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Seven Sins System Chapter 261. Forgotten Chapter V

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as El continued his rampage, each strike precise and lethal. The hunters, who had once taunted and underestimated him, now paid the ultimate price for their foolishness. Their bodies lay scattered on the forest floor, a grim reminder of the consequences of crossing paths with a demon.

I leaned against a tree, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind," I muttered under my breath, my tone dripping with sarcasm. It wasn't that I had any sympathy for the hunters—they had brought this upon themselves.

His laughter echoed through the forest. With each leap and swift movement, his claws tore through their flesh, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

The scene unfolded before me like a macabre dance of violence. The hunters, who had once taunted and belittled him, were now at the mercy of his wrath. El's sadistic side emerged, relishing in their suffering as he inflicted brutal wounds upon them. Limbs were severed, blood sprayed through the air, and anguished cries pierced the forest.

The forest floor was soon painted crimson, a gruesome tapestry of violence. The scent of iron hung heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest.

One of the hunter's heads rolled to a stop near my feet, a gruesome reminder of the chaos that had just unfolded. I glanced down at the lifeless eyes staring back at me and couldn't help but let out a dry chuckle. "Well, that escalated quickly," I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief.

In a couple of seconds, the forest had fallen into an eerie silence, interrupted only by the faint rustling of leaves in the wind. The metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air, mixing with the earthy scent of the surrounding foliage. El stood amidst the aftermath, his body splattered with crimson stains that marked his violent triumph. He wore a sadistic smirk on his face, reveling in the aftermath of his rampage.

"Next time, they should think twice before crossing paths with me," El muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of wicked satisfaction. He wiped his bloodied hands on his clothes, smearing the evidence of his brutal retribution.

With a subtle transformation, his demonic features receded, replaced by the innocent countenance of his mortal form. His face bore a childlike smile, the innocence now stained by the dark deeds he had just committed.

"Now that they're taken care of, it's time to find Riri," El declared, a gleeful anticipation twinkling in his eyes. Despite the grisly scene around him, his excitement was palpable. It was as if he had momentarily forgotten the horrors that had unfolded moments ago, consumed by the desire to reunite with his friend.

He just turned around, his mind suddenly recalling the necklace that had sparked this gruesome encounter. "Oh, right! The necklace!" El exclaimed, his eyes widening with realization. He hurriedly scanned the chaotic scene before him, the dismembered remains of the hunters mingling with the forest floor in a grisly display.

Among the scattered limbs and carnage, El knelt down, his hands sifting through the grotesque aftermath in search of the necklace. It was a daunting task, as body parts and blood-soaked earth obscured his view, creating a macabre puzzle to unravel. With each passing second, frustration etched across his face, a mix of determination and desperation driving him forward.

Just as hope began to wane, a subtle ripple of energy disrupted the stillness of the air. A portal materialized behind El.

From within the portal, a beautiful demoness stepped forward, her presence captivating and seductive. With flowing black hair cascading down her shoulders and a form-fitting red dress that accentuated her curves, she exuded an aura of allure and mystique. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of bloodshot crimson, pierced through the darkness, radiating both power and intrigue.

My heart raced as I watched the scene unfold before me. The woman, who bore a striking resemblance to El, was none other than my mother. A mix of emotions swirled within me—longing and nostalgia.

"Mom..." I whispered, unable to contain my emotions. Memories of my own lost family flooded my mind, a bittersweet reminder of the life I once had.

Mom’s eyes flickered with a mixture of concern and reproach. "You naughty little devil, who gave you permission to venture into the mortal realm?" she scolded, her gaze fixed firmly on El.

El's smile faltered, and he shifted uneasily under his mother's gaze. "Uh, hi Mom. I... I was just practicing my fighting skills," he stammered, attempting to justify his actions. He gestured towards the lifeless bodies of the hunters strewn across the forest floor. "Look, I just took care of these mortals," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of pride.

"Practicing?" Mom repeated, her tone tinged with disbelief. "Why here? Mortals are weak. You can practice your skills much better in the shadow realm!"

El's gaze faltered, his eyes fixated on the ground. "I... I just wanted to try my strength," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of shame and longing for validation.

Mom glanced around, her eyes scanning the aftermath of El's display of power. After a moment of contemplation, she let out a resigned sigh and turned towards El.

"C'mon, let's go home," she said, her voice softer now, tinged with a hint of understanding. She reached out her hand, a gesture of reassurance and forgiveness.

El's eyes widened in surprise, a glimmer of hope flickering within them. "Are you... are you going to punish me?" he asked tentatively.

She glanced at El. “My little devil just killed some mortals, that's a good thing. There's no way I will punish you," she said.

"OK," El replied with a smile, his apprehension gradually fading away. He reached out and firmly grasped Mom’s hand, finding solace in her presence. As they began walking towards the portal, El couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and sadness.

"Just remember, El," Mom said, her voice carrying a hint of caution. "Don't involve yourself too deeply with mortals. They can be deceitful and treacherous. They often shift blame onto others to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions."

El nodded, his understanding clear.

"I understand, Mommy," El responded, his voice filled with a mix of determination and resignation. He knew he had to heed his mother's advice and prioritize his safety, even if it meant sacrificing his fleeting encounters with Riri. However, as the portal began to close behind them, El couldn't help but steal one last glance at the forest, and from that gaze, I knew he would come back to the forest again.


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