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Seven Sins System Chapter 242. Do I Need to Help You Take A Shower?

With a flick of my wrist, I invoked my demonic powers, causing my attire, the elaborate Demon's Clothes that adorned my form, to disintegrate into thin air. The fabric vanished, leaving me standing there in all my bare-skinned glory.

With a sigh of contentment, I sank into the warm embrace of the red-tinged water. The heat seeped into my weary muscles, easing the tension that had accumulated during the day. The sensation was pure bliss, like being cocooned in a comforting embrace.

The crimson water gently enveloped my body, partially submerging me in its warm embrace. The scent that emanated from the liquid was intoxicating, a unique fragrance that only those of high rank and royal lineage were privileged to experience. It had a subtle hint of iron, reminiscent of blood, but strangely calming to the senses. The aroma filled the air, mingling with the steam that rose from the surface of the water, creating an otherworldly ambiance within the bathroom.

This was no ordinary bathwater. It was a special concoction, infused with potent demonic energy, designed to replenish and revitalize the power of high-level demons like myself. The crimson hue was not just for aesthetics; it symbolized the vitality and strength that flowed through our veins. It was as if the very essence of our demonic heritage had been distilled into this liquid, offering a rejuvenating boost to our supernatural abilities.

'I never thought that I would be grateful for this simple thing,' I thought. The water transformed, shifting from a liquid into a viscous substance that clung to my skin, almost like a living slime. It had a mesmerizing texture, gliding effortlessly over every inch of my body, cleansing, and purifying as it went. The cleansing properties of the magical water were extraordinary, removing any trace of dirt or impurities with each caress.

Just as I was about to surrender myself to the blissful tranquility of the bath, a soft, rhythmic knocking interrupted my moment of solitude. I sighed, my eyes still closed.

"Your Highness, may I come in?" her voice floated through the door, filled with a mix of respect and concern.

I recognized the familiar voice that accompanied the sound. It was Ivy. "Come in, Ivy," I granted her permission, my tone calm and collected. I didn't open my eyes, not wanting to be disturbed by the peaceful state I had managed to achieve.

The door swung open, revealing a sliver of light that pierced through the steam-filled bathroom. Ivy stepped inside, her presence exuding a sense of calm efficiency. The sound of her footsteps echoed gently on the tiled floor as she made her way toward me.

I could sense her approach, the soft padding of her footsteps growing louder with each passing second. The anticipation built within me, and I felt a slight twitch in my muscles, a sign that my body was preparing to acknowledge her presence.

Her footsteps grew closer, the sound growing more distinct. Finally, her steps came to a halt, and I could feel her standing beside the tub.

Soon, I felt a gentle touch on my cheek. It traveled down my neck and caressed my shoulders, sending a shiver down my spine. It was Ivy's touch, delicate yet filled with a sense of familiarity.

Her fingertips traced a path along my jawline, the softness of her touch sending a wave of tingling sensations through my skin. I could feel her warm breath on the nape of my neck, a gentle whisper that stirred the hairs on my body.

"Do I need to help you take a shower, Your Highness?" she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of seduction. I could feel the intensity in her tone, a clear invitation hanging in the air. Ivy's breath, warm and tantalizing, brushed my skin.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, allowing my gaze to wander over her form. She stood before me, completely naked, her flawless skin resembling smooth porcelain. Her alluring beauty captivated my attention, and her face was positioned just inches away from mine.

Despite the temptation that radiated from her, my expression remained cold and unaffected. I couldn't let myself be swayed by her seductive allure. With a firm tone, I replied, "No."

Her lips curled into a sly smile as she tried to coax me further. "Come on," she purred, her voice dripping with sweetness. The way she looked at me hinted at a desire that was hard to resist.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her attempted deception. "Cut the act, Asmo. I know it's you," I retorted, my annoyance palpable. Despite his best efforts to mimic Ivy's appearance, there was no mistaking the distinct scent of a male devil emanating from him. He couldn't hide that from me.

Asmo's pouty expression deepened as he protested, "How do you know it's me?! I've perfected my disguise skill!" His complaint held a touch of indignation as if he couldn't fathom how his clever ruse had been uncovered.

Asmo's expression shifted, his features transforming from the alluring and delicate visage of Ivy into a handsome demon with fiery red hair. The sultry allure gave way to an air of mischievousness as he donned a tailored suit that hugged his body perfectly, accentuating his devilish charm.

The transformation was seamless, a testament to Asmo's mastery of his devilish powers. It was as if he had shed one persona and effortlessly assumed another, embracing his true nature as a seductive and captivating being. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction, fully aware of the impact his appearance had on those around him.

The suit he wore was nothing short of impeccable, tailored to perfection to emphasize every contour of his lithe physique. The fabric clung to him like a second skin, exuding an aura of sophistication and confidence. Every stitch and button seemed to be carefully placed to enhance his devilish allure.

I glanced at Asmo, irritation etched across my features. His attempts at disguising himself were nothing new to me. Growing up in a realm filled with deception and constant threats, I had been trained to see through such tricks from a young age. It was a necessary skill for survival in a world where enemies lurked at every turn, where assassins were always on the hunt, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"You know I've been trained for this, right?" I reminded him, my voice laced with a hint of exasperation. The constant presence of assassins, their relentless pursuit of me, had honed my abilities to differentiate between genuine beings and those shrouded in illusion. I had become adept at piercing through the veil of deception, a skill that had saved my life more times than I could count.


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