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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 19. The Wedding Celebration I

The sun had set, the evening sky looked clear at Luminus City. The stars glittered in the sky, people laughed, danced and chatted at the City Square accompanied by live music with some tables filled with bite-side food, cake and warm drinks for the civilians. It was even more vibrant and lively than the last New year celebration since this party celebrated two important events at once. Not to mention, the big compensation their king got from the war and that was not even half of it. Zephyrus still owed him half of its compensation and Asteria had not paid any of it.

Meanwhile, in the White Moon Castle's dining hall, a long table complete with the finest silverware and glass tableware had been prepared there. The servants, who were standing behind every seat there, ensured every guest got the best service. All seats in the room were already filled with important guests, such as other kingdoms' delegates and several important nobles, including Draconis and Asteria who sent their Dukes. The only delegation that didn't come was from Zephyrus since the Kingdom's state had not stabilized from the rebellion yet.

After all, King Eudon needed all the remaining aristocrats' support to stabilize his Kingdom's state after he and Angel executed many nobles who had betrayed the Heart family. All the clothes and dresses they wore were the best clothes that clearly show their status. They sat neatly, occasionally turning to one side and talking to one another. While the other guests had filled the main hall. The atmosphere was very vibrant, all guests chatted with each other. The topic was either about the king's victory or about the sudden wedding.

"The King and his wife have arrived!" An announcement from a guard made all the guests in the room stand up from their seats and turn at the door.

As the door opened and the royal couple entered the room, everyone's eyes fell on both of them. But what they focused on was a different matter. The other kingdoms' nobles focused their attention on Angel, the king who was more suitable to be called an Emperor now since he had conquered the other three kingdoms. Even though today he was wearing the white wedding suit not his usual black uniform and despite today being his wedding day, his cold expression remained the same.

His dignity and majestic aura were clear as soon as he stepped his foot in the room. As well as a bit of an eerie feeling that hit their hearts, considering he got his victory in just a short time by using unbelievable strategies that they had never thought of before. Some of it even sounded absurd and crazy yet he managed to get his victory by it. Although his reasons for the war were clear and he had clear evidence for it, he had proven that he was more than capable of conquering other kingdoms in a short time. At the same time, he could maintain his kingdom's stability and security. Also made all the nobles support his decision. Not to mention he could move quickly to lead one war to another.

Right now, maybe he was only doing that to avenge his kingdom and get rid of any potential threats to it, but who knew he might decide to attack another kingdom for no reason later. Besides, he had the power and resources for it. That's what made other kingdoms' nobles pay attention to him and were curious about that king.

Meanwhile, Euphorion high nobles focused their attention on the king's wife. Princess Rose Ambrosia Heart. The first woman who made their cold heart King decided to end his single life even though the marriage was based on political interests. They knew although Angel always prioritized his kingdom over his personal interests, no one could force him for his private life, so they were curious about the woman who could make the king decide to tie himself with this marriage. Even though they knew Euphorion needed a successor to the throne, they believed that Rose had a valuable ability that made Angel take that decision. Moreover, they had heard how Prince Ilex of Asteria and Prince Artheur of Draconis were fighting over her.

The Euphorion's nobles stared at the woman standing beside their king. Although there was a bit of nervousness on her elegant face, the king's appearance and aura did not overwhelm her or dim her attractiveness. That was what made her suitable to walk side by side with who they called to be the strongest king of the Andromeda Continent. Her dignity was evident from her face and gaze, showing that she was not a woman who spent much of her time socializing or gossiping with noblewomen. And with her lineage as a royal family, she was actually more suited to being a queen than her current status was, but no one dared to speak up. Not because they were afraid of Angel, but because a queen from another kingdom meant that their daughter or sister would lose their chance to get the second-highest position in Euphorion.


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