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The Incubus System Chapter 741. A Heartwarming Love Story 

Due to my last statement, a brief moment of silence hung in the air.

Olivia finally broke the silence. "But you know what's even worse?" she interjected, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and concern. "It's when they start kidnapping innocent people who happen to share a similar bloodline with you and subjecting them to experimental vaccines. That's a whole new level of desperation."

The thought of innocent lives being used as mere test subjects for the authorities' dubious experiments sent a surge of anger coursing through my veins. It was a chilling reminder of the lengths they were willing to do anything to create a perfect weapon.

I nodded in reluctant agreement, my voice heavy with a mixture of resignation and frustration. "I guess you are right," I conceded, though it pained me to admit it.

‘Damian?’ Mia's voice resonated in my mind, interrupting the heavy atmosphere that had settled among us.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I heard her voice. ‘Yes, Mia. Are you ready to talk?’ I responded, my thoughts projecting toward her. With a quick gesture, I raised my index finger to my lips, signaling Olivia and Camila to maintain silence, indicating that I was engaged in a telepathic conversation.

Mia's response was prompt and filled with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. ‘Yes,’ she replied, her voice carrying a sense of readiness.

‘I spoke to Puriel last night,’ I began, my thoughts flowing seamlessly into her consciousness. ‘She agrees to donate her angelic powers to your kingdom on occasion. That should make things easier. However, she does have one condition—she demands her freedom.’

Mia's response was immediate, her excitement palpable through our telepathic bond. ‘Really? That's fantastic news!’ she exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. It seemed that Mia had found a way to break free from the dead end she had been facing.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly at her reaction. ‘Your suggestion didn't go so well, huh?’ I surmised, a hint of amusement lacing my thoughts. It was clear that my guess had hit the mark, and Mia's silent pause confirmed my suspicions.

Mia's frustration was palpable as her voice echoed in my mind. ‘Yes, they refused,’ she exclaimed with an exasperated huff. ‘It's about the kingdom's economy after all.’

I nodded in understanding, even though Mia couldn't see me. The weight of her responsibility as the ruler of the kingdom bore heavily on her shoulders. Every decision she made had far-reaching consequences, and the economy was just one piece of the intricate puzzle she had to navigate.

‘So, do you need my help?’ I offered, my thoughts projecting a sense of willingness to assist her. ‘In case you need a scapegoat, someone to take the fall. After all, you can't simply let go of Puriel without repercussions.’

There was a momentary pause, a short silence that hung between us. I could sense Mia weighing the pros and cons of my suggestion. It was a delicate matter, one that required careful consideration. Finally, her response came, a mixture of hesitation and concern. ‘But Damian, that would tarnish your reputation,’ she warned, reminding me of the potential consequences of my involvement.

‘In front of humans? Do I still have that kind of support?’ I asked, my skepticism evident in my tone. I couldn't help but feel doubtful about the extent of public backing I still possessed. While some humans might understand that I fought for their cause, the government and those in positions of power would undoubtedly view me as a threat.

Mia's voice echoed in my mind, gentle yet resolute. ‘Yes. At least some still root for you,’ she reassured me, her words infused with a glimmer of hope. Mia had always been the one to remind me of the underlying support that lingered in the shadows.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response, a hint of self-deprecation coloring my thoughts. "Ah, yes. The silent fans," I mused, recognizing the truth in her words. It was true that my actions had garnered a following, individuals who admired my efforts from a distance, too afraid to openly express their support.

‘Anyway, I will devise a plan for this then,’ Mia declared, determination evident in her voice. ‘Breaking the barrier doesn't mean you will destroy the palace, right?’ she clarified, seeking reassurance in our telepathic conversation.

Her question caught me off guard for a moment, and I paused to consider the implications of our plan. It was a delicate balance, a fine line we had to walk to ensure the desired outcome.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. ‘Let's assume that the impact might cause some damage," I said cautiously, acknowledging the possibility of unforeseen consequences.

‘Hmmm... Then besides evacuating, I just need to provide a heartwarming love story for you then,’ Mia responded, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

I arched an eyebrow, my confusion evident. ‘A love story?’ I echoed, furrowing my brow in perplexity. I couldn't quite grasp the connection between our plan and the concept of a romantic tale.

Mia's voice chimed in again, filled with conviction as she elaborated on her idea. ‘Think about it, Damian. A demon lord who ventures into the human world, roaming these streets and alleys... There must be a purpose, a deeper motivation behind your actions, right?’ she proposed, her words brimming with excitement.

‘Oh no... You're starting to sound like Puriel,’ I quipped, shaking my head in mock exasperation.

‘Don't worry about it,’ Mia's voice echoed in my mind, her reassuring tone cutting through my apprehension. ‘I will contact you when everything is ready,’ she promised before disconnecting from our telepathic conversation.

I blinked my eyes open. Olivia and Camila gazed at me with eager anticipation, eager to know the details of my exchange with Mia.

"What happened? What did Mia say?" Olivia probed, her curiosity getting the best of her.

I sighed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and dread creeping up within me. "She... she said she's going to make me a love story," I confessed, my voice laced with a cringe-worthy blend of discomfort and self-consciousness.


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