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Seven Sins System Chapter 184. Salted Chips

With a fluid motion, my pinky finger shifted and transformed, elongating into a short tentacle and deftly wrapping around the man’s ear. The man's gaze turned blank, and his expression of anger and frustration disappeared, replaced by a look of complete submission. I had him under my control.

An announcement appeared in front of me.

[What do you want to do with her memory?]


'Read. Last information about his affair.’ I decided to check a bit since some mortals often lie to negotiate with the devil. So, in this case, who knew it was the woman who lied?

I accessed the information stored within his mind, searching for any details regarding his relationship with the other woman. And as the information flowed into my consciousness, I realized that everything was exactly what Asmo had described.

Satisfied with my findings, I used another one.

'Alter. '

[What do you want to alter?]

‘Make him hate his affair to the point of wanting to kill her immediately. Also, make him forget about me.’

[Altering memory is in progress…]

[Altering memory is completed…]

I brought my hand down slowly and used my Camouflage skill. My body began to shift and change. I grew smaller and smaller until I had transformed into a tiny mosquito, tiny wings beating a rapid tattoo in the air. With a final burst of energy, I launched myself into the sky and soared away, making my way toward the kitchen of my victim's home.

Casually, I alighted on a nearby shelf, perched atop a row of jars and cans, and gazed down at my prey below.

It wasn't long before the man began to stir, his head shaking from side to side as if he was trying to rid himself of some lingering fog. His eyes flickered with confusion, and he rubbed them with the palms of his hands as if trying to dispel some strange vision. And then, just as suddenly, he snapped back to full consciousness, his gaze clearing and his features once again regaining their hardness.

"That damn b*tch..." he hissed under his breath, his voice filled with anger and displeasure.

With a sense of urgency, the man quickly strode across the room and pulled open the drawer under the TV. His hand emerged, clutching a small, compact handgun, and his eyes gleamed with a dangerous light as he headed toward the exit. He was clearly filled with anger, consumed by the thoughts of revenge and retribution that had been planted in his mind.

Meanwhile, I remained perched in the room, watching as he made his way toward the door. And then, just as he was about to cross the threshold, I made my move. With a subtle shift of my form, I transformed back into my humanoid form, even though the man had not yet passed through the exit. I was confident that his anger would render him oblivious to my presence, and sure enough, he never even glanced in my direction as he stormed out of the room.

Casually, I leaned over the kitchen counter, propping my head up with one hand as I gazed at the front door as if this house belonged to me. Soon, I could hear the sound of the man's car starting and driving away.

"Tch! I can't believe I just granted a mortal's wish for free," I muttered, clicking my tongue in frustration. This was a first for me. Even Carl still gave me something after I granted his wish. But this? Nothing!

The sound of the car eventually faded into the distance and I was just about to open a portal to leave when something caught my eye. My gaze was drawn to the slightly open kitchen cabinet, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. Curiosity getting the better of me, I walked over to the cabinet to take a closer look and opened it.

My flat expression changed instantly. My voice, filled with excitement, burst forth with a joyful declaration, "Oh, salted chips!"

My gaze was firmly fixated upon the large, plump bag of chips that was nestled snugly within the cabinet. It was a jumbo size, the kind that would surely last for more than a single serving I usually ate. My hand, an extension of my eagerness, reached out towards the coveted snack, eager to partake in its salty, crunchy goodness.

A smile, a radiant expression of pure joy, bloomed on my face. The corners of my lips turned upwards, and my eyes sparkled with delight. "Nice!" My other hand firmly closed the cabinet.

Then I, eager and impatient, tore open the bag with a swift motion. The sound of the crackling packaging filled the kitchen. I reached in and took the chips, one by one, placing them in my mouth.

The sensation was indescribable. The chips, salty and crispy, burst with flavor as I chewed. Their crunchy texture was like a symphony of sound, each bite filling my mouth with a crescendo of deliciousness. The salty taste was like a balm to my soul, filling me with a sense of comfort and satisfaction.

"For my father’s sake, this is good," I exclaimed, as I savored the salty, crunchy goodness of the chip in my mouth.

Out of sheer curiosity, I checked the brand in case I wanted to buy it myself, but the price made me frown. The cost was exorbitant, exorbitantly high for what was essentially just a bag of chips.

‘Is this shit made from gold flakes?’ I complained internally. The price was so steep that it seemed as if it should have been made of something truly precious and valuable.

But then, I shrugged. I took another chip and placed it in my mouth, savoring the taste and texture once again. "Oh well," I declared to no one in particular, "I will take this as payment."

With that, I opened a portal to the alley near the academy and stepped through it.


bob barker

damn. must I order groceries early this month? There are no chips in the cabinet.