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The Incubus System Chapter 749. Fake Demon Hunter IV

"What do you mean?" she finally asked, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. Her eyes bore into mine, searching for answers, yet still guarded and cautious.

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to convey my point. It was clear that Miranda had her reservations about me, and it was understandable. After all, in the world we lived in, trust was a scarce commodity, especially when it came to creatures like me.

"Well, let's put it this way," I began, leaning back against the wall, trying to exude an air of nonchalance. "You were there when I closed the crack in Lightglen City, right? You should already know who I am and what I did. You know which side I'm on.”

Her gaze was unwavering. "Your point is?"

"I need more soldiers to deal with wild demons, the ones who escaped from my world, and you are perfect for that," I stated, my tone resolute and purposeful.

Miranda's brows furrowed as she processed my words. She could sense the gravity of the situation. Her eyes met mine, and a glimmer of understanding flickered within them.

"So you want me to be your subordinate?" she said, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. She was trying to piece together the puzzle, to grasp the full extent of what I was proposing.

I couldn't help but smile at her accurate deduction. "Bingo! You've got it," I replied, impressed by her astuteness. "You want revenge, to make those responsible pay for the pain they inflicted upon you. But you are powerless. The demon hunter vaccine is not suitable for you. That frustration must be eating away at you. But here's the thing, Miranda. My power, and my abilities, can offer you the power to achieve your goals. How does that sound?" I gave her my temptation.

"I don’t understand… You kill your own kin?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief. The notion seemed inconceivable to her, challenging the very boundaries of her understanding.

I leaned back to her, my expression serious. "I kill traitors," I corrected her, my voice firm. It was true, I didn't hesitate to eliminate those who turned against the rules of the three worlds, who betrayed the king and me for personal gain or power. Loyalty was paramount in every world, and those who violated that trust faced the consequences.

Her eyes widened, processing the weight of my words. The implications were clear: if she were to join me, she would be fighting alongside the creature she hated. No, she would be that creature herself. It was a heavy decision to make, and I understood the doubt that plagued her mind.

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I continued, presenting her with an alternative that could change her life forever. "So... here's your choice," I said, my tone measured. "Either you choose to stand by my side, become one of my soldiers, and gain the power and means to seek your revenge. Or... I can offer you a different path. I have the ability to erase all memories related to demons, including your memories of me, your revenge, and even your dead boyfriend. It would be as if you had amnesia, a clean slate. The pain and burden of the past would be lifted, but so would your connection to the demons,” I offered her.

The weight of those options hung in the air, casting a silence between us. The gravity of her decision was evident, and I could see the battle raging within her. To choose to fight alongside me meant embracing the darkness, her dark side, and there was no turning back.

On the other hand, if she were to opt for amnesia, she would be spared the pain and turmoil that came with her memories of loss and vengeance. It would grant her a chance at a normal life, free from her burdens and painful experiences. It was a tempting offer, one that held the promise of relief and a fresh start.

Her eyes darted back and forth, a flicker of turmoil crossing her face. I could sense the struggle within her, the weight of her emotions clashing with her rationality. It was a decision that could alter the course of her life, a choice between embracing her anger and seeking justice or finding solace in ignorance.

She looked back at me. "Can you give me more time to think?" she asked, her voice pleading.

I crossed my arms, considering her request. It was understandable that she needed time to process the weighty decision before her. But time was a luxury I couldn't afford to grant her. Every moment that passed was a risk, a potential for her to seek help or turn against me.

"Ten minutes. That's all you get," I said firmly, my tone leaving no room for negotiation. I watched as she glanced around, her eyes searching for an answer that was nowhere to be found.

"Three days. Can you give me three days for this?" she pressed, her voice filled with desperation.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her audacity. Three days was an eternity in my line of work. It was enough time for her to gather information, rally forces against me, or even flee from the city. I needed her decision now, at this very moment.

"Sorry, but that's too much," I replied, leaning closer to her with a smug smile. "Three days is enough time for you to run straight to the demon hunter headquarters, spill everything you know about me, and set a trap. I'm not that naive," I added, my smile fading into a stern expression. "So, no. Your choice is to decide now, here. Once you leave this place, it's either you become my subordinate or I'll erase your memory."

Her eyes widened, the gravity of the situation sinking in. I could see the conflict in her gaze, the battle between her desire for revenge and the fear of losing herself in the process. It was a difficult choice, one that would shape the rest of her life.


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