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The Incubus System Chapter 761. The Senator III

With the manipulation complete, I reveled in the knowledge that I now held a puppeteer's strings over the senators, pulling them into alignment through the unsuspecting vessel of Mrs. Clea. It was a strategic move that would streamline my plans, sparing me the laborious task of orchestrating each step myself.

As I withdrew my hand from Eldric's face, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. I observed his vacant expression, the emptiness that now inhabited his eyes, and a cynical smile crept onto my lips. There was a bittersweet pleasure in witnessing the fall of a once-mighty figure, a reminder of the power I wielded in the shadows.

"You are a stubborn person," I murmured, my voice laced with a mixture of amusement and subtle menace. "But in the end, you cannot escape me. Rest assured, I will ensure that your companions join you swiftly,” I added in the same low voice.

With a snap of my fingers, a surge of energy coursed through me, activating my Teleportation skill. In an instant, I turned into a dark aura and vanished from the car, leaving behind the blank-eyed Eldric and the remnants of my presence.

Standing on the edge of a building nearby, I peered down at the street below, the cars gliding through the night. The ease with which I had manipulated Eldric left me somewhat surprised. It was a testament to the growth and refinement of my skills and abilities, a testament to the power I had honed over time and my status as the demon prince.

A wry smile tugged at my lips as I contemplated my next move. "Now, who shall be my next target?" I pondered aloud, my voice carried on the whispering wind. With a flick of my wrist, a portal yawned open before me, its swirling vortex promising a passage to my intended destination. Stepping closer, I prepared to traverse the threshold, eager to weave my dark machinations.

"I hope I don't arrive at an inconvenient moment," I mused with a touch of wicked amusement, acknowledging the risk of interruption. The individual I had set my sights on next was entangled in a scandalous affair with one of their young assistants. The thought of involving myself in a seductive charade briefly flitted through my mind, but laziness overcame me. Besides, the allure of this elderly target held no appeal for my insatiable appetite. So… I would take her using the same way as I just did.


The clock near midnight when I returned home, my body phasing through the portal and collapsing onto my bed. Exhaustion engulfed me, and a sigh escaped my lips. "I'm tired..." I whispered, a tinge of weariness lacing my voice. The arduous task of manipulating three senators had taken its toll. Five had been my initial aim, but two weren’t senators.

Rather than risk exposure, I had opted to erase any memory of our encounter, leaving them blissfully ignorant of my existence. It was a stark reminder that not everything on Mr. Clea's list held true. Regardless, those three had proven to be quite the nuisance, each possessing formidable power that required delicate handling.

My targets, carefully selected, were predominantly affiliated with Aeros and the surrounding countries. They occupied key positions of influence and held close ties to Eldric, ensuring that suspicion would never fall upon him. This strategic move aimed to shield Eldric from scrutiny, allowing him to continue pulling the strings from the shadows without attracting undue attention.

Having completed my intricate manipulations and schemes for the night, I turned my attention to Miranda. I had transported her back through the portal. Tomorrow would mark the beginning of her training with my pets.

With a weary sigh, I admitted to myself, "I should get some sleep." It had been an eventful day, pushing the boundaries of my abilities to manipulate the senators. Yet, it was the unavoidable task of delving into their minds and stalking their every move that left me feeling drained. In doing so, I had inadvertently become privy to the seedy underbelly of the political world, a realm teeming with unsavory truths and unsettling revelations.

The more I delved into their thoughts, the more I uncovered the deep-rooted vices that plagued the world of politics. It sickened me to witness the pervasive presence of bribery, corruption, and nepotism. The very foundations upon which the system operated were tarnished, obscured by a shroud of pretense. It became apparent that much of the confrontational politics was nothing more than an elaborate charade, a scripted drama enacted by politicians for their own gain.

Coalitions, too, revealed themselves as nothing more than hollow alliances, a façade constructed to appease the masses while preserving individual interests. The realization left a bitter taste in my mouth. The world of politics, once seen as a bastion of power and influence, had now revealed itself as a cesspool of deception and manipulation.

With a flicker of focus, I canceled my Demon's Clothes. The fabric dissolved into a swirling, ethereal aura, fading into nothingness. Tonight, I had no desire to wear any clothes. Besides, sleeping in the nude allowed me to fully embrace my demonic nature.

Satisfied with my liberated state, I settled into bed, relishing the anticipation of a well-deserved night of rest. However, as if scripted by the whims of fate, my peaceful intentions were swiftly disrupted. Puriel ensnared me in her dream spell.

Once again, I found myself instantly transported into the realm of dreams.

"KYAAAA!" Her piercing scream reverberated through the room, jolting me awake with a start. My eyes snapped open, and I turned towards the source of the commotion, irritation etched across my face. Puriel, standing before me, wore a look of absolute disgust.

"Ethan! What on earth are you doing? And why in the world are you naked?!" Ariel's voice boomed, her words dripping with shock and disapproval. Her eyes widened, a mixture of disbelief and horror playing out on her features.

I let out an exasperated sigh, rubbing my temples in an attempt to ward off the lingering remnants of sleep. Puriel's unyielding personality always managed to disrupt even the most peaceful moments. 



The chapter repeats itself.


I think something needs to be fixed because we have a repeat at the end.