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The Incubus System Chapter 673. A Demon Beneath A Human's Skin

I checked her once again with my Observation skill, making sure that she was telling the truth before I spoke again.

"Both..." I muttered, my voice barely audible even to my own ears. My eyes turned cold. The admission hung heavy in the air between us, a weight that seemed to grow heavier by the second.

But then, without warning, I sprang into action. I used my Telekinesis. In an instant, I had bound her body, immobilizing her with a flick of my wrist.

With a blur of motion, I teleported in front of her. It was so fast that she didn't even have time to react. In one smooth motion, I reached out and snatched the remote from her hand, a satisfied smirk crossing my lips as I did so.

"You are sharp, Mrs. Chairwoman," I complimented her, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. "Now, I understand why dad wants you to be my mom," I added, my voice cold and distant.

I could see the shock in her eyes as she processed what I had just said. "Ethan? So..." she began, her voice trailing off uncertainty. But before she could finish, I interrupted her.

"Yes," I said firmly, my tone brooking no argument. "Your second guess is correct. Something happened to Ethan, then he turned into a demon. So, I'm Ethan and The Great Demon," I gave a brief explanation, my words clipped and to the point.

Mrs. Clea’s eyes shook with emotion as she absorbed the weight of my confession. Her voice trembled as she asked, "What happened? What happened to you, Ethan? Did the demon do something to you? Did they transform you after they found out your father's identity?" Her curiosity and confusion were evident in her tone.

I smiled innocently, concealing the deep pain and trauma that still haunted me to this day. "They did," I said lightly as if discussing the weather. "They killed me," I continued, my voice casual as I watched her reaction carefully.

Her eyes widened in shock, the horror and disbelief written clearly on her face. "W-What?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"They killed me," I repeated, my tone still light and casual. "But a demoness revived me, so..." I shrugged and spread my hands wide. “Here I am. Alive and become something you call The Great Demon. Impressive, isn't it?"

Mrs. Clea fell silent, her eyes trembling with turmoil as she struggled to process my shocking revelation. I could tell she was torn between wanting to believe me and wanting to reject my statement outright. Her gaze shifted to me once more, her eyes now fixed on me with a fierce glare that betrayed her skepticism.

"How do I know you're not lying?" she demanded, her tone firm and unwavering.

Without breaking eye contact, I flicked my finger, using my Telekinesis. A nearby chair shifted behind me. Then, with an air of nonchalance, I sat down and prepared to answer her doubts.

"Test me," I said confidently. "Ask me about anything. I will answer it. But of course, that only applies to everything I know as Ethan. For all the information about demons, I can't tell you anything."

She continued to scrutinize me, her orbs hovering around us like wary sentinels. But I felt no fear, only a sense of calm detachment that came from knowing I had nothing left to lose. After all, what was the worst that could happen? Either she believed me or she didn't - it made no difference to me. She had discovered my identity after all.

"It seems you are quite confident," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. Her words were coated with a layer of suspicion and a tinge of fear. I could see the apprehension in her eyes, the way they darted around the room, looking for an escape route.

"I am," I answered simply, my voice laced with a quiet determination. "I know everything," I continued, letting the words linger in the air like a heavy fog. "Even including some things, you never told me." I could see the surprise etched across her face, a look of shock and disbelief that she was trying to mask.

"About your relationship with my late father..." I trailed off, letting the words hang in the air like an unspoken accusation. I could see her flinch at the mention of my father, her eyes momentarily closing as if in pain. "Your position," I continued, my voice taking on a harder edge. "Your relationship with Ruby..." My eyes narrowed as I spoke.

"And..." I paused, letting the silence stretch out between us. "The senators plan to make me their puppet." The words tasted bitter in my mouth, the mere thought of it made my stomach churn. I could see her breath catch.

"You know that much, yet you come back," she said, her voice laced with disbelief. "Or have you done something to prevent all of that? Is that the reason why you disappeared for three months?" Her words were accusatory, a hint of curiosity seeping into her voice.

I flashed her a friendly smile, the corners of my lips curving upwards in a charmingly disarming way. Leaning my body towards her, I felt the heat emanating from her body, the scent of her perfume filling my nostrils. I could see the fear and tension in her eyes, the way they darted around the room.

"About my disappearance..." I trailed off, letting the words linger in the air like a weighty secret. "I can't say the reason before you decide whether you are on my side or not." The words tasted like ash in my mouth. "But for sure, believe me, I'm much stronger than the last time we met."

I could see the surprise etched across her face, a look of shock and disbelief that she was trying to mask. "I can destroy a city easily or bring calamity to this world," I continued, my voice taking on a darker edge. "So... please be careful."