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The Incubus System Chapter 725. Supper

A rosy blush spread across Syntyche's cheeks, adding a touch of warmth to her features. It was a testament to the deep connection we shared, one that extended beyond words and into the realm of unspoken understanding. As I prepared to depart, a sense of gratitude washed over me, grateful for her unwavering support.

"I have to go back now," I stated.

A somber tone filled Syntyche's voice as she responded, her words carrying a hint of longing. "See you later, Damian," she whispered, her voice laced with a touch of melancholy. It was as if she already missed me, and the prospect of our separation weighed heavily on her heart.

I extended my hand forward, a surge of energy emanating from my palm. The portal to the human world materialized before me, a shimmering gateway between two realms. Taking a deep breath, I stepped through, leaving the demon realm behind for now.

Stepping through the portal, I felt the familiar surge of energy enveloping me, transporting me from the demon realm to my own living room in the human world. The scenery around me shifted seamlessly. With a subtle transformation, my demonic form seamlessly melded into my human form. Luna and Yuffy remained in the demon realm to lend their aid to Lilieth. Lord Damon's condition weighed heavily on my mind, knowing that Lilieth would require all the support she could get.

As I stepped into my living room, the sound of the television filled the air, accompanied by the animated chatter of Celia. Sitting on the couch, engrossed in a show, she glanced up and her eyes widened in surprise at my sudden appearance. Foxy wagged her tails happily at the sight of me.

"Celia, Foxy," I greeted them with a warm smile. I approached the couch. "How's it going here?" I asked, making sure everything was okay, my voice carrying a touch of fatigue.

Celia paused the TV show, turning her attention fully to me. Worry etched across her face, she stood up and hurried over, embracing me tightly. "Brother, you made me worried," she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern. "Where have you been?"

I sighed, the weight of guilt settling upon my shoulders. "I'm sorry, Celia," I apologized, my voice tinged with regret. "I had urgent matters to attend to in the demon world. There were things that needed my attention, and time slipped away from me."

Celia's brow furrowed with a mix of understanding and frustration. She glanced at the clock on the wall, the numbers signaling the nearing midnight hour. "But it's almost midnight,” she exclaimed, a trace of exasperation in her voice. "You should have at least let us know you were alright."

I nodded. "Sorry. I should have kept you updated," I admitted, my voice filled with remorse. "But please understand, the situation demanded my full focus.”

“Fine. This time, I will let it slide.” Celia released her grip on my arm, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, lucky for you, I knew you'd be hungry," she declared, her voice filled with a touch of playfulness. She gestured toward the kitchen counter where a plate sat, holding a simple but satisfying sandwich.

I followed her gaze. The sandwich, though modest in its ingredients, looked incredibly appetizing.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I turned back to Celia, gratitude shining in my eyes. "Thank you, Celia," I expressed sincerely, my voice carrying a mixture of appreciation and affection.

I made my way over to the kitchen counter. My hand reached out to grab the plate, but before I could lift it, Celia's voice resonated through the air once again.

"Brother," she called out, her voice laced with genuine concern. "If you ever need our help, don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you."

I paused, my hand frozen mid-air, and turned to face Celia. Her worry was palpable, etched into the lines of her face and reflected in her eyes. It was a testament to the deep bond we shared as siblings, a bond that transcended the ordinary.

A small smile graced my lips as I met her gaze, gratitude shimmering in my eyes. "I appreciate that, Celia," I replied, my voice sincere. "And believe me, if the need arises, I won't hesitate to reach out."

With those words, I resumed my task, lifting the plate and taking a bite of the sandwich. The flavors danced upon my palate. Leaning against the counter, I savored the simple pleasure of the meal, relishing the familiar taste.

Celia's voice cut through the silence once more, her concern was evident in her tone. "You know, brother, I think it's high time you got some proper rest," she suggested, her words tinged with both affection and apprehension. "Your responsibilities are growing bigger, and I rarely see you take a break in the human world."

I chuckled lightly, a hint of nonchalance in my voice as I continued to chew the sandwich. "I know," I replied, my tone casual. "But luckily, I'm a demon, not a human,"

Celia fell silent, her brows furrowing with a hint of annoyance. I could sense her frustration with my seemingly nonchalant demeanor. It was a characteristic of mine that often prompted her to call me out.

"Come on," she said, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Can you be serious for a moment? We're talking about your well-being here."

I took a moment to consider her words, realizing that my relaxed attitude might be perceived as dismissive. It wasn't that I took my condition lightly, but rather that I found solace in small moments of respite amidst the chaos. With a slight smirk, I lifted the sandwich, showcasing it with a playful flourish.

"I am being serious," I replied, a hint of mischief dancing in my eyes. "I'm seriously enjoying this sandwich right now." With a mischievous twinkle, I took another satisfying bite, savoring the flavors that exploded on my tongue.





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