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The Incubus System Chapter 753. I'm A Cute Hairy Ball!

"Your Highness, what in the underworld happened here?" a voice called out from behind me, jolting me from the depths of my concern. I turned to see my trusted pets.

Buni, his voice tinged with an otherworldly resonance, spoke up. "Did she attempt to harm you?" His crimson eyes gleamed with a mixture of concern and protective instinct, his demonic features highlighting his inherent ferocity.

I shook my head, my gaze never leaving Miranda's fragile form nestled in my arms. "No, she didn't attack me," I explained, my voice laced with a hint of regret. "I just turned this human to be my servant, but it seems that her past memories are too much for her to bear."

Cradling Miranda gently, I lifted her weightless body, mindful of her vulnerability. The depth of her suffering etched on her features pained me. "We have to go back now," I said, glancing at them

"Back home?" Red's gruff voice broke the silence, his tone tinged with curiosity. Of course, what he meant was my home in the human world.

"To the dark dimension," I announced, my voice resonating with a sense of purpose as I opened the portal.

With a shimmering glow, the portal materialized before us. Without hesitation, we stepped through the portal.

As we emerged from the other side of the portal, the familiar surroundings of my office greeted us. The portal behind us closed, severing the connection to the mortal realm. We stood in silence for a moment. But amidst the solemn atmosphere, a sudden movement caught my attention.

My gaze fell upon Licheri, who was now perched on my desk, rolling around like an oversized hamster. His fur ruffled in an endearing manner as he sought attention, his voice laced with a playful tone. "Look at me, I'm a cute hairy ball! Pet me! Pet me!" he exclaimed with unabashed enthusiasm.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I watched Licheri's antics unfold before me. Despite his fluffy and seemingly harmless appearance, I knew better than to be deceived by his endearing exterior.

"What are you doing?" I muttered, struggling to contain my cringe as I observed his bizarre behavior.

Licheri turned his attention towards me, his beady eyes sparkling with an impish glimmer. With an air of nonchalance, he replied, "I'm bored, so I thought I'd entertain myself by pretending to be a hairy ball."

"Hairy ball?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow at Licheri's audacious statement. Leave it to him to bring up such an inappropriate topic, even in his attempt to be playful.

Licheri nodded eagerly, his innocent demeanor contrasting with the not-so-innocent subject matter. "Yeah, you know, those things that male demons have down there," he explained with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

I let out a strained chuckle, desperately trying to maintain a semblance of composure. "Right," I muttered, pretending that his absurd notion was just another day in our eccentric world. It wasn't the first time he had spouted off something outlandish, and I had learned to take his words with a grain of salt.

Shifting my focus, I gently laid Miranda on the bed, making sure she was comfortable after the ordeal she had endured. As I attended to her, I noticed the rest of my loyal companions reverting to their usual forms.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I turned my attention back to Licheri, who had settled himself beside Miranda, seemingly unaffected by the gravity of the situation. With a mixture of amusement and perplexity, I asked, "Why would you want to be a hairy ball? Is there something that triggered it?"

Licheri tilted his head, his eyes twinkling with an impish glimmer. “Cause I see female demons like to stroke that part, so I thought it would be interesting to experience it for myself," he responded matter-of-factly, his innocence clashing with the innuendo-laden statement.

"If you're looking for a rub, just say it outright," I stated, unable to hide the slight cringe in my voice as I deciphered his true intentions.

Licheri, in his mischievous glory, pouted in response, his small frame attempting to exude an air of innocence.

"I never said I wanted someone to rub me," he declared proudly, puffing out his chest in an exaggerated display of self-assuredness.

My skepticism lingered, challenging the authenticity of his claim. "Really?" I raised an eyebrow, regarding him with a mix of disbelief and amusement. It was difficult to determine whether Licheri's insistence stemmed from genuine innocence or a cunning attempt to deflect the truth.

With a quick glance in Licheri's direction, I returned my attention to Miranda and used my Observation skill.

Shock, fear and anger were written there, indicating how she was feeling. But other than that, I didn't find anything strange. So she should be opening her eyes any minute now.

Unexpectedly, Licheri interjected with a sudden burst of empathy. His eyes remained fixed on Miranda's slumbering form, his tone filled with surprising tenderness. "What a poor girl," he murmured, his voice carrying a weight of understanding. "Perhaps she would find solace and a better life as a demon," he continued, his tone hinting at a deeper understanding that piqued my interest.

I turned towards Licheri, my curiosity piqued by his cryptic statement. "You know about her past?" I inquired, my voice laced with a mixture of intrigue and concern. His knowledge of Miranda's history intrigued me.

"A little," Licheri replied, his tone devoid of any true empathy. It was as if his emotions had been numbed by the countless horrors he had witnessed at the core of this city. I couldn't blame him for his detachment; after all, living amidst darkness and debauchery tends to dull even the sharpest sense of compassion.

My frown deepened. "So, you're saying that she was brought here by an incubus who enslaved her?" I posed the question, attempting to connect the dots.

Licheri's nod confirmed my suspicion. "I know everything about what that incubus did to her, how he threw her into those sex demons," he nonchalantly revealed. His words dripped with a casual air as if it was nothing.


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