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The Incubus System Chapter 543. The Winner Takes All, The Loser Turns to Dust I

Ethan's PoV

‘That was close…’ I thought as I walked among the crowd to the place where Sarael and Tania locked Letos’ wives and subordinates. I didn't expect convincing those demons would be more difficult than I thought. Some even didn't hesitate to yell and attack me even though they had just seen how I killed Letos. So I had no other choice but to kill them on the spot.

This was a demon world after all. Lord Damon had warned me long before. They were very different from the humans who showed their discontent more peacefully first before they choose violence as a last resort. Well, power was everything in this world so I took it as a hard demand to prove myself.

As I stepped along the street, I put on a cool expression and endured my exhaustion since I didn't have much DP left. Fortunately, my regeneration skill could heal me.

I felt a little weird about all this. Especially since those who followed me were not only my servants and pets but also the rest of the demons and reporters in the dome. Coupled with the demons who gathered on either side of the sidewalk, this made us like a mix between a parade and a protest who were ready to overthrow the government.

Every now and then the reporters ran in front of me to record my face more clearly. Luckily none of them dared to ask me a question. I responded with a glare or sharp stare to show my authority clearly. I had no other choice but to do this since showing friendliness and weakness when a demon lord had just gained his/her power would only create chaos. Even Letos also did this when he had just overthrown his mother.

‘This is so embarrassing…’ I held my cringe desperately. Tania and Sarael's place was only 200 meters from the dome, so I decided to go there on foot but now… I regretted it…

'I should fly so I don't have to go through all this,' I cried internally.

We entered a gray building. The elite soldiers quickly blocked the other demons so they only gave way to me, Nefaris, and my subordinates.

"You look quite nervous, Ethan," said Nefaris without stopping her steps, holding back her giggle desperately.

I exhaled a long breath and smiled wryly.

"I'm not used to all this attention." This was not the first time I got this kind of treatment. Elenna used to chase me like this, but at least I could do what I wanted. Not like this.

"Then you should. The demon world already know who you are," she said in a teasing tone before her face approached me.

"It was a shame that Damon couldn't provide the clarification," she said in a much lower voice.

I replied with an annoying smile. 'I bet he passed out by now' was clearly written in my expression. Luckily Lilieth had already held a conference at the Illusion Night Towers to tell the others about me earlier. Even though it was a closed conference and only invited a few reporters for Lord Damon's safety, it was more than enough to help me and clarify my identity to them. At least they wouldn't think I was a 'self-claimed future king' anymore.

After that explanation, the opposing demons began to decrease and I was able to go to the place where she locked Letos' wives. Still did not mean they were satisfied with it, they were still waiting for the king's clarification himself since only the king had the right to appoint his successor. But Lilieth reasoned that Lord Damon was busy taking care of some urgent matters and could only give his clarification in a few days.

As for the other demon lords, even though I wanted to attack the other three, I decided to restrain myself due to Lord Damon's state. Licheri was still in chaos and Lord Damon passed out. The capital could only depend on Lilieth. Even though Nefaris was here, I was not sure the lust demons would listen to her since she was not their kind. Moreover, she had no involvement with Lord Damon's royal family.

Since it was too risky to attack them now. What I could do was use my Evil Eye to spy on them. Besides I was pretty sure none of them would dare attack us either since all of them just fought with Letos. I bet they would choose to run or hide.

Once we entered the basement, Sarael greeted me with a sneer.

"Looking good, kiddo." Immediately, he walked over to my side.

"I watched you on TV. You really end him gloriously," he added. It sounded like a mix between a mockery and a compliment.

I grinned innocently.

“Thanks,” I said without stopping my steps, passing through the rows of empty cells.

“Anyway, why did you come here?” asked Sarael. His arrogant tone reminded me of Lord Damon.

"I want to check Letos' wives and subordinates," I replied in a casual tone.

“Checking his wives and subordinates?” he scoffed. "Isn't it too late for that?" he added sarcastically.

I turned to him.

"Huh?" A frown on my forehead showed my confusion clearly.

“Wait, you came here to check on them? Not to collect their belongings?” Nefaris added with the same confusion as me.

"Why? I don't want to rob them,” I retorted.

“Let me get this straight. So, you just want to check them? Make sure they're okay?" he made sure.

"Yes. What else? I also want to give them a good offer,” I answered. They were indeed my prisoners, but Letos was dead. So I wanted to talk to them or rather give them a choice that would determine their fate. So either they wanted to be my servants or rot in prison. And I hoped they chose the first option. I was sure their power would be useful for my next battles. Besides, I had that Servant's Sigil skill now. So they wouldn't be able to betray me.

Rather than them, it was Tania who answered me.

“Damian, why are you here?” she asked in confusion.

"I want to---" My words stopped. So did my steps since we had arrived at our destination. I couldn't hide my shock from my face once I looked at the empty cell which was covered by a strong barrier. It only contained Letos' wives' jewelry and some man's accessories. Some piles of ash showed what had happened to them.

“—give them an offer…” I continued in a much lower, slower voice.



Well, duh, Letos would be a sore loser. It's probably common for incubi to do this, lest their wives become concubines for their killer. Great chapters Nana chan!


True and spending so much time with a scheming backstabbing demon like him I'm sure he rubbed off on them a bit which is something you don't want to keep around you. Also I feel like Succubus should be happy with this change they have truly suffered under Letos if I was Damian I would hold a press conference and tell them that there is nothing to fear now and Succubus won't be treated like they have been also I would set it up and track down all of Letos loyal followers who have been enslaving the Succubus along with Letos, so obviously I'm talking about incubus but not all I'm sure not all of them were like Letos. Damian needs to do a complete overhaul of his domain. Start recruiting some of the oppressed Succubus to his side to help him manage it and be his aids. We know Damian rather work with females anyway lol I guess it will become a lot easier after the King makes his speech to clear any doubt. Ahhhh I can't wait for more chapters it's so hard after just finishing binge reading lol


You know when I first read this, I was truly hooked on it. The character development was truly amazing from watching Ethan/Damian grow into this person can be sweet or your worst nightmare but he knows how too make a point but I got too wonder would anyone but willing too betray Ethan/Damian so he can understand that the world can be cruel or would that change him too be more cruel then kind. It is a thought process but something that has happened too his other dead father and the other father that is king. (sorry I can't really remember both his father's names) Thank you Author for your amazing story, just watching it come alive just makes that much real. PS. Remember the fourth wall