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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 243. To Vurdor III

The journey was long and arduous, stretching out over several days. We made many stops along the way, halting for rest or to spend the night in whatever we could find. The land we traversed was wild, and we were constantly on our guard against the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

At times, we would encounter groups of orcs or adventurers, but they would flee in terror at the sight of us. I couldn't blame them, for we came like a storm, a terrible force that darkened the sky and made the very earth tremble beneath our feet.

Our company was an imposing one, the dragons soaring overhead. It was no wonder that the monsters of the land dared not reveal themselves in our presence. They knew, as did we, that we were the true rulers of this domain.

Despite the many obstacles we faced, our journey was remarkably smooth. The dragons had been meticulously prepared, and we encountered a few challenges along the way. The monsters we did encounter fled at the mere sight of us, whether they be on land or in the air. It was as if we were a force of nature, a power beyond reckoning.

The orc cities and towns held no allure for us, and we made no stops there at all. Instead, we chose to make camp outside the walls, where we could unleash our true forms and indulge in our primal instincts. We were beasts, after all, and this was the midst of war. We had no time for the niceties of civilized life.

In our true forms, most monsters dared not disturb us, not when we were in a group such as this. However, there were always a few foolish creatures who thought themselves brave enough to challenge us. They soon learned their mistake when my soldiers tore them apart and devoured them raw, just like true dragons.

Evelina could not bear to witness such savagery. I asked her to retire to the safety of the carriage and rest, away from the gore and violence that surrounded us. It was amusing, in a way, to see her reaction. Here was a woman who had married the king of these creatures, yet she was still frightened by their true nature. I, too, could have indulged in such behavior, but there was a part of me that remained human, that found the idea of eating raw meat repulsive.

I had always been aware of this duality within myself, of the constant battle between my human side and my dragon nature. It was a struggle that had plagued me, for I had the blood of both dragon coursing through my veins with a soul of a human. At times, I felt torn between these two sides of myself, unsure which to follow.

As we made our way toward Vurdor, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was true that we had encountered no resistance so far, but that was precisely what worried me. It seemed too easy, too simple. After all, we were a horde of dragons, and our presence could not go unnoticed. I was certain that the orcs knew of our approach and were making preparations to stop us.

It was no secret that their king had fallen at my hands, and it was only logical that they would take steps to protect themselves and their city. I expected to encounter resistance, perhaps even a full-fledged battle. And yet, we marched on, unchallenged.

It was unnerving, to say the least. The absence of any troops trying to stop us or attacks from anything made me wonder if the orcs were simply sitting there, waiting for us to attack. But that was not their way. They were a proud and fierce race, and they would not give up without a fight.

I knew that they did not have the advantage of knowing that I had Glasha, and that gave me a slight edge. But I also knew that they had a plan, and I had to be careful. I predicted that they would set up an ambush near Vurdor, and I needed to be prepared for it.

I discussed my concerns with Eir and General Guillotine, and we decided to send out a few spies to scout the area ahead of us. They would report back to us and let us know of any potential threats or dangers.

The night was dark and ominous as the spies took off from our camp in their true form, wings beating the air with a thunderous roar. The only light came from the moons that hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the land below. The dragons soared high, their eyes scanning the landscape for any signs of danger. The air was crisp and cold, and the dragons could feel the chill seeping into their bones.

As they flew, they kept a keen eye out for any orc patrols or sentinels that might be lurking in the darkness. The orcs were known for their cunning and their ability to blend into the shadows, and the spies knew they could be attacked at any moment. But they flew on, their senses heightened and their hearts pounding with excitement and fear.

When the suns began to rise, the spies landed on the ground and transformed into their human form. They moved quickly and silently through the forest, their footsteps barely making a sound on the soft earth. They knew they had to be careful, for any noise or misstep could mean the difference between life and death. Their eyes scanned for any signs of activity. They were trained spies. I knew they wouldn’t let their guard down.

With this, we could prepare ourselves better. Glasha's brother was not a fighter after all. Despite always wanting peace, I knew he was a smart prince. So I was sure he would rely on his brain to bring the orcs out of this problem. His name was Burz.


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