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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 86. Hectic Morning II

The Inn Owner took a glance at us and the Lizardmen to find out what he should say to the guards about last night's incident and since no one had raised his voice or replied, including us. He decided to end this matter as it was.

"Don't worry. The quarrel has been settled, sir," said The Inn Owner as he turned to the guards. He tried to smile as best as he could which in the end only made him smile awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" asked the guard in disbelief. Without waiting for the Inn Owner's answer, the guard turned to The Baron.
"Is there anything we can do to help, My Lord?" he made sure. Then he turned his gaze to us.

"We don't want any trouble in this place and just want to solve your problem peacefully, good sir," added another guard. Still... Despite their typical Dragon Tribe's warriors' gallant figures and polite demeanour, their stance suggested something else. Since their hands were near the swords on their waists, indicating they were ready to counter any attack that suddenly came to them. I guessed they already realized how bad it was from this room atmosphere.

"There's nothing to worry about. It was just a misunderstanding. We've solved our issue," The Baron decided to answer the guards since I was sure he'd already decided to take this problem to the Lizard King. If he decided to settle it here, then it would be considered finished. But since his defeat hurt his pride, he wanted my death as payment.

Still, the guards hadn't moved from their position and turned their gazes to us, demanding an explanation from us directly.
"As he said, sir. It was just a misunderstanding. Nothing to worry about," I said casually.

"Fine. But if you have a problem, please let us know. We will settle it properly." Finally, they gave up. Although his voice sounded calm, his eyes were looking at us with seriousness.

We replied with a simple node. While the Baron snorted displeased in reply.

After that reply, the guards exited the Inn.

Since we also finished our breakfast, we stood up from our seats and walked towards the Inn Owner who was standing behind the bar. After all, the sooner we get out of here, the better.

"That will be 10 coppers, sir," said the Inn Owner.

Eir immediately took out his money bag and placed the payment on the counter. Unlike before, we had prepared the money including copper coins.

"Just remember, our business isn't finished yet," The Baron said suddenly without looking at us.

I turned to The Baron and smiled.
"Do you think I'm afraid?" I said in a relaxed tone.

A burst of arrogant laughter escaped his mouth which was followed by the other Lizardmen's arrogant smiles.

But instead angry, I replied with a small laugh that gradually grew like his laughter. Even though it sounded as if I was mocking him, it was hilarious for me since I knew what he was about to do would bring him to his end.

Then The Baron stopped laughing, stood up from his seat and glared at me angrily.
"Fool! You don't know what will happen to you!" he roared furiously.

I stopped my laughter and smirked.
"Same goes for you." After those words left my mouth, I walked out of the Inn with the others since I didn't want to prolong this anymore.

As we got out of there, I could hear the Baron's cursing shouts behind me, but paid no heed to him.

"Let me take our Yegauns, sir," said Eir.

"It's fine. Let's get it together," I said. Rather than waiting here and restraining myself from beating the Baron, I decided to follow Eir. Besides, I was a little uncomfortable with the villagers' gazes who passed us since my fire skill was rare.

"As you-- I mean, okay," Eir immediately replaced his formal sentence with another. We walked through the alley on the side of the Inn before reaching the stable which was guarded by a pale-faced Inn guard. Near him, our Yegauns folded their legs with heavy breaths. Their faces were pale. It was clear, they were dying.
'I forgot about our mounts!' I thought. Just from their conditions, I was sure the Lizardmen had poisoned them.

Our feet moved quickly towards the stable and jumped over the wooden fence.
"Evelina!" I ordered. Without answering, she immediately used her Dispel to remove the poison in our mounts' body and used her Healing Skill.

The light from Evelina's palm enveloped our mounts. A second later, our mounts' breathing began to return to normal and since their HP was full again, their energy also started to return.

"I-It's not my fault, sir. I swear. They were already like this when I arrived," the Inn Guard said in a stammering voice in panic and fear even though we hadn't said anything. Not even a glare.

Even though I knew it wasn't him, my expression was filled with anger, which made his courage shrivel. In fear and guilt, he ran out of the stable without saying anything.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists in anger as I looked at my mounts. It took us at least half an hour before their condition returned to normal.

"Sir, are you sure you still want to stay quiet?" asked Eir with the same anger.

"They are unforgivable!" said Jyne with the same expression. And the same with Evelina.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down so I could think clearly. My eyes swept around me, especially at the Mad Boars who were next to our stable. I wanted revenge, but I couldn't do it directly since that would only blow my cover.

An idea popped into my head.
"I think I know what we have to do," I smirked. And I was sure it would be interesting.

"What is your plan?" Evelina asked. She was sure I already had a plan to take care of the Lizardmen.

I swept my gaze around us, making sure there was no one else around us with my Dragon Vision before waving my hand forward to ask them to come closer. As I whispered to explain my plan, their smiles grew.

"That's a good idea, sir," said Eir excitedly. Of course, this was a good idea since this would leave them stranded in the middle of snow territory.

"We have to do it now," I said.



Good chapter!! Looking forward to his plan!!


Just curious when next chapters are coming out as we didn't get any last week