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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 274. The Dragon King's Dominance II

Glasha's objection rang out, her voice filled with the weight of tradition. "But the throne has always been passed down through bloodline," she argued, her tone holding a hint of desperation.

I let out an exasperated sigh, frustration lacing my words as I snapped back at her. "I don't care about your hereditary customs," I retorted sharply. "You will obey me, whether you like it or not." The authority in my voice was impossible to ignore, my displeasure evident in every word I spoke. I wasn't one to bend to archaic traditions when they stood in the way of progress and power.

"The choice is simple," I continued, my voice dripping with a mixture of disdain and determination. "Either we do it here or we will do it in a conventional way!”

My mind conjured images of a gruesome public display, a spectacle meant to crush the enemy's morale and drown them in frustration. It was a brutal form of exhibitionism, designed to strip away any fighting spirit they had left. If Glasha wanted to challenge me, I would gladly accept and show her just how ruthless I could be. Igixar was a world far harsher and more unforgiving than the one I originated from, and I had adapted accordingly.

The thought of subjecting Glasha to such a public humiliation left a bitter taste in my mouth. I had no desire to put her through such an ordeal, despite our opposing positions. However, I also couldn't afford to show any signs of weakness or hesitation.

Glasha's lips pressed tightly together as she contemplated my words. It was clear that my proposition was unconventional, a departure from the ways of other kings. Other rulers might not have extended such an offer, but I wasn't like them. I had my own approach to leadership, one that blended power and compassion in a unique way.

Without breaking eye contact, I extended my hand towards Glasha, my gaze sharp and unwavering. It was a gesture that conveyed both authority and impatience. "Now come," I commanded firmly. "I want to settle this matter as soon as possible."

With a heavy heart, Glasha reluctantly made her way toward me and stood in front of the throne. The atmosphere was thick with tension as she positioned herself, but her expression remained unchanged. The displeasure etched on her face was evident, and her gaze burned with a deep-seated desire to end me, even though she knew such an act was futile.

I could sense her simmering anger, her inner turmoil that waged war against her better judgment. It was a testament to her warrior spirit and unwavering loyalty to her tribe. Glasha had fought fiercely for their independence and now found herself standing before their conqueror.

I stared at Glasha with frustration boiling inside me. "Stop giving me that face," I snapped, my voice filled with displeasure. The air crackled between us as we stood there, two formidable creatures poised for battle rather than a couple on the brink of an intimate encounter.

Her cold eyes pierced through me, unyielding and defiant. "Don't ask me to do the impossible thing, Your Majesty," she retorted, her tone laced with discontent. Her refusal only fueled the fire burning within me, stoking my anger.

A derisive chuckle escaped my lips, a hollow sound devoid of mirth. "Right..." I hissed, the venom dripping from each word. In a fit of rage, I seized the back of her head, gripping her hair tightly, forcing her face inches away from mine. The transformation of my features mirrored that of a half-dragon, similar to the pranks I had played on Jyne. But this time, my eyes blazed with unbridled fury.

"How dare you refuse my orders!" I roared, the sound reverberating through the room. The intensity of my anger threatened to consume us both. "You should know your place!"

Glasha's gaze remained steady, her resolve unshaken. She didn't flinch or cower in fear, defying my expectations. A flicker of admiration surfaced amidst my anger, acknowledging her strength and refusal to be subjugated.

I listened to Glasha's defiant words, her voice resonating with unwavering courage. "I'm a warrior. My place is on the battlefield. When I lose, I should die in honor, not serving my enemy’s lust, Your Majesty," she declared fearlessly, challenging the very core of my intentions.

I held her gaze, my eyes locked onto hers, a silent battle of wills unfolding between us. "Like I've told you before, Glasha, this is a political marriage," I reminded her, my voice tinged with a hint of frustration. I tried to rationalize my actions, to convince her that there was a greater purpose at play. "You have to count this as my kindness."

She scoffed, her tone laced with bitterness. "Right..." Glasha's voice trailed off, carrying a mix of resignation and defiance. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly, bracing herself for what was to come. "You can have my body, but not my heart," she murmured, the words dripping with resignation. It was clear she had resigned herself to the inevitable, preparing herself mentally for the act that awaited her.

Instead of taking immediate action or reaching out to touch her, I let out a laugh that reverberated through the room. "Ahahahaha!" The sound of my laughter echoed, filling the space with an unsettling tone. Glasha's expression shifted from confusion to a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

"What makes you think I'll take you just like that?" I said, my smirk widening. My gaze locked onto hers with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. The corners of my lips curled mischievously as I reveled in the power play unfolding between us.

Her displeasure was palpable, her voice laced with defiance as she challenged me. "What do you want?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing.

I leaned in closer, my breath grazing against her cheek as I whispered, my voice dripping with a mixture of desire and amusement. "You have to make me hard first. You have to seduced me, Glasha," I demanded, my words punctuated by a playful tone.


Puggan Se

"You have seduced me, Glasha," wrong tempus? sounds like shes done already. expected: "You have to seduce me, Glasha,"