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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 184. The King's Game of Chess VI

After a moment of silence, Angel finally spoke, his voice low and grave. "Rose... Keep it a secret from the others. I never told anyone, including Frost," he said, his gaze fixed on the soldiers around them.

Rose was taken aback by his words. "Then why did you tell me?" she asked, confusion evident in her voice.

Angel looked away, sighing deeply. "Because you are an exception," he said softly, extending his hand to help her up. It had been 10 minutes already and they needed to move out.

As she took his hand, Rose couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't help but feel his pain. Rose could also sense a deep pain and sadness that lay hidden beneath the surface. It was a pain that spoke of loss and heartache, a burden that he carried with him every day.

Then Angel strode purposefully towards Frost. The other soldiers around them stood up and exchanged greetings with Angel, but Rose couldn't take her eyes off him. There was something about the way he carried himself, a sense of purpose and determination that was hard to ignore.

For a moment, Rose felt a surge of sympathy for Angel. She knew all too well the feeling of carrying a heavy burden, of living with the weight of past mistakes.

But before she could dwell too much on her thoughts, Angel turned towards her, a look of determination on his face. "We need to move out," he said firmly, his voice breaking through her reverie.

With a deep breath, Rose nodded, steeling herself for the journey ahead.

The hours had passed swiftly, as they pressed on through the dark forest. The only light came from the moon, shining dimly through the trees, casting shadows on the ground. They were making their way to the heart of the forest, where an ancient ruin lay waiting for them.

Rose shivered as she walked, feeling the cold seeping into her bones. But she refused to let the chill get to her, focusing instead on the task at hand. They had a mission to complete, revenge to settle and nothing could deter them from their goal.

As they made their way through the dense forest, they could hear the sounds of nocturnal creatures rustling in the underbrush. The distant hoot of an owl echoed through the trees, while the low growl of a predator could be heard in the distance.

Despite the eerie sounds, they kept moving on, their determination unwavering. They knew that time was of the essence, and they could not afford to delay.

As they ascended a steep hill, the trees began to thin out, and the moonlight grew brighter. And in the distance, they could see the ruins of an old arena. It was a strange sight, and Rose couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they drew closer.

The half-ruined battle arena was a sight to behold. The massive stone pillars that once held up the structure now lay in rubble, scattered across the ground like the remnants of some ancient battlefield.

The walls were high and forbidding, made of rough-hewn stone, and in places, they had crumbled, revealing glimpses of the arena floor. Rose could see that the arena had been constructed to hold thousands of people, with tiered seating rising up on all sides.

"We are here," Frost announced, breaking the tense silence that had settled over them as they approached their destination. The air was thick with anticipation and Rose felt a knot of anxiety twisting in her stomach.

"Then we better prepare for the worst," Angel said in a casual tone that belied the gravity of the situation. Rose couldn't help but wonder what was about to happen. Was danger lurking around the corner?

Angel seemed to sense her unease and turned to her, his dark eyes searching her face. "Don't worry, I'll protect you," he said, his voice reassuring.

Rose bristled at his words, her grip on her whip tightening. "I don't want to be protected by you... I'm not that weak," she retorted, determined to show Angel that she was not someone to be underestimated.

Angel's lips curled into a small smile. "Believe me, this time, you will need it," he said, his voice low and steady.



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