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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 280. Contracted Marriage 

With a subtle flick of my telekinetic power, I effortlessly pushed open the heavy door and stepped out of the throne hall. My attire gracefully cascaded around me. An expression of annoyance creased my forehead, as the cacophony of noise continued to assault my ears. I ran my thumb along the side of my lips, erasing a stray droplet of saliva that had formed in my distaste.

As I surveyed the scene before me, my eyes locked on General Guillotine and the orc prince.

Before General Guillotine could utter a single word to explain the situation, Burz's voice pierced the air, seizing the opportunity to offer his account of events.

"What happened to my sister? Is she all right?" Burz's frustration was palpable as he struggled to regain his footing, his eyes filled with concern and fear.

A mischievous smirk curled at the corners of my lips as I reveled in the tension. "Your sister? Oh, she's perfectly fine," I replied with a hint of amusement in my voice. "Just a little tired, you know? I may have utilized my half-dragon form during our consummate."

Burz felt a chill creep down his spine, his blood turning to ice at my words. The vivid imagination of the torment his sister might have endured gripped his heart, and waves of pain and sadness washed over him. He fought to swallow the bitter emotions, determined to remain strong in the face of adversity.

His desperation overwhelmed him, and with an unyielding resolve, Burz lunged forward, attempting to push past me and rush into the hall where his sister was held captive. However, I swiftly extended my hand to the side, effectively blocking his path, my gaze fixated ahead.

"Remember, you have one hour," I reminded him coolly, my voice commanding and devoid of emotion. "After that, we shall settle our agreement." Without giving him another glance, I slowly lowered my hand, silently signaling Burz to proceed into the room, all the while calling out for his sister's presence.

Letting out a slow, deliberate breath, I closed the distance between Evelina and myself. With a casual air, I extended my hand towards her, a silent invitation to accompany me on a brief stroll away from the chaotic throne hall. "Care to join me for a little walk?" I inquired, my voice carrying a hint of intrigue and mystery.

Evelina's eyes darted momentarily towards the grand entrance of the throne hall, her mind still filled with worries and uncertainties. But then, as if making a decision, she shifted her gaze towards me and nodded, her hand seamlessly finding its place within mine. A silent understanding passed between us, and we set off, leaving the clamor and tension of the hall behind.

"Make sure to handle the rest, Guillotine," I commanded, my voice laced with authority as I directed my attention towards the dragon general who stood faithfully nearby.

Guillotine responded with a deep, respectful bow, his fiery eyes gleaming with unwavering loyalty.

Burz wasted no time in closing the distance between himself and Glasha. She was sitting upon the ornate chair, her body concealed by a makeshift curtain. The dragon king's bride tattoo adorned her neck. Despite her appearance, lost amidst the opulent surroundings of the palace, Glasha's warrior spirit remained unbroken.

Burz approached her cautiously, his eyes brimming with concern. He longed to ensure her well-being, to offer solace amidst the tumultuous circumstances they found themselves in. "Glasha, are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Glasha's response was devoid of emotion, her tone carrying a chilling detachment layered with traces of weariness. "I'm fine, Burz," she replied, her words falling like shards of ice. It was evident that she had endured a great deal, her weariness etched into every fiber of her being.

Burz couldn't bear the thought of Glasha suffering in silence. He leaned in closer, his hand gently grasping her shoulder. "Tell me the truth, Glasha. Did he...did he tear you apart in his dragon form?" His voice trembled with a mixture of fear and anger, a surge of protectiveness coursing through his veins.

Glasha's silence hung heavy in the air, the weight of her unspoken words palpable. With a blush creeping up her cheeks, she averted her gaze from Burz, as if seeking solace in the shadows. It pained her to admit the truth, even to someone as close to her as Burz. The undeniable reality was that she had experienced a bewildering mix of pleasure and pain under the dragon king's touch. It was a confession that clashed with societal norms and her own conflicted emotions.

Yet, beneath the layers of guilt and uncertainty, an unexpected admiration had taken root within Glasha's heart. She admired the dragon king's dominance and the raw power he wielded. He had played the role of a dominant partner, exerting control over her, but without any intention of inflicting mortal harm. It was a delicate balance, one that sought obedience rather than destruction.

"He did," she finally spoke, her voice laced with a mixture of hesitance and vulnerability. "But you must understand, his 'size' was not that of a true dragon's." Her words trailed off, the meaning left hanging in the air. Glasha knew that her explanation merely scratched the surface of what truly transpired. It had indeed caused her pain, but it had not been intended to inflict mortal wounds or bring her to the brink of death.

Burz furrowed his brow, his frown deepening as Glasha's words sank in. He struggled to piece together the fragments of information she shared, his mind racing to grasp the implications. “So he just---” Before he could voice his confusion, Glasha interjected, her interruption cutting through the air.

"Yes," she affirmed, her voice steady and resolute. "It was just a normal consummation, nothing more." Her words hung in the air, their significance reverberating within the silence.

But then, Glasha's next words halted his thoughts in their tracks. "A contracted marriage, to be precise," she stated matter-of-factly.

Glasha took a deep breath, her voice adopting a chilling detachment. "We are only doing this to secure peace," she asserted, her tone almost devoid of emotion. It was a statement of fact, a reminder of the sacrifices she had willingly embraced for the greater good.

She knew this so well, but strangely… Why did she feel sad about it?


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