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Seven Sins System Chapter 264. Final Test I

After all of that chaos and turmoil, my surroundings once again succumbed to the suffocating darkness of the void. It enveloped me like an impenetrable cloak, rendering my demonic eyes useless in this abyss of nothingness.

'It's here again…' I thought. A long exhale came out of my mouth.

Familiar feelings of dread and unease washed over me, but this time, I refused to succumb to panic. Instead, I chose to embrace the silence and sit quietly amidst the void, allowing my mind to wander through the labyrinth of my thoughts.

As I settled into the darkness, memories flooded my consciousness, overwhelming me with a torrent of emotions. The weight of guilt bore down on my chest, a constant reminder of my failure to protect my first succubus. I still vividly recalled the moment when she was snatched away from me, her desperate cries for help echoing in my ears. It was a wound that had never truly healed, a scar etched deep within my soul.

But the guilt wasn't the only burden weighing me down. The knowledge that my own mother had made the ultimate sacrifice to save me intensified the waves of frustration that crashed against my mind. How could I ever repay such a selfless act? How could I live with the knowledge that her life was traded for mine? The weight of her absence tugged at my heart, a constant reminder of the void she left behind.

And then there was the revelation that shook the very foundation of my existence. The realization that the legendary demon, a being of immense power and darkness, resided within me. It was a truth that both terrified and intrigued me.

'I was useless... But I'm different now...' I thought, attempting to convince myself of my own transformation. I had to believe that my past mistakes and failures did not define me. I had grown stronger, wiser, and more capable. The actions I had taken since then were my way of seeking redemption for my past shortcomings. Yet, deep down, I knew that no matter how hard I tried, the echoes of my past would always haunt me.

I lay in the darkness. The weight of my existence bore down on me. I could feel the heaviness in my body, a physical manifestation of the burden I carried within. It was a burden that no one else could fully comprehend, for I alone knew the depths of my sins and the consequences they had wrought. The knowledge that I had consumed the seven sins lords’ bodies, defying even the laws of our kind, marked me as an outcast among devils. I was the fallen one, the embodiment of the worst atrocities that the world could not forgive.

In this desolate void, there was no one to hear my lamentations, no sound to break the suffocating silence. Only emptiness surrounded me, a vast expanse that mirrored the void within my core. It was in this emptiness that I sought solace, closing my eyes and searching for a way out of this overwhelming darkness.

But the more I tried to find an escape, the more the pain in my chest grew. Negative thoughts infiltrated my mind, like venomous tendrils seeping through the crevices of my consciousness. Regret, guilt, and self-doubt gnawed at me relentlessly, tormenting my every waking moment. It felt as if I was trapped in a perpetual cycle of self-inflicted suffering.

'Am I really different now?' I pondered, my thoughts swirling in a chaotic whirlwind. The doubt gnawed at me, digging its sharp claws into the recesses of my mind. Was the power I now possessed truly my own, or was it merely a manifestation of the legendary demon that resided within me?

'But I was the one who beat him,' I tried to convince myself.

The internal struggle intensified as I desperately sought validation for my newfound strength. Yes, I had emerged victorious in the battle against the legendary demon, but doubts continued to plague me. What if it was only because I had tapped into the dormant power within me? What if it was all an illusion, and I was still the same weak, insignificant devil I had always been?

The weight of my crimes, the burden of my sins, loomed over me like a dark cloud. I questioned the very essence of my existence, my fallen form serving as a constant reminder of my past. The relentless self-criticism and feelings of inadequacy threatened to engulf me, suffocating any semblance of self-assurance that remained.

But amidst the sea of doubt, a flicker of reason emerged. My analytical nature, honed over centuries, urged me to consider the source of these negative thoughts. It was unlike me to succumb to such overwhelming self-doubt and guilt. As a devil, I had always possessed a certain carefree nature, unburdened by the weight of conscience. I had been driven by ambition and desire, unencumbered by guilt or remorse.

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. This pervasive darkness that had enveloped my being was not a true reflection of who I was. It was a distorted reflection, a veil of deception that had clouded my judgment. I had allowed the weight of my actions to distort my perception, to drown me in a sea of self-condemnation.

I groggily opened my eyes, my surroundings cloaked in otherworldly darkness. The air felt heavy, as if laden with malevolent energy. I tried to move, but a powerful force held me in place, like invisible shackles restraining my every limb. Panic surged within me as I realized I was not alone.

A deep, resonant voice reverberated through the void, sending shivers down my spine. It was a voice that carried the weight of centuries, the embodiment of darkness itself.

"How dare you eat my core... Give it back to me!" the voice thundered, its tone laced with anger and contempt. "If not... You should be the one who replaces me. You should know all my pain and replace me to devour all..."

Recognition flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. It was the legendary demon. At that moment, I realized this encounter was not a coincidence—it was a test, the final crucible of my transformation.



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