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The Incubus System Chapter 755. I Don't Seek Out Trouble

Licheri couldn't resist his mischievous grin, his tone dripping with mockery as he posed a question. "Feeling relieved, are we?" he taunted, the glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes.

I nodded, a genuine sense of relief washing over me as I glanced at Miranda, still peacefully asleep. "Yeah," I replied, my voice tinged with gratitude. "I'm glad I won't have to deal with a lunatic like her," I admitted, my words laced with a hint of weariness. The weight of my responsibilities weighed heavily on me. My thought of Ruby and Elenna, my two persistent stalkers back in the human realm, elicited a dry smile. "I've already got enough on my plate as it is," I confessed, exhaustion seeping into my voice.

Licheri cringed, a trace of sympathy momentarily replacing his teasing demeanor. "Seems like you have a knack for attracting women, but also finding yourself in troublesome situations with them," he quipped, his tone now laced with playful banter. It was no secret that my interactions with the opposite sex often led to complications. It was a part of my existence that I had come to accept, even if it did occasionally add a layer of chaos to my life.

I couldn't help but shoot Licheri a displeased look, my frustration with his comment evident on my face. "Excuse me, Mr. Hairy Ball, but I don't seek out trouble. It just seems they have an uncanny ability to find me," I retorted, my voice laced with annoyance. It wasn't as if I actively went looking for chaos and complications in my life. They simply had a way of gravitating towards me, entangling me in their web without my consent.

Licheri's grin only widened, an irritatingly innocent expression painted across his face. "Ah, so you're just a nice little bait for trouble, huh?" he chimed in, his tone filled with playful mischief. His head shook from side to side in mock disappointment, as if he had uncovered some profound truth.

I furrowed my brow, my irritation growing at his flippant remark. "Seriously?" I questioned, my voice laced with incredulity. It was frustrating how Licheri always managed to find amusement in my predicaments as if my trials and struggles were nothing more than a source of entertainment for him.

Unfazed by my reaction, Licheri maintained his innocent grin, his eyes gleaming with mischievous delight. His response was a simple shrug as if to say, "What can you do?"

A sudden movement by my side caught my attention. Miranda had stirred awake, her eyes blinking sleepily as she sat up. It was evident that she was disoriented, understandably so, considering the unfamiliar surroundings she found herself in.

"Listen, Miranda," I began, my voice gentle yet firm, as I reached out to reassure her. "You're in the demon world now. I know it's overwhelming, but remember, you're one of us now. There's no need to be afraid," I offered, hoping to quell any rising panic within her.

Her response caught me off guard, causing a jumble of confusion to swirl within me. Her face flushed with a mix of emotions, and before I could fully comprehend the situation, her hands wrapped around me in a tight embrace. And then, in a surprising turn of events, her lips crashed against mine.

‘Huh?’ My mind raced with a flurry of thoughts, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in her demeanor. It wasn't long ago that she appeared frightened and overwhelmed, yet here she was, kissing me. The contrast left me bewildered, struggling to process the drastic change in her behavior.

However, in the midst of my confusion, a realization dawned upon me. My gaze flickered upwards, focusing on the status indicator hovering above her head. There, in glaring numbers, I noted that her DP was dangerously low, hovering at less than 10%. It was a revelation that struck me with a surge of understanding. Her state mirrored the vulnerability and emotional instability that I had experienced when I first transformed into an incubus.

As I broke away from the unexpected kiss, I couldn't help but notice the intense hunger that radiated from Miranda. Her eyes, filled with a primal thirst, bore into mine with a desperate longing. The raw, unbridled desire that emanated from her made it clear that her needs were far from being purely emotional or romantic.

"Are you hungry, Miranda?" I inquired, my voice laced with concern. Her state was reminiscent of my own insatiable cravings when I first embraced my demonic nature. I understood all too well the consuming hunger that overwhelmed one's senses.

In response, her hands roamed impatiently over my body, as if driven by an insatiable urge. Her lips grazed my neck, her tongue teasingly tracing a path along my skin.

Caught between the intense hunger in Miranda's eyes and Licheri's disgruntled presence, I couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh. Licheri, with his incessant complaints and pouting, had a way of magnifying any already complicated situation.

"Great, now I get to watch a pair of incubi and succubi engaging in amorous activities," he muttered in annoyance, his pout deepening as he frowned.

I couldn't help but shoot Licheri a slightly annoyed look, his pouty expression and dramatic complaints grating on my nerves. "I never asked you to watch us," I retorted, my voice laced with frustration. "If you're uncomfortable, you can always go to sleep or find something else to occupy yourself with," I suggested, hoping to alleviate the tension that had arisen between us.

Licheri tilted his head to the side, his pout morphing into a more exaggerated expression. "Uuu... fine, fine," he muttered, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I guess I'll just turn into a hairy ball again," he grumbled, his words dripping with a sense of resignation.

I shrugged, my demeanor nonchalant. "Suit yourself," I replied, my tone reflecting a casual indifference. If he chose to transform into a hairy ball or engage in any other attention-seeking behavior, it was his prerogative. As long as he didn't interfere with the task at hand or hinder our progress, I had little concern for his antics.


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