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Seven Sins System Chapter 176. Lonely Angel II

A month had gone by in the blink of an eye. One gloomy afternoon, as usual, she came to the mortal world to meet El, but he was nowhere to be found in their usual meeting place. To make it worse, as she was searching for her friend, she stumbled upon a hunter who was lying on the ground, seriously injured. With his last breath, he told her of a demon that had gone berserk and killed everyone in the forest.

The fear that she felt was palpable, and it clutched her heart in a tight grip. This fear was different from anything she had felt before. An extreme fear, knowing that mortals like El were no match for a demon. This fear was deep, like a dark and dangerous pit, and she felt herself falling into it.

In a state of panic, she set out to search the forest for any sign of El. The smell of blood and the demonic energy that filled the forest was a clear indication of what had happened. From the demonic power, she knew that this was no ordinary demon. This was a high demon, one of the noble or royal class. The thought of facing a demon of that caliber made her heart race and her hands shake.

Aria followed the trail of blood and demonic energy, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty with every step she took. The fear that the demon had already killed El was palpable and felt like a heavy weight on her chest.

As she made her way through the dense forest, she couldn't help but look around at the devastation the demon had caused. Trees were uprooted, branches were broken, and the ground was littered with the remains of animals and other creatures that had fallen victim to the demon's wrath. She tried her best to ignore the fear that was gripping her heart, but with each passing moment, it seemed to grow stronger.

She searched high and low, calling out El's name, hoping for a response. But the only sounds she heard were the rustling of leaves and the distant screeches of birds. The silence was deafening, and it only fuelled her fear that El was gone forever.

Her footsteps came to an abrupt halt as she reached the site of the massacre. The sight that greeted her was one of utter devastation, and for the first time in her life, she truly understood the true meaning of terror. The area was littered with pieces of corpses, blood was everywhere, covering the ground, the trees, and even the leaves of the plants that surrounded the area.

The sight was too much for her to bear, and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her knees felt weak. The fear that had been gripping her heart now turned into full-blown terror, as she realized that she was facing a monster that was beyond anything she had ever encountered.

She took a step back, her eyes wide with horror as she took in the full extent of the destruction that surrounded her. The pieces of corpses that littered the ground were a grim reminder of the power and brutality of the demon. Some of the bodies were torn apart, their limbs scattered, and their internal organs exposed. The sight was so grotesque and disturbing that she had to look away, unable to bear the sight any longer.

The forest floor was a sea of red, as blood filled every nook and cranny, soaking into the earth and turning it into a sticky, dark-red muck. The smell of death and decay was overpowering, and she had to hold her hand to her mouth to prevent herself from gagging.

Aria stood her ground, determined to find El and make sure he was safe. The fear of the royal demon finding her was palpable, but it was nothing compared to the fear she felt for El's safety. She called out his name repeatedly, her voice ringing through the desolate forest. She was determined to find El, no matter what.

Minutes passed. Despite the danger, Aria refused to give up. She pushed herself on, calling out El's name and hoping for a response. But no one answered her. The silence was deafening. She continued her search, her heart heavy with worry and uncertainty, and the fear that she would never see El again.

Suddenly, Aria's gaze was drawn to something that made her heart skip a beat. It was a severed hand, lying amidst the debris and destruction. Her heart was pounding with fear, but she couldn't look away. And then, she saw it. There, within the grasp of the bloody hand, was a beautiful purple stone pendant. Aria's heart was pounding with recognition as she remembered the day she and El had stumbled upon the stone near the river. It was two days ago, and she had fallen in love with it at first sight.

El took it and promised to turn the stone into a pendant for her. And he was supposed to give it to her today. But now, here it was, within the grasp of a severed hand.

In an instant, the fear that was already gripping her heart now turned into pure terror.

The reality hit her with full force, and she screamed out in uncontrollable sobs. The pendant, which was supposed to be a symbol of their friendship, was now a symbol of death and destruction. She broke down in tears as she couldn't accept the fact that he was gone. The thought of never seeing him again was too much for her to bear.

As Aria hugged the severed hand and the pendant, her emotions ran rampant. She was consumed by fear and frustration, and her sobs were punctuated by anguished screams. Her once serene and calm demeanor was now filled with raw, unbridled emotion.



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