught me off guard, igniting a flicker of sympathy within me.

I stared at her in disbelief, my tired mind struggling to process her admission. "So, you'd rather endure the company of the king of perverts than be alone?" I inquired, my tone a mix of exhaustion and curiosity. The weariness in my voice betrayed my exasperation, yet I couldn't help but seek clarity in her response.

She nodded, her actions confirming her choice. At that moment, it became apparent that Puriel's desire for companionship outweighed her reservations about my questionable reputation. It was a revelation that left me torn between irritation and a begrudging sense of understanding.

With a defeated sigh, I pressed my head against the ground, my body sprawled out in an exhausted heap. "Give me a break," I whined, my voice muffled by the surface beneath me. I closed my eyes once more, surrendering to the weight of weariness that enveloped me. This time, I resolved to care less about this dream realm’s peculiarities.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep again. This time I didn't care anymore. Even in this dream, I would sleep! And no one could wake me up!

The minutes ticked by in silence, the ambient air heavy with a muted stillness. But just as I began to slip into the comforting embrace of slumber, Puriel's voice pierced the tranquility.

"Ethan, aren't you going to talk?" she inquired, her words breaking through the quietude with gentle persistence.

"No, I’m tired," I responded, my voice laced with a mixture of fatigue and disinterest. I refused to open my eyes, preferring to remain in the solace of darkness. The weariness in my voice was palpable, a reflection of my depleted energy reserves. The thought of engaging in conversation felt like an insurmountable task, one that I simply didn't have the capacity to tackle.

Once again, the tendrils of sleep began to wrap around me. But then, a gentle touch on my head disrupted the blissful descent into dreams. Startled, my eyes fluttered open, and I turned towards Puriel, my expression etched with a furrowed brow.

"What do you want to do?" I questioned, a note of skepticism creeping into my voice. The unexpected interruption had shattered the fragile tranquility that had settled upon me.

Puriel met my gaze with a soft smile, her eyes brimming with a curious warmth. "You need a pillow, right?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of playful innocence. Her words caught me off guard, momentarily casting aside my weariness.

I raised an eyebrow, eyeing her with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. "You want to be my pillow? Aren't you afraid of me?" I questioned, my tone laced with skepticism.

A pout formed on Puriel's lips, her expression one of childlike disappointment. "A bit. But you're my only friend," she murmured, her voice laced with a tinge of vulnerability. The words struck a chord within me, stirring a strange mix of emotions.

Despite the irritation that simmered within me, I couldn't help but acknowledge the profound loneliness that consumed Puriel. I was indeed annoyed with her since she made me unable to sleep comfortably after I returned to the human world, but I couldn't blame her either. She longed for companionship. She was lonely. Her loneliness was so bad and she was desperate to have a friend. In this case, it was me.

I sighed, a mix of resignation and empathy coloring my tone. "Fine," I conceded, my voice infused with a reluctant acceptance. The weariness in my voice betrayed the exhaustion that clung to my bones, a testament to my desperate need for sleep. "Just promise me one thing," I added, a flicker of mischief dancing in my eyes. "Don't kick me again," I said, a subtle warning laced within my words.

Puriel cradled my head with gentle care, her thighs sliding beneath it, providing me with an impromptu makeshift pillow. The sensation was surprisingly soothing, her touch reminiscent of a mother tending to her child. A sense of tranquility settled over me as her delicate fingers caressed my hair, coaxing me toward a state of blissful relaxation.

Lost in the embrace of her makeshift pillow, I reveled in the heavenly sensation that enveloped me. The tension and weariness that had plagued me moments ago began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of comfort and peace. It was as if the worries and burdens of the world had momentarily melted away, leaving me suspended in a cocoon of serenity.

Yet, even in the midst of this tranquil reprieve, Puriel couldn't resist the urge to engage in her peculiar storytelling. Without awaiting my response or consent, she declared, "Let me read you a goodnight story then." Her words carried an air of whimsical excitement as if she had stumbled upon a delightful secret that she couldn't wait to share.

My eyes fluttered open. Internally, I grumbled. 'Why does she always insist on destroying the peace with her peculiar stories?' I pondered, my inner voice dripping with a hint of playful frustration.




Dakota Wilson

I hope Puriel joins the harem lol