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The Incubus System Chapter 696. You Aren't About Looks

I chuckled mockingly. "I fucked them. What else?" I answered with an obvious answer. The woman's eyes widened in shock, but I paid her no attention. "Is my semen not clear enough for you?" I sneered, pointing at the twins with my gaze.

"I know. But they are Kraken!" she pointed out as if that made a difference.

"So?" I asked nonchalantly, taking another sip of my drink. "What's wrong with that? They enjoy it just as much as I do." I waved my hand dismissively as if her concerns were nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

For a moment, she seemed to be struggling to find the right words to say, as her mouth opened and closed in confusion. She was taken aback by my lack of remorse and the way I spoke so openly about my actions. The woman's eyes flickered back to the Kraken twins lying limp on the floor, their bodies still bearing the evidence of my recent activities.

After a few seconds of silence, she finally found her voice.

"I think I understand why you got your fame so quickly," she said, her voice soft and musical. "You aren't about looks."

"Thanks," I replied, my voice low and smooth. I gave her a smug smile, knowing that my confidence was a powerful tool.

The woman cleared her throat, I could see that she was trying to regain her composure. There was a hint of nervousness in her eyes, but she seemed determined to push past it.

"I'm Stella," she said suddenly, her words clipped and precise. "From Greenking Corp."

'Huh? I think I've heard that name before,' I thought to myself, my brow furrowing in concentration. ‘But where?’

I tried to recall the fleeting memory. And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me. She had approached me at this very same club, long before I had gone into the Dark Dimension. She had been interested in me, but I had used my Mind Corruption skill to change her mind, to make her lose interest in me. (The Incubus System Chapter 264)

It was ironic, in a way. Even with all my abilities, I still couldn't escape the whims of fate. And now, here she was again, standing before me like a ghost from the past.

But I couldn't let her see that I remembered her. I had to play it cool and act like I didn't know who she was.

"Never heard of it," I said in an indifferent tone, pouring myself a drink and taking a sip. I could feel her eyes on me, watching me closely. But I didn't flinch, didn't show any signs of weakness.

As I finished speaking, I saw a flicker of displeasure cross Stella's face. Her lips pursed, and her eyes narrowed as if she was trying to decide how to respond. I could tell that my words had not gone over well with her, but I didn't care. I learned a long time ago not to let anyone else dictate my actions or my feelings.

But then, almost as quickly as the look had appeared, it was gone. Stella smiled again.

"Well, despite your fame, you are a gigolo. You only know how to please women and never know about business and big companies. So I'll forgive you,” she said confidently.

"Sorry, Miss Stella," I said in a mocking tone, raising an eyebrow. "But I'm not a gigolo anymore. I don't sleep with women for money anymore. And also, I'm sorry because I don't know you or even your company. Maybe it's because your company isn't big enough to be on my list."

I could see the anger flash in Stella's eyes, like a spark igniting a fuse. But I didn't back down. I couldn't let her think that she had the upper hand.

I chugged the rest of my drink, feeling the liquid burn its way down my throat. I slammed the empty glass on the table, the sound echoing through the room like a gunshot.

Stella's smile faltered for a moment, but then she regained her composure. She leaned in closer, her eyes narrowing as she studied me.

"You're a cocky one, aren't you?" she said, her voice low and dangerous.

I smirked, feeling a sense of satisfaction at getting under her skin. "I could make sweet words, of course, I could make a bitter mockery," I replied, my eyes locked onto hers.

There was a tense moment as we studied each other, like two predators sizing each other up before a fight. I could feel the energy in the air, crackling with tension.

Pearl and Diamond opened their eyes, breaking the silence. I could see confusion written all over their faces. They sat up, their eyes falling on Stella who was standing a few feet away from them. Pearl's eyes narrowed in displeasure, and she spoke in a low voice, "Who are you?"

Their hands immediately went to their clothes, pulling them on before they sat on either side of me. They were still messy, but better than naked.

Rather than Stella, I was quick to respond to Pearl's question. "She's our regular, Pearl. Miss Stella from Greenking Corp," I said, gesturing towards Stella.

My eyes flickered toward Stella, taking in her composed demeanor. "But somehow, tonight she decided not to act like a normal regular," I added with a hint of amusement in my voice.

A smirk appeared on Stella's lips upon my statement, and she cocked an eyebrow in my direction. "So, you do know me," she said, her tone laced with a hint of mockery.

I couldn't help but return the smirk, not wanting to back down from the challenge. "I am," I scoffed. "You just introduced yourself to me, and the fact that you know this club's VIP room shows that you have been here many times."

Stella's lips pressed together in frustration at my response. I could see the annoyance etched on her face as she glanced between the three of us.

Diamond didn't waste any time getting to the point. "Does that mean she's interested in you?" she asked, turning her head in my direction.

"I think. But I'm not interested," I announced firmly. "You know I'm a little picky when it comes to something like this."

Turning my gaze to Stella, I gestured towards the exit, indicating that our conversation was over. "So, I think you should already know what my answer is," I said, my voice leaving no room for argument.


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