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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 221. Revolt IV

Rose's grip tightened around Angel's hand, refusing to let go. Her voice trembled with a mix of determination and anguish as she stared into his eyes, her resolve unyielding.

"I won't leave you," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering loyalty and love. She knew the risks they faced, the perilous path they threaded together. She would stand by his side, offering her unwavering support even in the face of darkness and uncertainty.

Time seemed to slow as the gravity of the situation became apparent. Angel's body faltered, his weakened form betraying the toll the battle had taken on him. A cough racked through his body, and crimson droplets stained his lips. The sight of blood sent shockwaves through Rose's heart, her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill over.

Gently, with trembling hands, Rose reached out and caressed the blood on Angel's face. Her touch was tender, a gentle gesture amidst the chaos surrounding them. The realization of Angel's vulnerability, his sacrifice for their cause. Embracing him tightly, she sought solace in their shared embrace, drawing strength from the bond they shared.

Angel, though weakened and bloodied, mustered the strength to return his gaze to Ilex. His eyes, once filled with warmth and compassion, now burned with a fierce determination. The dark aura that surrounded him swirled with an intensity that mirrored his resolve, a manifestation of his inner turmoil and power.

Without warning, the dark aura erupted, sweeping through the hall with an ominous force. The swordsmen who stood before Angel were flung back, their bodies tossed aside like ragdolls. The impact of Angel's power reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves that rippled across the room.

But the strain on Angel's body was evident. Another cough tore through him, the sound reverberating with pain. Blood flowed freely from his mouth, staining his once-pristine appearance. His breaths became labored, each inhalation a struggle against the encroaching darkness.

The barrier that had shielded Angel dissipated, leaving him vulnerable to the remaining swordsmen. With unwavering determination, they advanced, their swords gleaming with deadly intent. The realization that Angel's strength was waning spurred them forward, their loyalty to Ilex fueling their aggression.

Angel's reflexes kicked into overdrive as he swiftly pulled Rose back, shielding her from imminent danger. In one fluid motion, he lunged forward, his trained instincts guiding his movements. With a swift kick, he disarmed his enemy, sending the sword spiraling through the air. The force of his kick followed through, striking his opponent's neck, rendering him incapacitated and sprawled on the ground.

However, Ilex, fueled by his sinister intentions, seized the opportunity to strike. With a swift and treacherous movement, he lunged towards Rose from behind, intending to deliver a fatal blow. But Angel, his senses heightened even in the face of his own vulnerability, acted swiftly to protect the woman he cherished. He leaped towards Rose, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace, shielding her from Ilex's nefarious attack.

A gasp escaped Rose's lips as her eyes widened in shock. Time seemed to stand still as she watched the horrific scene unfold before her. Ilex's sword pierced through Angel's back, the metallic clang of metal meeting flesh resonating through the hall. Ilex reveled in his triumph, his malicious laughter filling the air as he callously withdrew his sword from Angel's weakened body.

Rose's trembling arms instinctively caught Angel's falling form, her eyes welling up with tears of disbelief and sorrow. She could feel the warmth of his blood staining her hands, mingling with her own despair. The weight of the moment pressed upon her, threatening to crush her spirit. Angel, his strength waning, mustered a whisper, his voice filled with regret and remorse.

"Forgive... me," he managed to utter, his words barely audible. Each breath was a struggle, his life force ebbing away. The pain etched across his face was a testament to the sacrifice he had made, the lengths he had gone to protect those he held dear.

Rose's anguished cry pierced the air, reverberating through the grand hall with raw emotion. Her voice carried a potent blend of despair, fear, and love, echoing the depths of her soul. The sound of her hysteria seemed to shatter the already fragile atmosphere, causing a profound stillness to settle upon the chaos.

Tears streamed down Rose's face as she clung to Angel's broken body, refusing to let go. Her trembling arms held him tightly as if her sheer willpower could mend the wounds that marred him. But reality crashed down upon her like a relentless storm, the truth of the situation impossible to deny.

"Angel!" she cried, her voice choked with heartache.


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