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Seven Sins System Chapter 229. The Devil's Favorite Kid III

With a resigned sigh, Carl made his way to the kitchen, his shoulders slumping in exhaustion. He knew that he was in for a long morning, as he set about the task of cooking a proper breakfast for his uninvited guests.

He began to rummage through his cabinets and pantry, and couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance at their demands. He had expected a simple visit, a brief catch-up between ‘old friends’, but instead, he was now tasked with the responsibility of preparing a full meal.

But despite his irritation, Carl was a gracious host, determined to provide his guests with a meal that they would truly enjoy. He started by pulling out his collection of pots and pans, carefully selecting the ones that he knew would be best for the task at hand.

I took my seat at the table, trying to ignore the stains on my clothes from the previous night's battle. But before I could even settle in, Conny rushed over and climbed onto my lap, declaring me his VIP seat. Despite my initial discomfort, I couldn't help but smile at his exuberance.

Conny's face lit up with joy as he took his place on my lap, occasionally humming an incoherent melody under his breath. I guessed that it was some kind of nursery rhyme

As we waited for Carl to prepare our breakfast, I noticed that Rachel had been glancing over at me several times. Her expression was thoughtful as if she was trying to work up the courage to say something to me.

I thought maybe she was just curious about the situation. After all, it was an unusual circumstance for me to show up unannounced at Carl's doorstep. But as the glances continued, I began to sense that there was something else going on.

Her eyes lingered on me for a moment longer than necessary before flickering away, her expression turning pensive. It was as if there was something she wanted to say, but couldn't find the words to express it.

With a sigh of frustration, I turned to face her, my expression hardening as I prepared to confront her. "If you have something to say, just say it," I snapped, my voice laced with irritation.

At first, she hesitated, her eyes flickering away from mine as if she was unsure whether or not to speak her mind. But after a moment, she seemed to steel herself, her gaze returning to meet mine once again.

"What is it that you want to ask me?" I demanded, my tone leaving no room for doubt. "Whatever it is, just spit it out. I am not going to kill you over something as trivial as a question."

Rachel took a deep breath, gathering her courage before she spoke. "I will ask you, but only if you promise not to punish me or offend me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I sighed inwardly, wondering what could be so sensitive that she would need such reassurances. But I nodded my agreement nonetheless, hoping to put her at ease.

"I promise," I said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.

After a moment of hesitation, Rachel finally spoke up. "I just... I'm surprised that you like children," she said, her voice barely audible.

"You mean this creature?" I asked, gesturing towards Conny, who was still perched on my lap.

Rachel nodded, her expression curious.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my frustration in check. "There is a distinction between liking and being liked," I explained, my tone firm. "It was he who clung to me from the start, not the other way around,” I added.

As if in response to my words, Conny turned to me and gave me a sweet smile, his chubby cheeks dimpling with pleasure.

I couldn't deny that there was something about him that tugged at my heartstrings. Even though I had initially been reluctant to stay the night, something inside me had compelled me to linger. And now, as I sat here at the breakfast table with him in my lap, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of attachment.

But even so, I knew that I couldn't let my guard down completely. After all, as a powerful demon, it was my duty to maintain a certain level of detachment from mortals.

"Well, on second thought, I suppose I might like him a bit," I admitted, my tone grudging. Unable to resist, I reached out and pinched Conny's chubby cheeks, eliciting a silly grin from him.

Rachel smiled at me in response to my admission, and I could see a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. Without a word, she simply nodded, as if acknowledging my feelings without judgment.

I released my hold on Conny's cheeks, feeling a strange mixture of affection and unease. As a powerful devil, I was not supposed to have such attachments to mortals, but something about this little boy tugged at my heartstrings.

"Don't ask me such confusing questions again," I warned Rachel, my voice stern. "I hate it when you try to pry into this kind of thing."

Rachel simply nodded again, her expression neutral. "I'll remember, doc," she said.

"Breakfast is ready, everyone," Carl announced, his voice echoing throughout the room.

The tantalizing aroma of sizzling bacon and eggs filled the air. I glanced over at the kitchen, where Carl was placing a plate of delicious-looking breakfast food and bringing them in front of us. My mouth watered at the sight of the eggs, sausage, and toasted bread arranged neatly on the plate. For Conny, he set down a bowl of colorful loops of cereal floating in the white milk.

"Hey, do something with him." With a flat stare, I pointed at Conny, urging Carl to remove him from my lap.  While Conny began to scramble my sunny-side-up eggs with reckless abandon, turning them into a haphazard mess of yolks and whites.

"Ah, sorry," Carl finally muttered, sensing the tension between us.


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