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Seven Sins System Chapter 85. Someone in My Locker

I was deep in thought for a few minutes. But I couldn't think of anything.

Deciding to cancel my skill, I used my scan to retrieve the evidence.

[Evidence number 5 has been found. A mysterious holy magic formation in front of the gate.]

But this time instead of leaving the evidence alone, I took it with me. Then I opened my wings and flew to my room. It was the best choice since the academy building had turned into ruins.

As I slipped through the balcony and entered my room, I canceled all my demonic features and put the board in my drawer. Then I snapped my fingers to cancel my Shadow Space.

The dome shattered into pieces and returned me to the real mortal world.

I swept my gaze once more to make sure there were no spies in my room before I was teleported to one of the toilet stalls in the changing room.

Opening the door, I swept my gaze around to make sure no one was there.

"Good," I muttered.

Putting on my innocent face, I walked to the exit. But when I passed the row of lockers. I felt someone was watching me and it was coming from my locker.

I stopped my steps.

‘This annoying paladin surely doesn't know when to stop, doesn't he?' I guessed. I didn't understand how he could squeeze his big body into my locker. On the bright side, since it was just the two of us here, I could get rid of him forever.

In the Shadow realm, I usually asked my stalker to come out by himself. Since human instincts were not as sharp as demons, I had to pretend as if I accidentally found him.

"Oh, right. I need to take that,” I muttered loudly so he could hear me. I turned and walked towards my locker. But in the middle of it, I realized it wasn't Theo. This man's breath sounded softer. Since this was the boy's changing room, I put my bet on one of the trio.

I opened the locker and couldn't hide my surprise when I found out who she was.

"Evie? What are you doing here?" It was a genuine reaction since I thought it was Barry or one of the boys. They had done it once before out of a joke.

But from Evie's reaction, I didn't think she did it to prank me. The question was, what was she doing in the boy's changing room? Even though she was my stalker, she was mostly silent so I never thought she would go this far.

“Um… I just wanted to check on you,” she said in a trembling voice. Her shame and guilt were evident in her tone since I caught her red-handed.

"This is the boy's changing room," I reminded her even though I was sure she knew it.

"I-I know," she stammered as she got out of the locker.

"I'm a little worried. Besides…” Her words trailed off. Instead, she decided to press her lips.

"Besides?" I asked her to continue.

"I sensed something strange about you. So I decided to check you out," she continued, bending her head down.

Upon her statement, I decided to ask more questions.

"Can you explain more?" I closed the locker on her side and put my hand right on the side of her head. My eyes fixed on her were filled with seriousness.

'Did she see me when I showed up out of nowhere?' I thought.

She curled in intimidation.

"I-It's just my instinct, doc. Didn't I say I'm a little sensitive and can feel other people's emotions since childhood?” she reminded me with the same stammering voice. She didn't even dare to look at me.

"I remember that. That's why I wanted to know more. Can I?" I wouldn't just let it go this time.

“What do you want to know, doc?”

"Look at me," I demanded.

And she did what I demanded. I could see her trembling eyes clearly. Her emotions overwhelmed her for whatever reason.

"Now tell me, what do you mean by 'strange'?" I asked once again.

At the same time, I called one of my tentacles.

‘Envy.’ Yes, since I knew asking would be futile, I decided to read her mind.

It came out in the form of a small snake from my back, crawled through my sleeve, and appeared at the end.

“It-It's a little hard to explain, doc. I don't think you'll understand," she replied.

I smiled.

"It's fine. Just tell me as best you can."

I shifted my hand from the locker closer to the back of her neck. But when it almost stuck to her skin, the knocking sound came from the door,

We were startled and turned to the door in reflex. My tentacles were back on my sleeve.

“What made you so long, Evie? Did something happen?” Claire's voice came from the outside.

"I'm fine, Claire," Evie shouted.

I took my hand away from her.

"You came with, Claire?" I asked. My envy tentacle's side effect could confuse the target for a while. If I used it now, Claire would suspect me that I had done something inappropriate to Evie.

"Yes. She was also worried about you so we decided to check on you together. But she didn't want to come in. She said it was inappropriate. It's the boy's changing room after all," she explained with a blushing face.

"I also thought the same thing, that's why I hid in your locker," she added. While that made sense, the fact that she knew my locker meant she knew a lot about me.

"Why didn't you ask the boys to do it?" I asked straight to the point.

“Uh… about that…” Her doubt was starting to show on her face. “They went to the cafeteria.”

"What?!" I half shouted in shock.

Due to my shout, Claire decided to come in.

“What happened, Dr---” Her words stopped and her face turned pale as soon as Claire noticed my death glare


“How dare they run away from my training…” I hissed in anger. As long as I led the military training, not a single demon dared to escape it. But those mortals trio... How dared they ditch the training and go to the cafeteria! This was an insult!

“You two return to the battle arena now. I'll pick up the boys." Without further ado, I walked to the exit.

"Yes, sir," they answered.



The trio of boys are going to soon wish they were never born.